This application was ACCEPTED.
NAME: Jennifer
CURRENT CHARACTERS, if any: Sha Gojyo/Smoke
CHARACTER NAME: Lady Tsuri of Veluna; prior names include Dame-Sister Bishoujo Matsuri, Tsuri, Matsuri The Marked, Matsuri The White, Matsuri The Saved, Matsuri The Incorruptible
PERSONALITY: Tsuri (often pronounced "soo-ree") is a holy woman, devoted to doing the work of her god on the material plane. She upholds the law, does any good deed she can, and spends her excess money on continuing the traditions she was raised in. However, she was not always entirely focused on isolation - in fact, all of her combat training came from world traveling during her younger years.
Tsuri wears two hats, essentially. First is that of a devout monk, skilled in hand-to-hand combat, as well as neutralizing an enemy without killing them. She was taught resilience to magical forces and all manner of poisons alike. She was educated in religious thought and perception. On the other hand, she is also newly knighted. She was retrained to wear armor, wield a shield, and attack with all manner of basic weaponry. She was taught how to ride a horse, how to heal her companions, and how to draw on the power of her god directly to smite her enemies. Rarely does Tsuri get to exercise both talents at one time.
When it comes down to it, though, Tsuri remembers the three tenants of her god, Rao: Peace, Reason, and Serenity. She attempts to broker peace between disagreeing parties and explains her position as reasonably as possible. If that doesn't work, she maintains a calm, serene mindset all throughout combat as she attempts to put down insurgents without killing them - basically, to never get into bloodlust or attack without just cause. Of course, there are villainous entities that are beyond salvation - and Tsuri has no qualms killing them. Both in and out of combat, she is slow to anger - but when her fury is unleashed, there is no stopping her. That was a personality trait that took years to cultivate, as explained in her background section.
Between the Knights of Salvation and the Brotherhood of the Vale, Tsuri was taught perception above all else - how to tell when someone is lying, how to hear someone sneaking up behind you, and how to see the hidden trap door in the corner of a room. She is not very book-learned at all, nor is she very street-smart. However, she has performed over one hundred missions in the field and, as a result, has learned the art of diplomacy - how to get the answers she needs from informants, whether willing or unwilling.
Unfortunately, the fact remains that Tsuri did not grow up among children her own age. She grew up in a monastery, surrounded by old men. She is oblivious to flirtations and has difficulty "hanging out" with people her own age. She is extremely stubborn, which is to say that her desire to do good and her desire to follow the law are sometimes at odds with one another. She will eventually choose to do what is good, but will later attempt to atone for breaking the law by coming clean and straightening things out, then facing the consequences, much to the chagrin of many of the morally ambiguous people she has worked with in the past.
If you asked Tsuri, she'd say she'd rather work on her own. However, the fact is that she does not possess all of the skills that her job as an adventurer requires, and as a result must often work in a group. She is dependent on authority in that regard, because she would have rather someone hand her a job to do and not bother asking questions. She trusts authority, which is not always the best policy in the world of Greyhawk, or at least outside of her home country of The Archclericy of Veluna, formally a theocracy.
BACKGROUND: Tsuri was formally dubbed "Bishoujo Matsuri" (Fair Festival) by the monks who trained her as a child. Marked by a number of significant events that layered each of many phases one on top of the other, this matured her into the character I intend to play in Edensphere. As a very small child, she was wild, unruly, and the biggest tomboy in the Lorridge Mountains. She ate when she pleased, wandered as far as she wanted, and usually came back dirty and bruised from getting into fights with animals or other children. Finally, her parents asked the monks of a nearby abbey to take care of their daughter for awhile, to see if they would have any luck in utilizing the divine power of Rao to soothe her. The monks tried lecturing her, tried getting her to read their books, and even tried teaching her how to chant, but nothing worked.
One day when she was around age 8, the monastery was attacked by what Matsuri remembers as "giant monster-frogs" - they were actually
Slaadi, a race of Outsiders, one of only many invasion forces that had beset Veluna in the past, and would continue to do so throughout Matsuri's lifetime. Of course, Matsuri was afraid for her life and to this day is deathly afraid of frogs, other amphibians, and particularly slimy reptilians. The monks quickly rallied and dispatched the slaadi with an impressive display of martial skills. Surprisingly, the monks won Matsuri's respect by defeating the Slaadi, and this began the second period in Matsuri's life: her training as a monk.
Unfortunately, her "wild streak" hadn't been completely tamed yet, and Matsuri was anxious to try out her new skills on evildoers - nevermind the fact that she hadn't yet learned how to pick such people out of a crowd. She left her hometown at age 16 for Veluna City and Greyhawk City. She stopped in the city of Tristor, where rumors of a haunting brought her face to face with druids, sorcerers, and other Adventurers like herself. Together, they put down the monsters haunting the town, but Matsuri quickly became a little bitter that she had not been as effective as the Monks had been against the Slaadi. In Devarnish, she fought cultists of the Death God Nerull and became deputized in Falls Ridge for helping put a couple of petty thieves behind bars. She soon learned of the rivalry between the Iron Rings Consortium and the Brendigund Merchant House in the trade capital of Mitrik. After being given a Sacred Quest from Rao, her faith in her own abilities was
renewed - she could actually help protect her country from invading forces of Demons and Devils. Before long, she also came into contact with zombies, ogres, were-creatures, and a Bulette that her group managed to kill in 18 seconds (3 rounds). The first man she killed was Lord Melendril of Jarl, who had been feeding trade routes to bandits. She helped free slaves from the Pomarj, an orc-run country. She even managed to successfully "stun" a Great Wyrm and a Fire Giant for 6 seconds. She finally piqued the interest of the famed Brotherhood of the Vale, a monastic order in the Veluna region, and was allowed to join. During this time, Matsuri reveled in her battle scars - four scars from this time remain on her body - and ties to various important people throughout Veluna, since she could not brandish magical weapons or wear shiny armor. All the same, she never passed up an opportunity to prove herself as a capable member of a strike force. Her skills at
diplomacy were minimal to say the least.
It was in the third year of her travels that another event changed Matsuri's life forever. As part of a recovery team, Matsuri entered the Ghost Tower of Inverness. At the top, there was a crystal designed to protect the tower. When a person was bathed in the crystal's light, that person was assaulted with a mental attack as the crystal tried to imprison the person inside of itself forever. However, when Matsuri was attacked by the crystal, she drew on all of her training and repelled the crystal's power to the shock of her adventuring group. There was a side affect, though: Matsuri had been bleached white by the crystal. Her hair became silver, her eyes changed to pinkish red, and her skin was drained of color to look stark white. She still carries with her (in her canon) all of the items that were on her person at the time she was bleached, and they are completely white as well.
This was the first time that Tsuri had lasting, tangible evidence for the strength of her power. She returned to the Brotherhood with an epiphany about her personal journey and how it related to her devotion to Rao, her training as a monk, and doing good works in the world. Her "luck" changed forever. She was inducted into the Knights of Salvation by special invitation - a rare thing for a worshiper in the Church of Rao who had not been trained as a Paladin. She was soon blessed with The Will of Rao, a gift from Bishop Rinken of the Church of Rao for infiltrating an enemy camp and bringing back strategic elements. She started gaining even more important relationships that would lead to valuable boons such as resurrection, instant teleportation, monetary breaks invarious cities, and even salvation from imminent destruction - all of that in addition to various items that would help her in her journey, such as her favored adamantine butterfly sword that was
imbued with holy power.
After she faked defeat in combat against a
Dakon (a six-limbed ape-like humanoid) whose tribe was being imprisoned by the Flan of Tenh, one of their number accompanied her for the next year. His name was Fel'Cheten-kin, and he became an accomplished Spellsword (wizard and warrior, using weapons as a conduit for magical energy) alongside "Matsuri the Saved". They parted ways in friendship, as "Cheten" felt he had completed his service to his savior and Tsuri was glad to see him embarking on a life of freedom. Later that year, she became "Dame-Sister Tsuri", as she had by that time demonstrated enough moral qualities as a Knight Errant to became a full-fledged Knight of Salvation.
This began the next phase in Matsuri's life as she became a true holy warrior in the cause of defending her country and its people. People who had contacted her in the past for missions - seemingly random at the time - called upon her again for follow-up missions that ended up bringing the true purposes of dark forces to the public eye and culminating in epic battles, not all of them fought on the field. Tsuri recovered a key from a pool of acid in the name of Zagyg, a lesser god of magic and chaos. She successfully navigated a maze-like stronghold devoted to the god Tharzidun, Lord of Destruction. She helped defend Whitehale Diocese and was gifted with land there. She unintentionally earned the notice of the Earth Elemental Prince Ogremoch by refusing to deal with neither devils (Tanar'ri) nor demons (Baatezu), thereby gaining more reputation with the Brotherhood of the Vale. She became a Hero of Fals Keep during the battle to reclaim the stronghold and
secure the western flank in the war to protect Veluna. After foiling the efforts of the pit fiend Faarzephon and refusing to strike a deal with him, Matsuri earned the pit fiend's emnity and oath of revenge - to kill all of her friends and family. However, for upholding her morals and committing no evil acts, the Pinnacles of Azor'Alq sent the angel Altanael to keep "everything [she] holds dear" under celestial protection. She even gained notice by the College of the Divine and College of the Arcane in Veluna City for fighting off the undead forces of the lich Herion, "The Heretic". This included activating the Shrine of Reason using the Holy Sword of Rao. For taking on the duties of an enfeebled paladin of Rao in charge of using the Holy Sword of Rao, Matsuri also earned the boon of The Church of Rao and the sentient Holy Sword to craft a similar sword, imbued with the holy avenger power. Unfortunately, Matsuri knew that she could not
effectively wield a sword in battle... but that would change.
After she was finished trekking through the Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth, fighting
grell (paralyzing poison at the end of each barb is the least of your worries) and
illithid (the psychic Underdark-dwellers that like to suck out brains to gain power), Matsuri had her personal spirituality and self-esteem rocked to the core for the better. She had the good fortune to come in contact with a paladin's bonded mount that been forcibly removed from his pact by virtue of the paladin dying. As a result, the mount, "Palanor", was searching for a new master to bond with. To Matsuri's great surprise, Palanor told her that she had the potential to become a paladin - that she already had the soul of one. She immediately sought training from the Knights of Salvation in preparation for the upcoming battles, to
destroy Herion and his hoards of followers (demons, devils, undead, abberations, etc.), thereby saving Veluna from their evil forever.
Then another surprise came to Matsuri. During one of her many battles, they uncovered a long-lost military fortification that had been sanctified to Rao. Dubbed the "Bastion of Faith", it needed a LOT of money to repair it. Instead of offering to pay a portion of the repair costs, Matsuri offered to BUY the Bastion, the land it was on, and pay for its yearly upkeep. She also went to the Brotherhood of the Vale and offered to make the Bastion a new headquarters for training Brotherhood monks, since the outsider hordes had trashed the Yatil Mountains, where the Brotherhood headquarters had been previously. It reminded Tsuri too much of when the Slaadi had attacked the monastery in her hometown as a child. In exchange for her kindness, she was dubbed "Lady Tsuri of Veluna" henceforth, blessed by Canon Priffin Truft of the Church of Veluna, and finally rewarded with her holy avenger sword after saving up to offset the crafting costs. Not long after
saving Castle Sepher, Matsuri found herself at the crossroads of destiny, Rauxes, and asked if she would help save Veluna from the last thing plaguing the country in the wake of the war with Herion: wave after wave of wildmagic resulting from the banishment of so many outsiders.
Unfortunately, there was little she could do except lend her support in defending Veluna's borders from the Bastion of Faith. Her self-esteem plummeted quickly, buoyed only by the progress of her students as pupils of the Brotherhood of the Vale. While the wizards and clerics did their research on how to counteract the wildmagic waves, gaining power from the experiences, the "Lady Tsuri" stagnated. She will be 53 years old when she arrives in Edensphere - more than 27 years since she last stretched the limits of her abilities as either a Monk or a Paladin in fulfilling her Sacred Quest for Rao. The calm that Matsuri will display as a result of her years of wisdom is actually quite shallow. Beneath that, Lady Tsuri is still quite unfulfilled and greatly desires to prove herself once again - to Rao, to the Brotherhood, to the Knights, or maybe even just to herself.
Most of these ability explanations are modified based on their definitions in the
Hypertext d20 SRD, or the Online Standard Reference Document for the d20 Dungeons and Dragons system, version 3.5. I would like to make it clear that this is a comprehensive list of all of Matsuri's powers / spells / abilities, not that she will ever USE all of her Static powers or that she will ever remember ALL of her Unlockable powers. However, as an OC, I wanted to make Matsuri's reference list as exhaustive as possible and to "translate" the effects of her powers from D&D terms to text-based LJ RPG terms. This will be especially helpful if Matsuri ever teaches "maneuvers" / abilities to other characters. Basically, Matsuri is an exceptionally good
Monk (Level 17), but she is still in the midst of her training as a
Paladin (Level 3). If Matsuri does do any "advancement" or "leveling up" during the game, I will assume she takes new levels of the Paladin class. Adding levels to her Paladin class will not add to her "effectiveness" as a character nearly as much as if she leveled in her Monk class. [[Effective Stats, Strength = 16, Dexterity = 16, Constitution = 16, Intelligence = 10, Wisdom = 30, Charisma = 12]]
Ki Strike:
[ki energy attacks] accompanied by
[unarmed strike]. This is Matsuri's standard means of attack, which is why I wanted to link its original definition.
--- Matsuri's fists are treated as magical weapons, imbued with the trait of "lawfulness", for the purposes of attacking demons, devils, and some other evil creatures. As a force of law, her righteous strikes also do significantly more damage on each hit to creatures of chaos. Her fists are as effective as adamantine (stone), meaning she can sunder (metal) weapons, armor, and other objects (wood, bone, etc.) with any unarmed attack (fist, food, head, elbow, etc.).
--- When attacking an opponent, her fists feel like three times the force of a large bastard sword (such as Cloud's from FFVII) - critically effective attacks (ones that strike vital organs) feel like roughly five times the force of the same sword. Her base attack values for "flurrying" with her unarmed attacks are +18, meaning she can make three attacks with her normal accuracy value (18), then three additional strikes with less accuracy (+13 and +8). When attacking with any weapon not designed for a monk, such as swords, Matsuri can only make three attacks, all with decreasing accuracy (+18, +13, +8). Basically, the strikes with +13 and +8 values usually do not hit, but make it clear just how fast Matsuri can attack in a single "round" (a unit of time measuring 6 seconds). The "full value" attacks hit about 75% of the time against opponents without magical items to protect them, and 50% of the time against protected opponents. Heavily prepared
opponents can drop this percentage to 25%, while unprepared opponents are likely to be hit by all of Matsuri's attacks.
--- [UNLOCKABLE OPTION] Matsuri can choose to stun opponents for one "round" (6 seconds), but must mentally declare this intent before attempting to strike an opponent. It is extremely difficult to resist this stunning fist (or any other unarmed attack), and Matsuri can attempt to do this 17 times per day, once per "round" (6 seconds). However, a "stunned" character can still defend themselves - they just can't attack her back, and are slightly easier to hit because they lose some ability to dodge attacks. Instead of stunning a character, Matsuri can choose to expend a "stun attempt" and place a weakening touch on her opponent, drastically reducing their strength, but not crippling them completely (unless they weren't that strong to begin with). Matsuri cannot "stun" and "weaken" in the same round.
--- Lastly, Matsuri's attacks are always treated as "subdual" damage, or bludgeoning blows that cannot physically kill an opponent, only knock them out. She must actively choose to make her attacks "lethal" [UNLOCKABLE OPTION], but does not suffer a reduction in accuracy or damage either way.
Tongue of the Sun and Moon: Matsuri can speak with any living creature. This includes any sentient plants or animals, and does not include the ability to read those same languages, or comprehend the languages she is using. Thus, she could speak to Bernard in the aquarium, but she could not say what the word for "hello" is in "octopus language", nor could she write it out for someone.
Diamond Soul: Matsuri has "spell resistance 30", or the ability to completely negate magical attacks. In order to affect Matsuri with a spell, Edensphere spellcasters must actively attempt to penetrate her extraordinary defenses - it's probably a 50% chance for characters that have been around for awhile, but closer to a 75% chance for someone as powerful as Lezard. This also works to Matsuri's detriment, because if someone needs to cast a helpful spell on her (including healing) then she must knowingly lower her spell resistance [UNLOCKABLE OPTION]. To be very clear, this does not mean that Matsuri can never be affected by magic, only that it is very difficult to do so and requires extra concentration on the part of the spellcaster.
Diamond Body, Purity of Body, & Divine Health, or just Divine Health: Matsuri is immune to all poisons and diseases, including supernatural and magical diseases.
Still Mind & Divine Grace: All monks are trained to resist enchantment spells and effects, but this is only a minor bonus compared to standard ways to resist magical compulsions. Paldins gain their charisma bonus to resist all magical effects, insight to avoid traps, etc. (Note: +18/+15/+21 base saves, or out of 25 as 72%/60%/84%)
Aura of Courage: As a paladin, Matsuri is immune to fear (magical or otherwise). Each ally within 10 feet of her gains a morale bonus against fear effects. This ability functions while she is conscious, but not if she is unconscious or dead.
Aura of Good: The power of a paladin’s aura of good (see the
detect good spell) is equal to her paladin level (5, i.e. pretty weak). However, this is palpable enough for similar aura-detection powers to notice her.
Fast Movement: Matsuri can move without breaking a sweat at a speed of 140 feet within a 6 second period, or 23.2 feet per second, all the while dodging obstacles in her path and still doing something when she's done moving, such as attacking or using an item. If she is rushing in a single direction without anything in her way, she can double this speed to 280 feet (or 46.67 feet per second). If she's doing a flat-out run, she can move at 420 feet per 6 seconds, or 70 feet per second, but can only do this for short periods of time - approximately 4 rounds, or 24 seconds. A monk in armor or carrying a medium or heavy load loses this extra speed.
Improved Evasion: Matsuri is extremely adept at dodging magical and mundane projectiles thrown at her, avoiding traps beneath her feet, and keeping her balance. Often, she is able to completely avoid taking damage from such things, but her instincts move her body so fast that she wll only take half damage even if she didn't fully dodge the attack. If Matsuri is helpless, she does not gain the benefit of improved evasion.
Timeless Body: Matsuri looks like she is 26, despite having lived for 53 years. She suffers no physical penalties from old age, but she will still die when her time is up.
Abundant Step: Matsuri can slip magically between spaces within 800 feet of her starting location, as if using the spell
dimension door, once per day. Her caster level for this effect is 10, which allows her to bring up to 2 people (willing) with her as long as she is touching them - large creatures count as 2 people. This is very dangerous to do when Matsuri doesn't know where she's going, because she can be randomly transported to nearby areas if the place that she tries to "step" into is already occupied (by a building, a person, etc.). If there is no place free within 100 feet, all travelers suffer a small amount of magical damage. If there is no place free within 1,000 feet of that area, all travelers suffer an additional amount of more severe magical damage and are then shunted back to their starting place. Matsuri must always take 3-6 seconds to re-orient herself after
using this ability - basically that she can't use it and then move again, or attack, or use an item, etc.
Wholeness of Body: Matsuri can heal her own wounds. She can heal 40 hit points of damage; that's the equivalent of making a fatal injury into a critical injury, setting a broken limb, and healing the sum total of wounds accrued in one-on-one battle - or about 10 knife-wound cuts. She can do "40 points" each day, and she can spread this healing out among several uses.
Smite Evil: Twice per day, Matsuri may attempt to smite evil with one normal melee attack. She adds only 1 point in her extra effort to attack an enemy, but she deals 20 additional points of damage (about the force of two normal hits from her unarmed Ki Strike, or one critical Ki Strike). If the paladin accidentally smites a creature that is not evil, the smite has no effect, but one charge is still used up for that day.
Lay on Hands: Each day, Matsuri can heal a total number of hit points of damage equal to her paladin level × her Charisma bonus. Without her special cloak, this is 3 points - or a few minor cuts. A paladin may choose to divide her healing among multiple recipients, and she doesn’t have to use it all at once. Alternatively, a paladin can use any or all of this healing power to deal damage to undead creatures as a touch attack that doesn't provoke an attack of opportunity. The paladin decides how many of her daily allotment of points to use as damage after successfully touching an undead creature.
Detect Evil: At will, Matsuri can use
detect evil, as the spell. Note that being a low-level spell, this detection power can also be misdirected, blocked, resisted, etc. The range is also extremely limited by solid objects.
BIRTHDAY LOG:yes please! If only so I have ONE character with a sibling ;~;
She was running along a rough, barely used road. It looked like it was in a valley with mountains all around. As she kept running, she noticed that everything was in greyscale. She checked her arm - she was the only thing in color. She clenched her fist, gritted her teeth, and kept going, as fast as she could.
Obstacles started to get in her way - shadowy figures that she somehow sensed weren't her allies. She tried kicking and punching the figures out of her way - some went down easy, some were much harder to take down, but she always returned to her road and kept running.
Then a voice started speaking out loud, one that wasn't hers, but she recognized as warm and reliable - someone to be respected. "Now fair one, remember that peace has always been the primary goal of [a "guu-app" sound, like a long croaking note]."
As he spoke, she tried to push farther, avoiding some of the figures by jumping over them.
"However, it is quite difficult to reason with many people in this world - and other beings as well."
Other beings? As if summoned by her thoughts, a long black creature surged upward from the road, coming straight towards her with a silent, gaping maw. Clenching her fists once more, she jumped high and punched the thing between the eyes, grinning with joy when it stopped moving entirely, as if midway through crying out in pain.
"That is why Serenity is the most important tenet to [a short
"ribbit" this time] and his followers."
I still don't understa- AH!
As she was jumping over one of the hurdles, a huge white sheet flew up into her face and started suffocating her. She kept trying to take deep breaths, but it didn't help soothe her. She tried kicking and punching her way out, but that didn't do anything either. She tried moving forwards or backwards, but she couldn't see her road anymore.
Finally, she closed her eyes and just started thinking... [A horse neighed in excitement] And it was like a well had opened up inside her, a slow, bubbling fountain of warm water coming from the core of her body and extending to each arm, leg, and coallescing in her head. When she opened her eyes, the sheet was gone. In its place, the whole world looked different now. She felt different now - lighter and more focused. Looking down at her arm, she noticed how much paler she herself was now. Pulling at her hair, she noticed it was bleached silver too. That's when she realized that while the color had drained from her, the world was a myriad of vibrant colors now.
It was easier to move now - she could jump higher, run faster, and it even felt like her punches carried more strength with them. With a smile on her face now, she pressed on, further down her road until she came to a fork.
One direction had a wall in front of it, while the other was clear and went downhill. "Now remember everyone..." It was her voice now, speaking out loud like the previous voice she'd heard.
She stood there for awhile, thinking about ways to get around it and ultimately deciding none would work. She sighed heavily and took one last look up at the wall. Out of ideas, she walked down the clear, downhill path. "Sometimes you just can't reason your way out of a mess..."
"Peace is always our highest priority..." Her voice and the previous voice reverberated together.
And so she walked forward, disappearing into a white mist as a whinnying sound could be heard in the distance.
JOURNAL SAMPLE: (For the sake of the application, I'm assuming her sibling is called "Mary" and greeted by Cross)
...., [[Those are dots where she was trying to think of a name]]
Of all the ways to wake up in the morning, that was probably the worst way. I'm not sure of all the reasons why, but I suspect it has something to do with the fact that it was in no way a peaceful experience - there was far too much hustle and bustle for that; nor was it a reasonable experience - I suspect foul magics to be afoot, as that is the only explanation available to me based on the strange dream I can vaguely remember; and finally, it was not a moment of bliss and joy as I find myself believing births should be.
I was asked to choose a name for myself - I do not find this odd, but the lack of a formal title to accompany it does. This will probably change once I find employment - seeking out a church is my first priority. I'm not sure why, but that seems to be the most logical place to start. A tavern would simply include ruffians with barely enough coin to purchase their liquor, let alone my... services, whatever it is I find myself to be good at.
I begin with a companion by the name of "Mary" and a warden by the name of "Cross". It feels important to maintain such ties.
And so I seek,
ASPIRATIONS: When Tsuri arrives in Edensphere, she will be acting like a 53-year-old wise-woman, advocating Peace, Reason, and Serenity above all else in addition to modesty of all types. She will be extremely rigid in her beliefs and easy to irritate on a moral level, though she'll try to pretend like it isn't bothering her. At first, she won't even have a chance at remembering any of her powers because she won't have used them in over 27 years. What I want to see is someone pushing her back towards her old goals - becoming a paladin, earning Palanor's respect, defending her country and beliefs, and just generally being self-confident again. Daily exercise would be a start - anything to remind her of the feats of strength and agility that she was capable of in the past, during the height of her adventuring career.
NOTES: I've created two additional entries to adjust Tsuri's D&D world to a text-based RPG, especially for the reference of anyone who's never played Living Greyhawk or even D&D. The entries are:
the items she owned and
how she fought (non-magical maneuvers).