Special Delivery for Rain
A package, neatly wrapped in what looks like it was once the sunday comics (though with all the words blurred out), appears on Rain's bed. Inside is what appears to be a memory crystal. When he touches it, however, he will see
this chapter. It will be displayed as if he's an impartial observer to the action, but privy to all sights, sounds, scents, and emotions. Anywhere a name appears, however, he will hear a hawk's scream instead.
Special Delivery for Chicken
A little package wrapped up in gold-foil wrapping paper with a note attached is sitting on Chicken's pillow. Inside is a...rat's tail. Yes. Rat tail. Looks like it came from a pretty big rat, too. The note is very neatly typewritten on bright yellow paper and reads: "Don't lose this, you need it to get the good stuff!" (Note: for lack of anything better to explain this item, have a
youtube clip.)
Special Delivery for Bastet
When Bastet comes home from her guarding job, she will find something laying on her couch -- a
chokuto that likely
looks quite familiar. Attached is a note, handwritten in purple crayon on light blue construction paper, in rapidly scribbled handwriting.
the firmament knows the reasons behind the storms