DGM Dressing Room Kink Meme!
Welcome one, welcome anonymous to the DGMDR Kink Meme. If you know how this goes, get to it! If you don't:
Make a request anonymously though a comment including the pairing of your choice and at least one kink to include. (If you need inspiration, see
this list for ideas)
To fill a request (And please, try to!)
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Allison seemed to notice as well, breaking the kiss and then squeaking with surprise at the sudden lack of certain... assets... she normally possessed. "Uh..."
"You didn't eat anything rainbow, did you?"
"Not last I checked!" She- He, rather, shifted as his partner sat up slightly, though he was still straddling his lap.
Now, Mikk wasn't normally one to be interested in guys. But this was a bit different though, wasn't it? Because she wasn't "really" a man and more importantly than that it was Allie. Why waste an increasingly-scarce opportunity to share a moment of intimacy over something as trivial as a change in sex?
So he looped his arms around around his neck and pulled him back into a kiss, tugging playfully at the white-haired man's belt. He squeaked at that, squirming away from the kiss.
"What are you doing?"
Mikk only grinned, tucking a strand of hair behind Allie's ears.
The smaller man blushed, somewhat uncomfortable but still aroused despite the situation. After all it was Mikk, and- he'd been a man before, sort of. Even if "Allen" had never used his body like this before, the urges were still basically the same. "You're sure you want to do this?"
He nodded, pulling him back down and letting his hand slip down slide along the other's stomach, down towards his belt again. Allison's back arched slightly at the touch, encouraging him. "I'm curious what you've got going on in your trousers~"
As if to drive the point home his hand slipped all the way down, palming him from the outside of his pants. The white-haired man's blush darkened and he yelped again. "M-more than I used to!"
Mikk laughed and then groaned as Allison leaned down again, pulling him into another kiss and returning the favor with his own hands.
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