Dec 07, 2003 03:18
After we got back and enjoyed the D+D, played some cards, and i did some HW, i decided id call Mike up to see what was going on. He was out in front of the fire station trying to move his car off the semi-main rd so he wouldn't get towed. He and Mo were out there trying for like 45 min and hardly got down the rd because even though one may think they plow roads out here, they don't this time of night. When i got out there to help they had made a little progress, but with the 2 flimsy dustpans, oh i mean "shovels" they had it was a rough time.
We pushed, and pushed, and "shoveled" , and pushed some more... We got his car ( a 2 door Monte Carlo, not a light tiny thing) all the way to the entrance of the road where little O'Keefe's parking lot is. Good thing we checked ahead and saw the f-ing snow drifts!, yeah we didn't.
By then i had tried several times to call AAA and failed cause my phone sucked, it doesn't always suck, just then it kept shutting down. Perfect timing. Mike had his though and I called CP -campus police- and after a few minutes they came by with a shovel, A REAL ONE! So we finally freed the car from there and got it onto the main rd. It was a nightmare, we couldn’t see anything. Here's a mental image for you: Mike's driving with the CP behind us hanging out his open door at times, maybe peering out the opaque window. I have mine rolled down and im hanging out of it trying to direct him, literally like that obstacle course game when you have the blindfolded kid led by someone.
HAHA i forgot, i used my shoe as a wedge yet again when we were trying to get onto the main road, and CP thought it was hilarious.
So i had no idea where we were trying to go, no clue how to get to O'Keefe from the direction we were headed, Mike can't see shit and is wicked frustrated with the tension of the ordeal. I see a parking lot to our right after taking a hell of a turn! and just yell "cut the wheel" so we could park there. Bad call, not enough momentum to even get into the lot, and we couldn’t even stay there, and now we were stuck for the umpteenth time!
Finally we get out of there, Mike (no clue how other than his ninja-ness) navigated himself solo style all the way to the main O'Keefe parking lot, and got a bit into the unplowed disaster. We followed behind. I jumped out to give one more push, and as i got out the two officers inside we like, "you have to use your shoe again, that was great entertainment for us" We got into the lot a ways and called it quits. They told Mike to just leave it where is was until the morning. He has to get up at 8 to deal with it again! poor kid.
Its 4, time for some rest. been up since 8.