The Quidditch pitch is a grassy oval field, 500 feet long by 180 feet wide
For the board it is a square graph 50 by 18 (each square representing 10 ft)
the three goals are spread out evenly on each side (starting from the middle and then 3 spaces to the left and right)
Players Roll 1D20 (//roll-dice1-sides20) to establish rolling order (include Snitch, Bludger1 and Bludger2)
Center Chaser with highest roll gets quaffle
Each player can either move 6 spaces or choose an action (or do both if action is within 6 spaces)
Everyone rolls for each turn unless inactive
Seekers go every other turn *At Round 50 seekers will move every round
Snitch roles 4 1D20 to dictate movement North, South, East and West
Bludgers role 4 1D20 to dictate movement North, South, East and West
Players must be withing 10 squares of the goal to attempt to throw (to players and to score)
Any Critical Misses on actions = loss of 3 turns
Any Critical Hits can only be matched by other Critical Hits (even if a normal score would beat them)
throw/catch = dex + 1d20
5 < successful throw/catch
5 > dropped throw/catch
Quaffle will be placed in front of player with unsucessful roll
chaser intercept = speed + strength + 1D20
chaser evade = speed + dexterity +1D20
+10 < moves 6
+6 to 10 < moves 4
0 to 5 < moves 2
-1 to -5 < moves 2
-5 < moves 4
chaser throw = dexterity + 2strength + 1d20
keeper save = 2dexterity + balance + 1d20
(Keeper's span is only 3 in each direction)
if keeper saves they throw to closest chaser (and chaser moves inside of 10 to accept it)
bludger attack = 10 + 1d20
beater hit = dexterity + strength + 1d20
10 < successful hit
6-10 < weak hit
2-5 < misses bludger
1 < gets hit by bludger (loses 3 turns)
chaser evade = speed + balance + 1d20
10 < falls off broom (loses 3 turns)(drops quaffle)
6-10 < body hit (loses 1 turn)(quaffle drops)
0-5 < clipped body (must do quaffle catch roll)
-1-5 < clipped broom (must do quaffle catch roll)
-5 < miss
after a hit the Bludger moves =
10 < right where player was (player knocked off)
6-10 < in front of player (from direction attacked)
0-5 < behind of player (from direction attacked)
-1-5 < behind the player (from direction attacked)+ player moves 1 space away
-5 < behind the player (from the direction attacked)+ player moves 2 spaces away
seeker spots snitch = speed + balance + 1d20
Snitch Evasiveness = 14 + 1d20
first to spot gets +1 speed
seeker catches snitch = speed + strength + dexterity + balance + 1d20
Snitch = 20 + 1d20
FOULS: must roll for action then roll for 1d20 vs Referee to get caught Blagging: grabbing onto the broom tail of another player
1d20+strength vs 1d20+speed
If Successful: target loses 1 turn
If Caught: fouler loses 1 turn
Blatching: flying to intentionally collide with another player
1d20+speed+strength vs 1d20+2balance
If Successful: target loses 2 turns
If Caught: fouler loses 2 turns
Blurting: locking broom handles with another player to pull him or her off course
1d20+dexterity vs 1d20+balance
If Successful: target is moved 6 (but cannot be dragged backward, only forward for them)
If Caught: fouler loses 1 turn
Bumphing: intentionally hitting a Bludger toward the crowd in order to halt the game momentarily and thereby denying an opposing Chaser a score
beater hit vs player evade (if hit at a specific person)
If Successful: Game stops
If Caught: Games stops but fouler is out 1 round
Cobbing: excessive use of elbows
1d20+strength vs 1d20+balance
If Successful: target loses 1 round
If Caught: fouler loses 1 round
Flacking: keepers pushing any part of his or her body through a goal hoop to prevent a score
can be used for critical misses..
Haversacking: when the Quaffle goes through the hoop before it is released from the Chaser's hand (it must be thrown to score)
can be used for critical misses...
Snitchnip: happens when any other player than the Seeker touches the Golden Snitch
... used for a crit miss when near the snitch?