Oct 07, 2007 08:28
Who: Anyone and Everyone
When: Sunday September 24th
Where: Grounds
((Picnic time! Um, the weather for Sunday is high 57°F/14°C, low 54°F/12°C - rain until the early evening so be wearing rain gear or whatever. Also it's a POTLUCK picnic so bring some food. And Hannah invited whoever. Most likely the people in her year, but other people can come too. Say she put up a some flyers somewhere.))
Hannah trudged outside with her picnic basket, which she'd borrowed from a friend. It was a bit rainy today, so she also brought a tarp. It would take a few people to set it up, however so she just put it down for now. She put an impervius charm on the blanket and shook it out.
Once she'd placed impervius'd food out, she stood back and admired her handiwork. Yep, she was pretty amazing. Except that she hadn't actually made any food. The stuff she'd brought was from the kitchens. Oh well.
Now it was just time to wait for people to show up. Hopefully the first one to arrive would not be Olivia because that would be just horrible.
((Woo! Okay, so Anya brought a tent, there's chocolate, quiche, cheese and bread, alphabet soup, um... snickerdoodles, pumpkin juice. And Karaoke!))