Jan 18, 2007 23:21
Who: Jojo, Von & Danielle
When: Tuesday, March 7th, Evening
Where: 7th Year Boys Dorms?
Jojo yawned loudly as he strolled into the dorms, waving tiredly at random in case anyone was in there. As it happened, no one was. This was good. He dropped down on to his bed and sighed. It had been a long day, Jojo could barely believe the amount of work he'd been given to do. On a TUESDAY. He officially felt bad for Ty every Thursday. Poor bugger and his quidditch.
Hearing a knock on the door, Jojo yawned again and called out, "Come in!", after deciding he cared not if there was something like dirty laundry lying around. But what if it was Calie? Eh, he'd just say they were Vons. There, now he had a plan!