
Jan 23, 2008 21:07

Name (or alias): Stephanie or Steph
LJ: inanutshell10
Email: queenohearts11@hotmail.com
AIM SN: optional beeskneesxx53

The Application )

status: denied, player: stephanie

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PENDING np_dumbledore January 31 2008, 06:14:32 UTC
Several questions/clarifications:

First off, pureblood status, upper class, and ownership of a Nimbus are all capped. There's no leniency on these at this time. I do understand that you're moving this character from another comm, but to play here she'll have to be adapted to fit at NP. Additionally, past rosters for Quidditch have been filled at Keeper for Gryff from her fourth year on. While Penny might have made it on as a sub the last few years, she wouldn't have started. There may be room on the current roster for her to start but that will be up to the Quidditch mod to sort. There are no past Prefect rosters for her fifth year so Penny could have held that position then but last year's Gryff prefects are filled and this year only purebloods have been awarded badges.

Her pregnancy is a serious issue and at this time, we're not going to approve that detail. We had two characters at the end of last term who graduated or didn't return because of pregnancies but we'd rather keep the issue out of school (neither of them, it should be noted, where showing or actively pregnant DURING school). In our current IG week, students are attending a required sex ed class and though we never played it last year, it's fair to assume that all students would be subjected to at least one of these talks at some point in their career. This year's school-wide lecture is partly in response to the pregnancies but without a doubt all students would receive at least one of these talks during school so Penny would not be wholly ignorant of the consequences or the signs (even if she is a negligent teen).

Other details
Her weight and height don't seem to be anywhere near healthy. 130 when you're that tall is light to underweight at best and if she's supposedly athletic and muscled from Quidditch, there's no way she would weight that little.

Only one core per wand. She may have a unicorn hair core, but not with four strands from four different unicorns.

Her word descriptors need to be worked on as well. Please narrow it down to only ten (without hyphens). These are designed to give a very basic sketch of your character. The elaboration should be worked into her personality sections.

We're working on getting more UK realistic schedules at NEWT level. Courses in sixth and seventh year are more on par with college classes and a class load of even five (which is required for "elites" such as Auror hopefuls) is quite heavy. Since Penny doesn't seem like a particularly studious student, you might want to drop a few classes. Four or even three is what we've been shooting for on students who aren't overachievers. Keep in mind they're not required to take anything, except one I would imagine so as to be technically enrolled. Also, if she were going to be pregnant (and near term by June exams) it seems doubtful that her grades would be going up from her OWL scores as some of them are now.


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