Name (or alias): Saucy Aussie
AIM SN: optional betelgeuse009
Referred By: Doldy and Raina's Pants
Name: Atticus Victor Cartier
atticus_cartierPlayed By/Physical Description: At the least, provide base details of build, height, eye/hair colour, and complexion. Gaspard Ulliel / Atticus takes great care in his appearance. Looking neat and clean is very important to him. Atticus is about 5' 11" give or take quarter of an inch. He's on the lanky side with dark brown hair. His eyes are a dark greyish-blue that go well with his pale complexion. Every so often one can see him wearing a pair of black framed glasses. They are his glasses that he only wears in class or while reading.
Age/Birthdate: November 8, 1989
For Reference:
Seventh Years: September 2nd 1988 - September 1st 1989
Sixth Years: September 2nd 1989 - September 1st 1990
Fifth Years: September 2nd 1990 - September 1st 1991
Fourth Years: September 2nd 1991 - September 1st 1992
Third Years: September 2nd 1992 - September 1st 1993
Second Years: September 2nd 1993 - September 1st 1994
First Years: September 2nd 1994 - September 1st 1995
Gender: Male
Wand: 10" Mahogany and Dragon Heartstring
Blood: Pureblood
Birthplace/Location: Ludlow, Shropshire, England. Shropshire is the least populated county in England.
Status or Class: Middle-Upper Class
Pet Name/Species: Homer / Bengal Eagle Owl
OWL Scores (For 1-7th Years):
Astronomy: O
Charms: O
Herbology: A
History of Magic: O
Potions: O
Transfiguration: E
Ancient Runes: E
Arithmancy: E
NEWT Scores: (6th, 7th Years and Adults Only. Put N/A if not applicable):
Astronomy: O
Charms: O
History of Magic: O
Potions: O
Transfiguration: E
Arithmancy: E
10 Words to describe your character: stoic, intelligent, ambitious, studious, clean, disciplined, stubborn, respectable, determined, charming
Atticus could be easily described as the strong, silent type. He has firm ideals, but wont push them on someone else. This is very important when it comes to his views on Muggles. True, he doesn't like the idea of Muggles using magic in the form of Muggleborns. Magic is a privilege, but he wouldn't push this idea on someone else. Atticus by no means dislikes Muggles, on the contrary he finds their books intriguing. He enjoys reading the philosophies of Muggles. His favorites are books by existentialists and stoics. He finds the thoughts of these philosophers fascinating. Atticus is very well read and enjoys a good intellectual conversation. He's a great listener and good at rationalizing. He's a good person to come to with your problems and will help you find a solution.
Atticus can be extremely protective over those he cares about. He will go to any length to protect those people from harm, either from others or themselves.
Strengths: Both magical and personality:
Atticus considers himself a stoic. He finds that emotions should not be overdone and controlled. As a Cartier, he was taught to have control over your emotions to not disappoint the family. Disappointment is the worst thing to receive from his parents. There isn't anger, just disappointment. The Cartiers may not be high up in the pureblood social ladder, but they are to be respected. Respect comes from the proper portrayal and control of oneself.
The idea of a challenge has always piqued Atticus's interest. When one presents itself to him, he will take it on, especially if the result is beneficial to him. He's not one to back down to any kind of challenge. It could be in his schoolwork -- history of magic does present quite a challenge with the thick tombs full of, oftentimes, dreary writing styles. The outcome of reading said books gives him a vast amount of knowledge that he has over someone else. He's the type of person to get all the knowledge he can so he can lord it over everyone else. That's why when his parents punished him as a child, at first he hated reading the boring books, but then he discovered the benefits of knowing the information within. This can be traced back to his parent's teachings that the knowledge of magic is a privilege, and there's a part of him that tells him if he knows more that makes him better than everyone else. It doesn't even have to be just with his schoolwork, it can be with any challenge he is presented. Then he with a good amount of determination and ambition he will take the challenge given.
Being charming has its benefits, it helps obtain goals and lets the viewer see whatever he or she wants to see. It helps change one's perception of himself that aids in getting what he wants, a manipulation tactic. Atticus believes that being a chameleon of society keeps all the cards in your hand. The more cards you can play, the better chance you have of winning. He'd make a great politician and aspires to be one. Maybe one day he will reach that goal and be an outspoken politician. Who knows? Maybe he'll be the next Minister of Magic. Anything is attainable with the right connections and proper manipulation strategies. That's Atticus's mantra. He's not obsessed about being a politician by any means, he just has the qualities of one.
Atticus enjoys school and learning immensely. Oftentimes, one will see Atticus in the library working on his studies. He has many Ravenclaw tendencies such as that. Knowledge is a valuable tool and should be used and taken in with respect. His parents value knowledge very highly, and they taught their children to do the same. Atticus excels in Charms, Potions, Astronomy and History of Magic (he earned four O's in those subjects during his OWLs). Arithmancy is another subject he enjoys taking, but doesn't quite grasp it as well as his sister does. Ancient Runes,Transfiguration, DADA, and Arithmancy resulted in four Es on his OWLs. Other classes: Herbology (A). Anything less than Exceeds Expectations would result in a poor reaction from his parents. The NEWT classes that Atticus is continuing are Charms, Potions, Arithmancy, History of Magic, Astronomy, and Transfiguration.
Weaknesses: Both magical and personality:
Although, Atticus tends to be a stoic in most aspects, there are certain times when he can be pushed so far that he will lose his temper. This, of course, goes against his stoic ideals, but it takes a lot to make him extremely angry enough to show it in such a manner. Another flaw Atticus is guilty of is his stubbornness. Then he gets his mind set on something there isn't much someone can to to make him change his mind.The only person who can remotely snap him out of an unwise decision is Illyria. She has a way to stop him from being so stubborn and think rationally.
Atticus is very much a perfectionist. He doesn't work well in groups because he feels the need to take over to make sure everything is done well and perfect. This has to do with trust. He trusts very few with responsibility to get something done. He only trusts a select few. Atticus needs control in his life with schedules and by knowing exactly what goes on that will affect him. Not having that control leaves him on edge and paranoid.Atticus hates losing. Losing leads to disappointment and that is unacceptable. Atticus could never play quidditch for this very reason. He's a sore loser with a high competitive streak.
Atticus doesn't excel in Airthmancy and Transfiguration quite as well as his sister does. He still does well, of course, but that's only because he can pick Illyria's brain for help and he works really hard in it. Many pair Herbology and Potions together, but that's like putting cooking and gardening in the same boat. Just because you can cook a brilliant meal, doesn't mean you have a green thumb. Atticus likes his potion ingredients handed to him or bought. The process of "making" said ingredients is for someone else to do. This is why Atticus is horrible at Herbology. He just doesn't have a green thumb. Blame it on the flowers in the garden having bees.
Fears/Motivations: Atticus has a large slight fear of bees. He is extremely allergic to bees. Borderline deathly allergic. His face gets all puffy and he starts to wheeze. It's not a pleasant thing. He tends to stay very far away from bees or anything that associates itself with bees. This can all be summed up to a very bad reaction when he was with his sister in the garden many years ago.
Atticus chooses his friends carefully. His friends also have to be approved by Illyria, naturally. They watch out for each other, and that includes friends. He doesn't have too many close friends. He would much rather be around a small group of close friends than a large group of only acquaintances. Because of his elitist upbringing, he tends to not associate himself with those of muggle descent. He was taught that muggleborns aren't worthy of magic, and believes in the same. He finds it unfair that you can just be "born" into the magic community, when others have family lines that can go back for ages. It's a downright injustice that a squib should be born in a magical family while a muggleborn receives all the magic.
The Cartier family has been around for quite sometime. The family was not well known for the first generations, but was an up and coming family. Alejandro and Maya Cartier, the leading family couple at the time, arranged a marriage for their eldest daughter, Soleil Morgana, to Theirry DeSailly. This important marriage into the DeSailly family cemented the Cartier's position in society. Soleil's had a younger brother by the name of Abacus. Alejandro decided that he didn’t want his children attending Hogwarts and sent them off to Beauxbatons (for Soleil) and Drumstrang (for Abacus) for proper schooling. There Abacus learned to adhere to the strict rules. This would greatly affect the way he raised his own children in the future. Abacus developed unwavering love for Airthmancy and Potions during his time at school and could be found at Potions conventions often after he finished school. It was at one convention where he met the woman of his dreams, Sohcahtoa Greengale. Sohcahtoa (or Pi by her friends) was a French woman who loved order and rules just as much as he did. They were smitten.
(Irving Cartier, Alejandro's twin, went insane after a short term in Azkaban and decided to turn over a new leaf and fight magical creatures instead. She traveled by herself in a row boat to the Isle of Drear armed with a wooden sword (aka knobby stick), a kettle helmet, and tea cozy armor. She was eaten by a deadly Quintaped as soon as she made her first step out of the boat.)
Pi and Abacus married and made a home in the English countryside. They started a business making extremely difficult potions for sale and doing intense research in Arithmancy. Having a father and aunt that both participated as Death Eaters in both wars could really have lots of anti-Muggle imprinted on one’s brain. To understand Abacus and Pi’s view on Muggles, one has to know that they feel magic is something very powerful and it is a privilege to have. That is why they take such pride in their research of magical elements and making of difficult potions. It expands the knowledge of magic and utilizes difficult aspects of it which is a privilege to be able to do. Now when it comes to Muggles, the Cartier’s do not think Muggles should be allowed any knowledge of the wizarding world as they were not chosen to be a part of it. They are not worthy of the world and the magic within it.
In 1989, the Cartier family had a set of fraternal twins. Twins run in the family after all. Atticus Victor and Illyria Margaret were born. Atticus was born a whole 2 minutes before his sister and enjoys telling her as such when the occasion calls for it. He loves his sister more than anything. They understand each other so well that by just a look they can tell what the other is feeling. The siblings are remarkably close, but like everyone they have arguments. Their disagreements are usually said, not yelling in anger, but in witty comments back and forth. They can say cruel things to each other, but it's only to get a point across. If all fails, Illyria whips out the puppy dog eyes and Atticus will let her do what she wants, which, in these cases, is probably something he wouldn't approve under other circumstances. Atticus trusts his sister with his life and confides in everything to her. It could be something he found amusing that day, an interesting fact, or something he's bothered by.
Illyria and Atticus are each other's consciences and best friends. One simply can't exist without the other. They've been together their entire lives and they know more or less everything about the other. They can pick up on the other's habits, and one could joke that they pick up on each other's thoughts. They know each other so well that even a single expression can communicate an entire train of thought. For the most part, one's flaw is the other's strength, so that together they would make a complete individual. They're very self reliant, but when they think of independence, independence includes both of them together. One of them as a single individual doesn't usually cross their minds. They're very wary of letting other people in to their circle of trust, they have an unspoken agreement that there has to be mutual approval of the people they associate themselves with.This all started from a very young age. Because of what their parents do, when the twins were born they've only really had themselves for entertainment. They didn't have hardly any childhood friends. They were far out in the country to stay far away from peering eyes in the Cartier's research. Not many visitors came around. The two rely consistently on each other for support and protection. That is why they have their unspoken agreement. It has been like that since early childhood and it isn't about to change. They are very self-reliant and independent of others, and only find true loyalty and trust with each other.
As children, their parents kept them under strict timetables and schedules so that they would learn self-discipline. This was partially because Abacus and Sohcatoa value self-discipline as one of the strongest of human traits, and partially because they wanted to make sure that they were going to be able to trust their only children at Hogwarts. Abacus wanted to send them to Durmstrang, but Sohcahtoa insisted on Beauxbatons, hence why they had to choose a comfortable median with the third of magical institutions. The rules were key in living in the Cartier household. You did not disobey them under any circumstances or face grave punishments. Punishments might consist of reading very large, tedious texts and presenting a complete summary. Atticus and Illyria learned quite quickly not to disobey. Dinner is served at 6 o'clock every evening. Brunch on Sundays is at 11 o'clock. Never a minute too late or too early. The twins were taught to play the piano for discipline from an early age. The each have developed a knack for it and play often. There is something about keeping the correct tempo, controlling your fingers to such a degree, and reading sheet music that keeps your mind engaged. That engagement requires practice and a good amount of effort; therefore, resulting in discipline.
Appearance means everything to them. Their parents taught them you can judge anyone by just appearance alone. First impressions are the most lasting after all. Taking care of how you look will greatly influence the way others think of you. Cleanliness is next to Godliness. The Cartiers are always neat and clean in appearance, always.
Significant Relationships:
Family: Optional: Illyria. She's the only one that can call him Atty.
Friends: Optional: Pippa Lowell. Atticus would go as far to say that he and Pippa are friends. He's fascinated by her organized chaos, and is quite surprised she still manages to function in the real world. He means this affectionately, of course.
Other: Optional:
Special Considerations: Such as broom ownership, being an animagus, famous in some form, or a metamorphmagus. All are subject to mod approval, and if you are given special considerations, you are liable to be used for plots at the Plot Mod's command. No, Atticus tends to not play quidditch for reasons mentioned above. Also, he prefers to have both feet on the ground. Solid, predictable ground.
Year: 6th
House: Ravenclaw
Why are they in that house? Atticus is very analytical and values knowledge more than most things. Although he has great ambition and is rather cunning, the fact that he admires intelligence definitely makes him best suited for Ravenclaw.
Position: (Subject to mod approval)
If this is your 4th(+) character (Hogwarts and Atlas), please link to recent activity (or attempts at activity) for your other current characters
CeCe Bree:
Does Quidz practice count? Cee in the halls with JFK. CeCe at le danse.Rowan Foxkith:
Hannah serves detention with Rowan. Rowan and Celeste have a chat in the CR. Derek tries to get Rowan to let Hannah have no more Wed detentions. Rowan sees some crazy stuff happen in the halls. Rowan tells Hannah that she won't have Wed. detentions anymore.Cole Foxkith:
Cole watching Quidz in the stands. Cole cheering up Frankie in the halls. Cole and Celeste in the CR.Vanessa Redingtion:
Vanessa mourning over RFK's death. Vanessa running errands with her daughter, Ariel. MOD-ONLY QUESTIONS -- THESE WILL ONLY BE KNOWN TO THE MODS, please answer in a COMMENT to your application
Character Secrets: He despises broccoli with a passion. It's all two toned green and bumpy at the top. What kind of texture is that? Obviously, not a good one.
Character Alliance: The DARK side of the moon.