Name (or alias): Kellee
Jazz78AIM SN: Optional: PhiGam179
Name: Michaela Avery Lawrence
darkhufflepuffPlayed By/Physical Description:
PB: Anne Hathaway
Michaela stand 5’10” with a slim figure. She has dark brown hair and green-ish brown eyes. Her most prominent feature is her nose, which thankfully she’s grown into as she’s gotten older. Michaela is what some would call handsome or pretty rather than beautiful.
Age/Birthdate: June 15, 1990
Gender: Female
Wand: 10" Oak, Unicorn hair core
Blood: Pure
Birthplace/Location: Ireland
Status or Class: Middle Class
Pet Name/Species: Xerxes/Owl
OWL Scores (For 1-7th Years):
Astronomy: A
Charms: O
History of Magic: A
Potions: O
Transfiguration: A
Ancient Runes:A
Arithmancy A
Optional Other Subject:
NEWT Scores: (6th, 7th Years and Adults Only. Put N/A if not applicable):
Astronomy: N/A
Charms: A
History of Magic:N/A
Potions: O
Ancient Runes:O
Optional Other Subject #3:
10 Words to describe your character:
Loyal, Determined, Quidditch Fanatic, Confused, Quiet, Bookworm, Hardworking, Busy, friendly, Smart
Michaela is often seen as a quiet, helpful sort. The kind of girl people seem to instinctively trust. Which is why those who find out she's from a family that supports the dark arts are surprised. It's not a fact that she readily shares with people though. In fact, she puts a lot of effort in seeming to be the exact opposite, and while she might not exactly be comfortable around muggles, she manages.
However, behind the calm façade is a young woman who is driven, focused, and above all else loyal. Although some would argue that who she gives her allegiance to contradicts those traits, Michaela however feels that she is correct in her allegiance and it would take something substantial for her to change her mind. Her loyalty and work ethic are the main reasons she was sorted into Hufflepuff as a first year. She had fully expected to be sorted into her parents’ house of Slytherin, or at the very least Ravenclaw. In her mind, her family thinks that she is not as committed to the cause. As such, she tries to work twice as hard to prove herself as she can.
All of this has lead to creating a girl who appears to have it all together on the outside, but is really rather confused as to what she's planing on doing after graduation. Michaela could of course take the easier way out and simply do what is expected of her. Or she could challenge the beliefs and heritage that so far have made her what she is. Either way, it should be an interesting year.
Strengths: Both magical and personality:
Michaela is strongest in DADA, Herbology, and Potions. She does fairly well in History of Magic, Arithmancy, and Ancient Runes, though these subjects take more effort on her part to grasp the concepts. Her wand work is descent and is improving now that she's applied herself a bit more, though sometimes quidditch practice does come first.
Her strongest strength is her loyalty. She makes friends for the long haul unless you do something to make her feel that she should do otherwise. She's got a knack for flying and is usually happiest on her broom.
Weaknesses: Both magical and personality:
She horrible at Divination. Michaela couldn't read tea leaves, or do a star chart if her life depended on it. Though she doesn't feel too bad about it as she thinks it's absolute rubbish.
Michaela could be easily lead by the right person. It's not that she's a bad judge of character per se, it's more that her loyalty can sometimes allow her to stay in a bad situation longer than she should. She has a tendency to let herself fade into the background a bit to much and sometimes needs prodding to get her out and being sociable. Although once she gets more comfortable in her surroundings she can be more social.
*To be trapped in a marriage of convenience. She knows that her mother has done so and survived, but she's afraid that she's not made of such strong stuff.
*That her family will completely cast her out if she chooses a life other than what they've planned for her.
*To succeed at the goals she sets for herself. Be it an acceptable mark in a difficult class, making each quidditch match a good one, or getting out of her shell.
*She wants to figure out just what it is she wants to do with her life and how to live it on her terms.
Analise Avery and Augustus Lawrence met while they were students at Hogwarts. As they were both in Slytherin they struck up a friendship early on in their education. They learned that they not only shared an interest in transfiguration, but also in removing or at least neutralizing muggles and muggleborn. They dated for six months in their seventh year and learned that they would perhaps be better friends than lovers. Regardless, they wed anyway knowing that a marriage of two friends was more than some had in their arranged marriages.
Some time after they were wed Michaela was born on June 15, 1990. She was followed by Marcus and Matthew in 1995 thus not only producing an heir, but two sons to carry on the family name. The Lawrence’s have instilled in their children ambition, familial loyalty, and the pursuit of knowledge. Growing up, Michaela moved through the Pureblood circles going to the proper events and meeting the proper people. Her parents always tried to make sure that she had the correct playmates growing up. While their children have never lacked for anything, nothing was freely given. Everything had it’s price and the children learned early on to measure what they wanted against the price they would have to pay. As such, Michaela and her siblings were encouraged to excel in their classes and to always be one step ahead of those who were considered beneath them.
While it was no surprise when Michaela’s Hogwarts letter came, what was a surprise was that she was sorted into Hufflepuff upon her arrival. Completely mortified, Michaela did not immediately write home for several weeks after her arrival. Eventually though, she did summon the courage to write home and inform her parents that she was not sorted into Slytherin. Dismayed at first, her parents eventually came around, and while they might boast about her grades they never brought up her House. Michaela for her part has come to love her house, now that she's made a few friends and is on the quidditch team. She's planning on working on her studies a bit more this year since last terms marks weren't quite up to standard.
Significant Relationships:
Family: Optional:
Mother: Analise Avery-Lawrence
Michaela and her mother are fairly close, though Analise does wish that her daughter would do something more ladylike than play quidditch.
Father: Augustus Lawrence
As the only girl, Michaela is held to a slightly different standard than her brothers. While he does let her choose certain things that she chooses to do, he does expect her to accept a husband of his choosing and to eventually be a proper wife. As Michaela is thinking about doing other things, they have been "disagreeing" on her plans lately.
Siblings: Marcus & Matthew, twins. 11 years old both 1st year Slytherins.
Michaela is close to her siblings but can and does remind them that she is the oldest. She figures she has at least a few years until they're bigger than her.
Friends: Optional: TBA
Other: Optional: TBA
Special Considerations: She has a comet broom that her parents bought her when she made the quidditch team.
House: Hufflepuff
Why are they in that house?
She's completely loyal and committed to whatever cause or friendships she takes on. While she does have traits that might have placed her in other houses, the sorting hat felt that she would do well in Hufflepuff.
Position: (Subject to mod approval)