Name (or alias): Amandelin. But you may call me Mandi.
adellynaAIM SN: splendade
BASE CHARACTER PROFILE -- PLEASE NOTE THAT THESE SHOULD ONLY BE ONE WORD ANSWERS (Except for the last one... and use your common sense for others too.)
Name: Thalia Logan Goodacre
thalia_goodacrePlayed By: Amanda Bynes
Birthdate: July 14
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Wand: 9 inches, oak, unicorn hair
Blood: muggleborn
Birthplace: Bath
Location: Bath
Status or Class: Upper-middle
Race/Culture/Religion: Caucasion/Protestant
Guardian #1's Name/Age/Occupation: Matthew Goodacre/42/Podiatrist
Guardian #2's Name/Age/Occupation: Alona Goodacre/37/Homemaker
Siblings' Names/Age/Occupations: Patrick Goodacre/14/Student
Pet Name/Species: Nope!
OWL Scores:
Astronomy: O
Charms: A
Herbology: A
History of Magic: O
Potions: O
Transfiguration: A
Muggle Studies: O
Divination: E
NEWT Scores: (Put N/a if it is not applicable):
Astronomy: N/A
Charms: N/A
Herbology: N/A
History of Magic: N/A
Potions: N/A
Transfiguration: N/A
10 Words to describe your character: Ditzy, Slow, Bitchy, Bubbly, Snarky, Selectively Loyal, Hardworking, Gullible, Cheerful
Thalia fancies herself to be a Hufflepuff Gone Wild. She imagines that she'll rule the school with an iron fist if she just primps enough, preens enough, spreads enough vicious gossip. Not that she's actually terribly vicious, just the sort that doesn't mind whispering a word or two about an imaginary shag that took place in the girl's lav during second period. She seeks out the rich kids, the purebloods who don't mind her blood, the most attractive students. Once she's a friend, she's loyal to the end, loyal to a fault, but if you're not? Well, probably she'd throw you under the Knight's Bus. Obviously she's a bit of a social climber, with a healthy dose of the social butterfly about her, and she mixes it all up with a healthy dose of breezy irreverence. Thalia's always good for a bit of light-hearted, frivolous conversation, a blast to have at a party, and a terribly good girlfriend once you've earned a place in her heart.
Strengths: Both magical and personality:
She's really good at applying herself. Any subject or task that requires stubborn focus, she'll excel at. Often she can be found burning the midnight oil with the Ravenclaws in the library, because she's determined to do as well as possible at school. There's a bit of a knack for Divination as well, a reasonable skill at Charms, and acceptable use of Transfiguration. She never backs away from something just because it's too hard, be it academic or personal.
Weaknesses: Both magical and personality:
Thalia doesn't have the best control/mastery of magic. She's absolute rubbish at Defense, and has to work her little arse off to make anything of Charms or Transfiguration. She OWLed well mostly in the subjects that required memorization or essay writing. As far as the apparation licensing? She's absolutely dreading it. Personality wise, she's flaky. A bit stupid, really. She schemes but it doesn't always work out terribly well, so though she wants to be Queen Bee, she's relegated to side-kick status pretty much permanently.
Spiders, social exile, being kissed by a girl, and really short people. Thalia is very much a girly girl. She'll squeal and hop on a table if she sees a bug, very nearly fainted the first time she was given a mouse in Transfiguration, and finds really short people to be a bit freakish. She's short herself, so looking down at anyone really weirds her out. As for being kissed by a girl? Who knows. Just the idea of it gives her the squicks though, and she absolutely cannot stand to see girls kissing. It's actually kind of hot when boys kiss - also she's hoping they might give her some hair or fashion tips once they reclaim their tongues - but girls? UCK.
Thalia was born to wealthy, upper class parents. Her dad is a doctor. No, not just a doctor, a surgeon. A neurosurgeon. A pediatric neurosurgeon. And her mum is an attorney. Well, she used to be an attorney, but she quit to stay home with the kids. Since they could afford it and all. Being rich, and stuff.
Ok, so none of that is true, but she'd really like it to be. Her father is actually a podiatrist and her mother is a homemaker. The only time she's seen the inside of a courtroom is when her father's neighbor sued them for parking their car on his lawn. But Thalia figures that nobody at Hogwarts really has to know that, and that the benefit to being muggleborn is that you can make up your whole bleeding history and no one will be wiser. As long as you show up with the right labels (which she gets by working her little arse off at the local coffee shop over the hols and careful, strategic repetition of her precious designer pieces), and as long as you put on the right airs, no one will be the wiser.
When the Hogwarts letter came, Thalia's parents were... bemused. It made a weird sort of sense, after all, since semi-weird shit had been happening for years. She went through a princess phase when she was eight and her hair grew from her shoulders to her bum in just a month. Then there was the pink phase, when all of the household pets turned pink no matter what anyone did. Blamed it on bad pet soap, of course, and just kept the hamster hidden. Because really, who washes a hamster? Her brother loved his pink snake though. He said it was 'bitchin.'
So it took a bit of adjustment, yeah, but it certainly wasn't the first odd experience the family had endured, so they adjusted. And Thalia, of course, told all of her local friends that she'd gotten accepted to a school for the "Gifted and Really Totally Intensely Brilliant," which sounded like a plausible explanation. To an eleven year old.
Physical Description: At the least, provide base details of build, height, eye/hair colour, and complexion.
Thalia's cute. You could possibly stretch the imagination and call her beautiful, but you might need an old prescription and she might need six ounces of eye makeup. She's alright with that though, for the most part, because while it might be nice to be an exotic beauty who makes guys drop like flies with one bat of their sooty, almond shaped eyes, it's also nice to be able to borrow a bloke's t-shirt and hang in his dorm all day. She has golden brown hair that she wears up in a ponytail when she's feeling really comfortable, or which she spends at least three quarters of an hour charming up one way or another when she's a bit insecure. Wide, well-spaced hazel eyes and lips that turn naturally up at the corners, and you've got your basic girl-next-door type. With a killer body, of course. That much is within her control, and you'd best believe she's going to control it.
Significant Relationships:
This I would like to come back to once she's been in the game for a bit, if that's possible.
Family: Optional:
Friends: Optional:
Other: Optional:
Special Considerations: Such as broom ownership, being an animagus, famous in some form, or a metamorphmagus. All are subject to mod approval, and if you are given special considerations, you are liable to be used for plots at the Plot Mod's command.
She definitely does not have any of those. IF ONLY SHE DID, SHE WOULD BE SUPER HAPPY. BUT NOOOOOOO. That said, I am a h0r for plot. Plot her into anything you want. Plot her into a gender swapping mishap, plot her into a sudden inexplicable desire for miming. Plot's the word, baby.
Year: Sixth
House: Huffle
Why are they in that house? She was more a Huffle than anything else. Amusingly, the hat waffled between Hufflepuff and Slytherin for a bit, but she'd met a really nice girl on the train who told her Slytherins were evil and who (coincidentally) was a Hufflepuff. The presence of House loyalty in a muggleborn firstie kind of tipped the scales.
Position: (Subject to mod approval) Ahahahahahahaha. No. Heck no.
Prior School:
What house were they in? (Or would they have been in had they gone to Hogwarts?):
Why were they in that house? (Or why would they have been in that house?):
Thalia was trying very, very hard not to seethe. Seething would ruin the effect of her gorgeous Stella McCartney dress. The baby pink one, with the little white polka dots. She'd paired it with strappy white sandals and loose, low pig tails. It looked good with strappy white sandals and loose, low pig tails. Much better than it looked with stompy goth boots and jeans, which is what the horrible butch Gryffindor bint across the room was wearing it with.
Mortifying! They were wearing the same dress to the party and it was the Hufflepuff party so she theoretically could go upstairs and change, but then it would be obvious that she'd noticed and that was possibly even more mortifying. She sidled up to Betsey and murmured, under her breath, "Did anyone notice that Felicia and I are wearing the same dress?"
Betsey perked up and answered, with what seemed genuine surprise, "Felicia's wearing a dress? How does it look over her dick?"
Which was hilarious, of course, and Thalia couldn't help but giggle. "Quick," she said. "Spill your punch on me. I'll have to change then and no one will think I noticed what Felicia the Fella was wearing at this stupid party."
Character Secrets: She poses as upper class, wealthy, but she's really not. Middle class, tiptoing the edge of the upper spectrum, but definitely not making it there. But that's in the app, innit?
Character Alliance:
I'd say she's neutralish, but leans toward the light. She's muggleborn, so it's a little tough to be on board with bloodpurists, y'know? Still, she's not exactly an innocent little flower and if she saw an opportunity to advance herself that totally compromised her principles, I'm pretty sure she'd take it.