Dec 17, 2006 05:07

Name (or alias): beans
LJ: beansomatic
AIM SN: Optional: beans the fierce

BASE CHARACTER PROFILE -- PLEASE NOTE THAT THESE SHOULD ONLY BE ONE WORD ANSWERS (Except for the last one... and use your common sense for others too.)
Name: Jared Andrew Littleton
LJ: getthewheel
Played By: Garrett Hedlund
Birthdate: January 1st, 1990
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Wand: 10” mahogany with a Dragon Heartstring core.
Blood: Muggle-born
Birthplace: Reeth, UK
Location: Reeth, UK
Status or Class: Lower Class
Race/Culture/Religion: Caucasian/Agnostic
Guardian #1's Name/Age/Occupation: Charles Littleton/44/Pub Owner
Guardian #2's Name/Age/Occupation: Celeste Littleton/41/Homemaker
Siblings' Names/Age/Occupations: John Littleton, 19 - Cook, Danielle Littleton, 16, Carla Littleton, 13
Pet Name/Species: N/A
OWL Scores:
Astronomy: A
Charms: A
Herbology: A
History of Magic: A
Potions: A
Transfiguration: A
Ancient Runes: E
Optional Other Subject:
NEWT Scores: (Put N/a if it is not applicable):
Astronomy: N/A
Charms: A
Herbology: A
History of Magic: N/A
Potions: A
Transfiguration: A
Ancient Runes: O

10 Words to describe your character: composed, assuasive, inflexible, determined, cautious, sagacious, straightforward, honest, specific, analytical.


Jared has never been incredibly hurtful or pretentious. He tries to be compassionate when he realizes that it would help a situation. He can be selfless, but most of the time he’s a little too cautious or sagacious (in the sense that he doesn’t see the immediate point). When he knows someone well enough, he doesn’t take long in helping them out, since he knows that there’s no cons in it.

When it comes to details, Jared likes to have them all. He’s highly detail oriented, which is really the only way he can map out a clear and concise goal. Goals are something that Jared doesn’t make too many of. He sticks to one goal, and most of his efforts are delegated towards that one goal. His current goal is to fly better than any member of the Slytherin team-- not because he wants to be on it (since he doesn’t enjoy team work very much), but because of the satisfaction of knowing he’s better than the designated best. If he could manage it, he might coax one of the team members out, just to compare his skill.

He’s also not afraid to be honest or straightforward, since he doesn’t always understand why being honest would be a bad thing or hurtful.

Strengths: Both magical and personality:

Jared is actually very average with his wandwork and theory. The only thing he is actually exceptional in would be his flying, since he is very focused when he flies (he is held back a little since his broom is the cheapest he could buy). If he cared about his classes as much as he cared about succeeding with flying, he might be able to obtain impressive marks. However, because he enjoys details, Ancient Runes is actually his favourite class and takes second place next to flying. Jared does tend to care about people when he sees that it is advantageous or it won’t do any harm to do so. He does try to understand people he cares the most about, and sometimes succeeds at being assuasive and compassionate. These showings are rather rare, and are usually reserved for his family.

Weaknesses: Both magical and personality:

Jared, again, is very average with his schoolwork, and gets a low passing grade in most of his classes. He isn’t exactly well-rounded in this sense, he is more barely adequate in most of his magic skills. For Jared life does not revolve around school or magic, it revolves more so around his personal passions and dreams. Which is why he sees school as something he just needs to do in the background. Jared can be hurtful, though he doesn’t mean to be, with hour honest and straightforward he is. He does sometimes have a twinge of guilt when he realizes that it was actually incredibly insensitive of him, but again, his sympathy is usually reserved for members of his family. He doesn’t always understand where others are coming from when they feel hurt, so he doesn’t always understand why he should feel badly.


Jared’s worst fear is setting a goal and never obtaining it. This doesn’t exactly stop him from setting ambitious goals for himself, it just gives him the drive to succeed.


Jared is the son of Celeste and Charles Littleton. He is the third oldest of the four Littleton children and shares magical abilities with his older sister Danielle. Jared always saw his family as fortunate rather than unfortunate; being poor was never a real big deal for him. However it has stunted his goal for flying since he has to use the cheapest broom in the magical world. He’s had arguments with his father before, but usually they work their problems out. Jared looks up to his older brother, John, but he doesn’t think he’s living out his dream, yet he understands that John’s beliefs revolve around helping his father and the family. Dani and Jared get along and seem to understand each other. Though they have a few disagreements over certain issues, they manage to get along. Jared doesn’t have a huge need to defend his sister from boys since he thinks she can look out for herself.

Physical Description: At the least, provide base details of build, height, eye/hair colour, and complexion. Jared, unlike his sister, has jet-black hair and electric green eyes. He has a wide nose and a strong chin with a clear white complexion. He’s about 5’9” and is quite built from flying all of the time.

Significant Relationships:
Family: Optional:
Friends: Optional:
Other: Optional:

Special Considerations: Such as broom ownership, being an animagus, famous in some form, or a metamorphmagus. All are subject to mod approval, and if you are given special considerations, you are liable to be used for plots at the Plot Mod's command. If it’s possible, I would like Jared to own a Cleansweep Five

Year: Fifth Year
House: Slytherin
Why are they in that house?

Jared is actually quite the nomad when it comes to houses. He doesn’t have a strong intellectual showing, nor is he continuously compassionate or incredibly headstrong. His one dominant trait is his self-centered view on his life and his drive. He has a strong need to fulfill goals he dreams up for himself, since he believes that is the most important thing in a person’s life.

Position: (Subject to mod approval)



Jared sat back in class and wondered what all his classmates were actually so intent on. Were they all trying to succeed at Ancient Runes because they wanted a living that included it? Did they enjoy Ancient Runes? Were they just doing it because it was a class and they had to? Unlike most classes, it was the second option that got Jared interested in Ancient Runes. He liked being able to find a way through the details to a clearer meaning. It was like a maze, you are here, your goal is here -- find a way there.

The girl next to him nudged him in the arm and asked if she could borrow his quill for a moment to scratch down a last minute announcement made by the professor. Jared hadn’t noticed class was over, being lost in thought, and naturally said no to the girl. She frowned and gave him a glare as he picked up his quill and packed it away. It wasn’t like the girl actually needed a quill because she didn’t have one, she had been too lazy to go into her own bag and fish it out. Besides, Jared had to get to his next class anyway.

Ever since then the girl had given him a dirty look whenever she walked pass him. Jared hardly understood why she was being so dramatic.

Character Secrets: NONE!

Character Alliance: He knows what the war is about and understands that it could potentially affect the safesty of his family. And though his goals do take a priority, he cannot ever abandon his family. Since he is muggleborn, he doesn’t take too kindly to the elitism and naturally disagrees. Which is why he is on the good side and would fight for the good side if need be.

status: dropped, player: beans

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