To acknowledge the approval of your character please post here with the following information:
Name and Journal:
Character Name and Journal:
Student (Year and house):
Adult (Professor/Ministry/Profession):If you have not filled this information in 1 week after being approved we will assume you are no longer interested and you will be required to
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Comments 184
Character Name and Journal: Gillian "Jelly" Ashworth jelly_ashworth
Student (Year and house): 6th Year Slytherin
Character Name and Journal: Elyse Isolde (Elyse Isolde) and Claire Princeton (ClairePrinceton)
Student (Year and house): Claire: 6th Year Elyse: 5th Year; both Slytherin
Character Name and Journal: Bri Richards/bookwormbri
Student (Year and house): 5th Year Ravenclaw
Name and Journal: lena/lenabee
Character Name and Journal: Edward McMillan/ed_mcmillan
Student (Year and house): 7th Year Slytherin
Name and Journal: lena/lenabee
Character Name and Journal: Dariana Davison/darianaclaw
Student (Year and house): 6th Year Ravenclaw
Name and Journal: lena/lenabee
Character Name and Journal: Ailwin Herlewin/prof_ailwin
Adult (Professor/Ministry position): Ancient Runes, former Ravenclaw
Name and Journal: lena/lenabee
Character Name and Journal: Arthur MacAlaister/auror_mac
Adult (Professor/Ministry position): Auror, former Gryff
Character Name and Journal: Colin Mayfield / colin_mayfield
Student (Year and house): 7th / Slytherin
Adult (Professor/Ministry position): N/A
Name and Journal: Kristi / spidez
Character Name and Journal: Danielle Littleton / dani_littleton
Student (Year and house): 6th / Hufflepuff
Adult (Professor/Ministry position): N/A
Name and Journal: Kristi / spidez
Character Name and Journal: Timothy James Ashford, Jr. / timashford
Student (Year and house): 5th / Ravenclaw
Adult (Professor/Ministry position): N/A
Name and Journal: Kristi / spidez
Character Name and Journal: Corina Mayfield / corina_mayfield
Student (Year and house): N/A
Adult (Professor/Ministry position): Head of Wizarding Examinations Authority
Character Name and Journal: Rain Mansfield / the_rain0
Student (Year and house): 3rd year Ravenclaw
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