Alright, it's been a little quiet but your new mods are getting things organized and figured out. Now that we're getting on top of things, expect to be hearing quite a bit!
First off, I want to remind everyone that our current week IG is the final week of regular classes. Next week, May 29-June 4, is exams. The schedules for students finals/O.W.L.s/N.E.W.T.s are listed under the cut to save your flist. All testing periods are set up as double classes to give the kids plenty of time. Anyone who's been in school knows they schedule you for more time than you should need so there's probably more free space in there than it might look.
First years
---MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridayMorningPotionsFreeFreeHistory of MagicFree L U N C HAfternoon 1DADAHerbologyTransfigurationFreeFree B R E A KAfternoon 2FreeFreeFreeFreeFree D I N N E REvening 1FreeFreeAstronomyFreeFree
Second years
---MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridayMorningDADAPotionsHistory of MagicFreeTransfiguration L U N C HAfternoon 1FreeCharmsFreeHerbologyFree B R E A KAfternoon 2FreeFreeFreeFreeFree D I N N E REvening 1AstronomyFreeFreeFreeFree
Third years
---MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridayMorningHerbologyTransfigurationDADAArithmancyCoMC L U N C HAfternoon 1PotionsHistory of MagicCharmsDivinationAncient Runes B R E A KAfternoon 2FreeFreeFreeFreeMuggle Studies D I N N E REvening 1FreeFreeFreeAstronomyFree
Fourth years
---MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridayMorningCharmsHerbologyDivinationAncient RunesPotions L U N C HAfternoon 1CoMCTransfigurationDADAHistory of MagicArithmancy B R E A KAfternoon 2FreeFreeFreeMuggle StudiesFree D I N N E REvening 1FreeAstronomyFreeFreeFree
Sixth years
---MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridayMorningTransfigurationHistory of MagicHerbologyDivinationAncient Runes L U N C HAfternoon 1CharmsDADAPotionsArithmancyCoMC B R E A KAfternoon 2FreeMuggle StudiesFreeFreeFree D I N N E REvening 1FreeFreeFreeFreeFreeEvening 2FreeFreeAstronomyFreeFree
O.W.L.s and N.E.W.T.s are tested by the Ministry so they get their very own schedules independant of those above.
Fifth year O.W.L.s
---MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridayMorningTransfigurationArithmancyCharmsDivinationHerbology L U N C HAfternoon 1History of MagicDADAMuggle StudiesPotionsCoMC B R E A KAfternoon 2FreeFreeAncient RunesFreeFree D I N N E REvening 1FreeFreeFreeFreeFreeEvening 2FreeAstronomyFreeFreeFree
Seventh year N.E.W.T.s
---MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridayMorningHistory of MagicDADAMuggle StudiesPotionsCoMC L U N C HAfternoon 1TransfigurationArithmancyCharmsDivinationHerbology B R E A KAfternoon 2FreeAncient RunesFreeFreeFree D I N N E REvening 1FreeFreeFreeFreeFreeEvening 2AstronomyFreeFreeFreeFree
Table format stolen borrowed from my wonderful
raven_annabelle's class schedules.
No one is required to thread exams but at least this way you know when your kids need to freak out and when they'll be busy. As per the poll Julia put up awhile back, we will be having a dead week after exams before the kids are sent home for summer hols. There will be an end of the year bash (okay the feast and awarding of the House Cup) and a basically a week for all of our characters to run around and cause some post-stress crazy before leaving to not see each other for three months. Get that agression/love/hatred/pranks out while you can! And before it will get you grounded.
As for summer the plan remains that we'll be fast forwarding through the IG months of June, July, and August, playing them out over the course of one month RL. Posting requirements will be suspended during this time so if you need a breather, you can take it (though we encourage sticking around and gaining points toward Summer Frenzy). Meanwhile the mods will be getting our plot up and going. Yes there is plot in the works and you might have me to blame for it.
I'll be getting back to you all with another post in the next few days about exactly how summer will be working, RL timeline and all. The details are being ironed out but once it's settled, you'll know.