Mar 01, 2007 19:06
Heyy guys, the following characters were not mentioned in the new acknowledgement post, and as such they have been removed from the community.
You can appeal these, and by that I mean post in reply to this, and give the reasoning for the acknowledgement not being done. I realise that for many it may have been that you simply didn't see the post, but for now I'll just be removing everyone. The faster you give the reasoning in reply to this, the faster you will be allowed to play the character in NP again. Sorry, but as we used this as a marker for active/inactive characters, and for optional dropping of characters, and as there was prior warning, I'm going to follow through with what I said in earlier posts.
So, sorry if I've messed up somewhere (although I did double check all of them), and if that's the case just let me know here and I'll give you some more instructions. If no action is taken within a week, I will consider your character dropped permanently and you will have to apply with them once more- as such, they will be subject to the caps.
I'll be running these through after uni this afternoon.
mod: kim post,
lists: records