Re: Wednesday, October 25th. Lunch.derek_blyDecember 19 2007, 07:45:41 UTC
"Well, if you need anything..."
Like a life raft perhaps? Derek didn't know what to say to that. A life raft didn't even make sense. He wasn't drowning. Thank Merlin for that. Oh, muddled brain.
Derek was tired of keeping things in. Part of him did want to talk to Anya about it all. He'd gone over it with Becca though and...for some reason he and Anya weren't as good at talking anymore. Had that started with the twins or... Who knew. Merlin, that didn't mean she was going to leave too did it? An irrational spike of dread shot through Derek and he bit the inside of his lip. Somehow he'd stopped talking to everyone. "Thanks. I- I just don't even know. I didn't expect it."
There, that was honest. And, damnit, Derek hated making the conversation all about him. He wasn't good at being the center of attention, especially not when he felt like he was dragging down the room.
It was Anya though. He shouldn't be so self conscious. Derek had just...felt like he shouldn't put more on her that she already had to deal with this year.
Re: Wednesday, October 25th. Lunch.mynameisanyaDecember 20 2007, 22:59:51 UTC
Anya would have very much preferred if he would put more on her, talk to her. Something! Anything than this self conscious thing he had going. But if we are to point fingers, one needed to be pointed at her as well, because it wasn't like she felt free enough to talk to him about things either. Like the fact that she was debating on whether or not now was the right time to have a boyfriend or not.
Well, she certainly wouldn't be bringing that subject up anytime now!!
She gave him a sympathetic sort of smile as she nodded, thinking how she hadn't expected it either! Of course she knew none of the details regarding his and Hannah's relationship... she just knew what she saw. And from what she saw, they seemed to be doing wonderfully. So it was odd to see how things worked off... proved the fact that appearances could be deceiving.
"You'll be alright though, yeah? I mean... you're Derek. You'll be fine, I know it." Optimism FTW!!
Re: Wednesday, October 25th. Lunch.derek_blyDecember 21 2007, 02:12:31 UTC
"Will I?" Derek's tone was uncertain and he looked at Anya with more than a glance for the first time since he'd sat down.
It was fine and well to hear she expected him to be okay. Derek made himself out to be that guy; always okay, always stable. He honestly didn't feel it right now. Maybe everyone just overestimated him. You kept saying you were fine and people stopped asking. Good old Derek. He'd bounce back from anything. Eventually, logically, Derek figured he would. He wasn't particularly confident that it would be soon.
Re: Wednesday, October 25th. Lunch.mynameisanyaDecember 21 2007, 02:23:45 UTC
"Well, I..." The small smile that had been displayed on her face suddenly faltered when he asked the question of whether he would or not not be fine. "I think so. I mean, yeah! You have to be. Everyone goes through these types of things in their lives, you know? Not that I know from experience but... I mean... well, my mom told me before that everyone gets their heart broken at least once. And I--"
Geez. Anya knew she wasn't helping one bit. She knew she was blabbering on like a fool. But that was because she didn't know what else to do here! She hated seeing Derek any less than his amazing self. This was hard!
"I guess I don't really know what I'm saying," She finally admitted, "But its better to be positive than something else, isn't it? If its not easy for you to be, then I'll be positive for the both of us." Its what she did best, after all.
Re: Wednesday, October 25th. Lunch.derek_blyDecember 21 2007, 03:26:20 UTC
Yep. Heart broken. Check. There was that off his list of things to do before he died. Derek looked back down at his food though he had exactly zero interest in it and made no move to continue eating. Merlin, why did it hurt so much? If this whole time he'd been the only one feeling things he should be relieved to know that it was over. She didn't have to lie to him anymore. Somehow it didn't make it better.
Derek bit his lip as Anya started up again. For some reason, he found himself smiling (even if it was punctuated by a on-the-verge-of-tears laugh). Derek held the breakdown off and looked over at Anya gratefully. "Thanks, duck. I may need that."
Re: Wednesday, October 25th. Lunch.mynameisanyaDecember 21 2007, 06:33:45 UTC
If one was to look on the bright side of having checked off the heart broken list... at least he has it done and over with? Where as she still had yet to experience that. Something she was not looking forward to in the least, especially now that she was seeing Derek and how he was reacting to it. Not that she even saw the full extent of that! Fortunately, or perhaps unfortunately, she was not around to see his melt down.
Was he smiling?? Her heart leaped a little inside her chest, because that meant she was doing something good, right? That she was on the right track or something... not that she was going to smother him with optimism, but... well, perhaps he needed someone like her around!! She sure hoped so, at least.
"I'll totally be here," She chirped with a wide grin, "Whenever. Whenever you feel you need some positive in sight, I'm your gal," Anya chucked a thumb towards herself, still grinning as she thought of what next to say.
Re: Wednesday, October 25th. Lunch.derek_blyDecember 21 2007, 06:49:16 UTC
The smile spread and Derek felt a little better as he remembered there were still some people who felt comfortable. He did need someone like Anya around. Maybe several of them. Between her and Becca he'd be okay. Stay distracted and he'd be okay.
Derek nodded and returned Anya's infectious grin. "Thanks," he repeated.
Okay, now that his mood was picked up, time to be less depressing. " are your ball plans coming? Get an outfit or whatever?" He was straying into dangerously girl territory asking about clothes but Derek figured it was one of the better ways to get Anya going on a brighter topic. And hey, he could care about these things. Had to be sure she was wearing something brother approved, didn't he? Within reason.
Re: Wednesday, October 25th. Lunch.mynameisanyaDecember 21 2007, 06:56:14 UTC
Excellent! His smile was growing, which only seemed to make hers grow. Good grief, her face would shatter if she smiled any bigger. Yep, it was good to see that smile appear on his face. Hopefully she'd be able to keep that there.
But yes, on to different topics was possibly a good idea. Especially if it meant distracting. Good times. And the topic of the ball was always high on the list of getting Anya to forget other matters -- not that she would forget this, oh no. But she could see that he was ready to move on, so move on they shall!
"Yeah! The plans are great, actually. I think I'm all set... I got what I needed at Hogsmeade, so yeah!" And brother approval? I THINK NOT! Anya was going to have to lie or evade the question about her costume because... yikes. She'd somehow gotten away from telling her brothers what she was going to wear and she certainly wasn't going to bring it up with Derek either, because he would probably tell them. Her being a ho simply would not go over well. End of story. "And the plans for the ball are awesome, oh man. Hufflepuff is putting on the dance, right? I've been helping and our decorations are going to look so good!"
Re: Wednesday, October 25th. Lunch.derek_blyDecember 21 2007, 07:18:22 UTC
"That's right you guys do have this one," Derek remembered. Next up was Ravenclaw if he wasn't totally mistaken. He supposed that would be his problem soon enough- or not, as Derek had little to no interest in helping to plan a dance he probably wouldn't go to. Ah, well. Happily that was a ways off yet. No need to worry about the next dance when there was still this one to avoid.
"How's that going?" Derek didn't know Anya was helping with the planning but he supposed it made sense. Especially with the twins gone, she was bound to be pretty excited. "And I sense you're not going to tell me about your costume then. It is a dress up thing right? I- Well, I wasn't going to dress up anyway so yeah. Didn't pay much attention."
Re: Wednesday, October 25th. Lunch.mynameisanyaDecember 21 2007, 07:22:51 UTC
"It's going really well!" She started to bounce a little in her seat like she was so apt to do when excited and enthusiastic about something, "I think we basically have everything figured out. I can't give away anything, but it pretty much won't look the same in here." Yep. The Puffs were going all out this year. Hard workers and all that, you know?
Anya was taking a sip of her water when he mentioned the costume again. She may have choked on the water a little, "Um. Yeah. No, you're not getting that out of me either. It's a surprise." She tried to grin, but she was suddenly really worried about her costume. It was rather scandalous, what if they didn't let her? But seriously. She didn't think they had a dress code for this dance... hmm. "And yeah, it's costumes and all that. Do you think you'll still go? Or do you have other plans?"
Re: Wednesday, October 25th. Lunch.derek_blyDecember 21 2007, 07:51:01 UTC
Derek had no doubt they'd do a good job. He was almost sad he wouldn't be around to see it now but, yeah, it was for the best that he didn't go.
He gave Anya a knowing look when she declared the costume a surprise. "Mhmm." Derek could have figured as much. Maybe he would have to stalk around outside of the Hufflepuff dorms before hand so he could catch her. Make sure her date was acceptable and all. It would be better than hanging around his own dorm while ball prep was going on anyway. And yes, it was possible that seeing Darin and Taylor again had kicked up Derek's sense of obligation to keep an eye on their sister- now that he was less mad at them.
"No, I'm...not going." Derek shook his head but was proud of the way he didn't slip back into a mood. Keep smiling and focus on Anya enjoying it. That was the key. Don't take the day personally. "I wasn't set on it anyway and it's her birthday so... It's just better if I don't," Derek explained. "I think Becca and I are going to hang out or something. Cause problems somewhere and act like the cool kids don't go to dances."
Re: Wednesday, October 25th. Lunch.mynameisanyaDecember 23 2007, 02:22:10 UTC
((rawr! i never got this notif either!! ♥))
Yikes. Anya would not want Derek to be stalking around outside her common room before the dance... she didn't want him to see her at all, so she was quite relieved when he said he wasn't going to be going to the dance after all. Rather, hanging out with Becca? That's cool. Anya liked Becca and knew that it would probably be good for him to be with her.
"Oh, well that's understandable!" She continued to smile before eating more of her food that she'd seemed to have forgotten. "I bet you two will have fun. I'll make sure to... I don't know, take a picture of the decorations or something for you, k?" But not of herself. Heh.
Re: Wednesday, October 25th. Lunch.derek_blyDecember 23 2007, 06:51:02 UTC
"Yeah, you'll have to do that." Derek put on a smile for her before turning back to his food. Seeing the decorations and clips of everyone having a good time might not be the most brilliant thing he'd heard of but it would be good to know that at least Anya had enjoyed the thing. That was worth it. All best mate of the brothers business aside, Derek did want her to actually have fun at the dance. It was her first without supervision and although it did worry him some, it had to happen sometime.
Derek poked the last of his bread toward his soup a few times but his appetite didn't seem inclined to come back. He pushed the bowl away. "How come you're not going with J.J.?"
Well it seemed like an innocent enough question. And the boy in question didn't look to be around so Derek figured it was safe enough to ask.
Re: Wednesday, October 25th. Lunch.mynameisanyaDecember 23 2007, 07:50:15 UTC
Anya was, you know, eating her food because it was lunch and all, and at the moment she wasn't the one talking. But this meant that when Derek asked her that question, she all but choked on the food! Um... what had he just said??
She blushed, trying to recover as she patted the top of her chest and coughed a few times to clear her throat, "Um. Heh. JJ? Why would I go with JJ? We're just friends... we went together last year... why would I go with him??" Of course she tended to forget that Derek had spotted the two kissing in the hall that one time. Well, she more or less chose to forget it, because come on now! That was embarrassing!!
Re: Wednesday, October 25th. Lunch.derek_blyDecember 23 2007, 19:42:42 UTC
A little too close to home that question? Derek grinned. Teasing other people about their happy relationships issues was fine by him apparently. Come on, how could he not still find it hilarous to have caught Anya snogging someone?
"Well, you two did seem to be enjoying that snog last I saw you." Nope, Derek wasn't giving up on that one anytime soon. Possibly ever. "And you did go last year. Was he that bad a dancer? Or a kisser for that matter?"
Wow, who knew Derek would be alright with making fun of Anya about kissing? If he stopped to think she could turn it all around and embarrass him, Derek wouldnt' have dared. Happily, he was using this to distract him from Other Things and so it didn't occur to him at all. Plus, you know, hopefully Anya wouldn't feel the need to bring up he and Hannah given the state of things. The perfect situation, mockery without threat of it coming back. Brilliant.
Re: Wednesday, October 25th. Lunch.mynameisanyaDecember 24 2007, 06:19:44 UTC
He WOULD like the fact that he could tease her mercilessly and she couldn't even touch him!! It was quite cruel, but in all honesty, Anya was much too embarrassed to even think about him and Hannah-- though it would have been perfect if she could mention some of the things she knew about the two. She'd been saving this material for a special day, but seeing as they were no longer together... she wouldn't get a chance to use it to embarrass him! Lame.
"I didn't enjoy it," She snapped, pouting slightly as this? Was so not fun in her mind. He was probably having a well good time, but Anya was not pleased in the least. "And he was a fine kis-- dancer. He was a fine dancer!!!" Good grief, has she almost said that? BAH! She failed.
Sigh. "I just... I don't know, I think I have a thing for Felix, which is why I'm going with him." Notice how she didn't say that she didn't not have a thing for JJ. You could like more than one person, could you not? Besides, she was in denial about Jay, he was her best mate after all...
Like a life raft perhaps? Derek didn't know what to say to that. A life raft didn't even make sense. He wasn't drowning. Thank Merlin for that. Oh, muddled brain.
Derek was tired of keeping things in. Part of him did want to talk to Anya about it all. He'd gone over it with Becca though and...for some reason he and Anya weren't as good at talking anymore. Had that started with the twins or... Who knew. Merlin, that didn't mean she was going to leave too did it? An irrational spike of dread shot through Derek and he bit the inside of his lip. Somehow he'd stopped talking to everyone. "Thanks. I- I just don't even know. I didn't expect it."
There, that was honest. And, damnit, Derek hated making the conversation all about him. He wasn't good at being the center of attention, especially not when he felt like he was dragging down the room.
It was Anya though. He shouldn't be so self conscious. Derek had just...felt like he shouldn't put more on her that she already had to deal with this year.
Well, she certainly wouldn't be bringing that subject up anytime now!!
She gave him a sympathetic sort of smile as she nodded, thinking how she hadn't expected it either! Of course she knew none of the details regarding his and Hannah's relationship... she just knew what she saw. And from what she saw, they seemed to be doing wonderfully. So it was odd to see how things worked off... proved the fact that appearances could be deceiving.
"You'll be alright though, yeah? I mean... you're Derek. You'll be fine, I know it." Optimism FTW!!
It was fine and well to hear she expected him to be okay. Derek made himself out to be that guy; always okay, always stable. He honestly didn't feel it right now. Maybe everyone just overestimated him. You kept saying you were fine and people stopped asking. Good old Derek. He'd bounce back from anything. Eventually, logically, Derek figured he would. He wasn't particularly confident that it would be soon.
Geez. Anya knew she wasn't helping one bit. She knew she was blabbering on like a fool. But that was because she didn't know what else to do here! She hated seeing Derek any less than his amazing self. This was hard!
"I guess I don't really know what I'm saying," She finally admitted, "But its better to be positive than something else, isn't it? If its not easy for you to be, then I'll be positive for the both of us." Its what she did best, after all.
Derek bit his lip as Anya started up again. For some reason, he found himself smiling (even if it was punctuated by a on-the-verge-of-tears laugh). Derek held the breakdown off and looked over at Anya gratefully. "Thanks, duck. I may need that."
Was he smiling?? Her heart leaped a little inside her chest, because that meant she was doing something good, right? That she was on the right track or something... not that she was going to smother him with optimism, but... well, perhaps he needed someone like her around!! She sure hoped so, at least.
"I'll totally be here," She chirped with a wide grin, "Whenever. Whenever you feel you need some positive in sight, I'm your gal," Anya chucked a thumb towards herself, still grinning as she thought of what next to say.
Derek nodded and returned Anya's infectious grin. "Thanks," he repeated.
Okay, now that his mood was picked up, time to be less depressing. " are your ball plans coming? Get an outfit or whatever?" He was straying into dangerously girl territory asking about clothes but Derek figured it was one of the better ways to get Anya going on a brighter topic. And hey, he could care about these things. Had to be sure she was wearing something brother approved, didn't he? Within reason.
But yes, on to different topics was possibly a good idea. Especially if it meant distracting. Good times. And the topic of the ball was always high on the list of getting Anya to forget other matters -- not that she would forget this, oh no. But she could see that he was ready to move on, so move on they shall!
"Yeah! The plans are great, actually. I think I'm all set... I got what I needed at Hogsmeade, so yeah!" And brother approval? I THINK NOT! Anya was going to have to lie or evade the question about her costume because... yikes. She'd somehow gotten away from telling her brothers what she was going to wear and she certainly wasn't going to bring it up with Derek either, because he would probably tell them. Her being a ho simply would not go over well. End of story. "And the plans for the ball are awesome, oh man. Hufflepuff is putting on the dance, right? I've been helping and our decorations are going to look so good!"
"How's that going?" Derek didn't know Anya was helping with the planning but he supposed it made sense. Especially with the twins gone, she was bound to be pretty excited. "And I sense you're not going to tell me about your costume then. It is a dress up thing right? I- Well, I wasn't going to dress up anyway so yeah. Didn't pay much attention."
Anya was taking a sip of her water when he mentioned the costume again. She may have choked on the water a little, "Um. Yeah. No, you're not getting that out of me either. It's a surprise." She tried to grin, but she was suddenly really worried about her costume. It was rather scandalous, what if they didn't let her? But seriously. She didn't think they had a dress code for this dance... hmm. "And yeah, it's costumes and all that. Do you think you'll still go? Or do you have other plans?"
He gave Anya a knowing look when she declared the costume a surprise. "Mhmm." Derek could have figured as much. Maybe he would have to stalk around outside of the Hufflepuff dorms before hand so he could catch her. Make sure her date was acceptable and all. It would be better than hanging around his own dorm while ball prep was going on anyway. And yes, it was possible that seeing Darin and Taylor again had kicked up Derek's sense of obligation to keep an eye on their sister- now that he was less mad at them.
"No, I'm...not going." Derek shook his head but was proud of the way he didn't slip back into a mood. Keep smiling and focus on Anya enjoying it. That was the key. Don't take the day personally. "I wasn't set on it anyway and it's her birthday so... It's just better if I don't," Derek explained. "I think Becca and I are going to hang out or something. Cause problems somewhere and act like the cool kids don't go to dances."
Yikes. Anya would not want Derek to be stalking around outside her common room before the dance... she didn't want him to see her at all, so she was quite relieved when he said he wasn't going to be going to the dance after all. Rather, hanging out with Becca? That's cool. Anya liked Becca and knew that it would probably be good for him to be with her.
"Oh, well that's understandable!" She continued to smile before eating more of her food that she'd seemed to have forgotten. "I bet you two will have fun. I'll make sure to... I don't know, take a picture of the decorations or something for you, k?" But not of herself. Heh.
Derek poked the last of his bread toward his soup a few times but his appetite didn't seem inclined to come back. He pushed the bowl away. "How come you're not going with J.J.?"
Well it seemed like an innocent enough question. And the boy in question didn't look to be around so Derek figured it was safe enough to ask.
She blushed, trying to recover as she patted the top of her chest and coughed a few times to clear her throat, "Um. Heh. JJ? Why would I go with JJ? We're just friends... we went together last year... why would I go with him??" Of course she tended to forget that Derek had spotted the two kissing in the hall that one time. Well, she more or less chose to forget it, because come on now! That was embarrassing!!
((ahahah oh, ljhook. ♥)
"Well, you two did seem to be enjoying that snog last I saw you." Nope, Derek wasn't giving up on that one anytime soon. Possibly ever. "And you did go last year. Was he that bad a dancer? Or a kisser for that matter?"
Wow, who knew Derek would be alright with making fun of Anya about kissing? If he stopped to think she could turn it all around and embarrass him, Derek wouldnt' have dared. Happily, he was using this to distract him from Other Things and so it didn't occur to him at all. Plus, you know, hopefully Anya wouldn't feel the need to bring up he and Hannah given the state of things. The perfect situation, mockery without threat of it coming back. Brilliant.
"I didn't enjoy it," She snapped, pouting slightly as this? Was so not fun in her mind. He was probably having a well good time, but Anya was not pleased in the least. "And he was a fine kis-- dancer. He was a fine dancer!!!" Good grief, has she almost said that? BAH! She failed.
Sigh. "I just... I don't know, I think I have a thing for Felix, which is why I'm going with him." Notice how she didn't say that she didn't not have a thing for JJ. You could like more than one person, could you not? Besides, she was in denial about Jay, he was her best mate after all...
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