Wednesday, October 4th - Early EARLY morningcarlislerOctober 25 2007, 07:25:14 UTC
While the original plan had been a Tuesday morning jog, the new plan was a Wednesday morning run. While waiting, Carlisle had done a few laps to warm up his body as his shirt and trousers provided little warmth. That, and he wasn't entirely sure that he would get his normal amount of running in seeing as how Anya was joining him.
He'd fallen asleep surprisingly early Tuesday night, which meant that he was having little difficulty remaining properly awake this morning.
Re: Wednesday, October 4th - Early EARLY morningmynameisanyaOctober 25 2007, 07:28:59 UTC
Hey now. She'd been doing a lot of running herself, so she'd been able to increase her skill in this category. Hopefully he'd notice the improvement.
Anyway she jogged her way down to the pitch to join him, waving in greeting and thinking how she was glad that the rain wasn't pouring down as it had the day before -- that was, after all, the reason why they had to cancel it yesterday morning.
Re: Wednesday, October 4th - Early EARLY morningcarlislerOctober 25 2007, 07:41:45 UTC
"Hey, Anya." He'd conveniently paused in his run for a few minutes, which led to it not looking like he'd already been running. Well, maybe not looking like he'd already been running. Not the point, though, the point was the bit of running he was about to do.
"You ready?" No reason to procrastinate, after all, as every minute of procrastination would be a minute longer he could have slept. Carlisle pulled off his t-shirt as he waited for a response, ultimately intending to give her a moment to enjoy the view before they began to run.
Re: Wednesday, October 4th - Early EARLY morningmynameisanyaOctober 25 2007, 07:46:29 UTC
The fact that he had started running without her flew over her head, which was good, otherwise she would have been kind of hurt and put off by that. Screw him, you know? But thankfully she was happily oblivious to this and more than content to get the party started.
"Y--" She had been about to say yeah, of course she was ready... that was, until he TOOK OFF HIS SHIRT! What the hell?? Wasn't he aware of how COLD it was?? And... oh my... he had a nice body...
Anya snapped her eyes away, scratching her head. This was not what she needed. Not after all those rumors. The whole idea of shagging had been caught in her head, and that was NOT a good thing. "Yep. Ready. Let's go." They just needed to run already. She needed to let out some frustration, and running was a wonderful outlet for that. Yay!
Re: Wednesday, October 4th - Early EARLY morningcarlislerOctober 25 2007, 07:55:48 UTC
"Great," Carlisle responded with a smile. He started off more slowly than usual, just to be sure he didn't leave her in the dust. Which, considering the fact that his legs were just a WEE BIT longer than hers, was a genuine possibility.
Running was far more relaxing than other sport like activites. The competitive sort of sports tended to do the opposite of relax him. He would invest too much effort into the game, leading to a more stressful Carlisle post-game. Another reason (aside from his very valid fear of flying) that Carlisle had no intentions of ever playing a game of Quidditch.
Re: Wednesday, October 4th - Early EARLY morningmynameisanyaOctober 25 2007, 08:00:29 UTC
Yeah. So she was short. Well, not extremely so(thank God!) but shorter than him. Although she could keep up the pace. She'd force herself not to appear weak or tired in his presence. She'd force herself to keep going, to stay focus if she needed. But her body was quickly getting used to running, so she wasn't too worried.
She just smiled when they started to run, loving the feeling more than she could express at the moment. It was a hobby that she should have taken up years ago.
"So... how're you?" Anya wasn't sure if they were supposed to make conversation or not. All she knew was that she was not going to be glancing over at him anytime soon. Nope.
Re: Wednesday, October 4th - Early EARLY morningcarlislerOctober 25 2007, 08:05:14 UTC
Carlisle kept up the small talk for a while, chatting about mundane things that really didn't need to be described in detail as they would bore Tori to sleep. The running was kept up for quite a while, seemingly going past faster due to the random chatter going on. Eventually, however, as all things must do, the running came to an end. Slowing down, Carlisle snagged Anya around the waist and dragged her close.
"I don't suppose you're tired of running yet?" He asked, slight smirk appearing.
Re: Wednesday, October 4th - Early EARLY morningmynameisanyaOctober 25 2007, 08:10:20 UTC
It was nice to just chat with him, even if what they were talking about wasn't anything interesting or special. Not like they were going to get into some deep, serious conversation while running! Not that they ever got into those types of conversations, but ya never know.
Anya had worked up quite a sweat, though, so she was grateful for the end of the run. Although she wasn't prepared for him suddenly pulling her near him. "Yeah... a bit tired..." She got out through her breaths, looking up at him and smiling. She wished she could go have a quick shower and then come back and continue on with spending time with him. But whatever, he obviously wasn't completely repulsed by her.
"Oi, none of that," She lightly reprimanded as she twisted out of his arm as she had the other night, "Remember?" Yep. Anya was not going to quit.
Re: Wednesday, October 4th - Early EARLY morningcarlislerOctober 25 2007, 08:16:16 UTC
Had he known the nature of Anya's thoughts, Carlisle would have been more than happy to offer himself as an escort to (and into) the showers. Unfortunately, he was not a Legilimens and therefore couldn't know what was going on in that pretty little head of hers.
In other news, had he known that Anya would put up such a resistance this morning, he might not have encouraged her to play hard to get. Sure, in the long run, it might be more fun. At the moment, however, he rather wanted to snog. "I can't help myself," Carlisle replied, moving closer and toying lightly with the hem of her shirt. "Really, I think you should start playing hard to get... tomorrow. Tomorrow works for me."
Re: Wednesday, October 4th - Early EARLY morningmynameisanyaOctober 25 2007, 08:21:16 UTC
Yet another image that did not need to be in her head -- Anya did not need to imagine the two in the SHOWER together. Good heavens, it was a blessed thing that this was not a real conversation that they were having. She likely wouldn't have been able to talk to him again because of her embarrassment.
She literally face palmed when he spoke and came closer. She hadn't pulled away just because she was playing hard to get. Carlisle was still very much half naked, had he forgotten about that? Probably not. And Anya was beginning to realize just why he had invited her out for a run...
"It will always be tomorrow with you..." She almost whined, pouting although she didn't mean to. And she was backing up. Yep. Backing up slowly, because she did not want to be cornered by him. He was evil. Evil boy.
Re: Wednesday, October 4th - Early EARLY morningcarlislerOctober 25 2007, 08:25:42 UTC
Backing away quickly might have been a better choice to make. Carlisle slid closer (like the SNAKE that he was) and kissed her lips mostly chaste like. "Not true," he said with a grin, "sometimes it'll be next week, or later today, or Friday." Etc, etc, etc.
And, really, if she kept backing away, he might have to accidentally trip them onto the ground. Tangled up messes could be fun, after all.
Re: Wednesday, October 4th - Early EARLY morningmynameisanyaOctober 25 2007, 08:30:19 UTC
She should have been backing up very quickly. Running even. But when had Anya been known for her smarts? She wasn't a Ravenclaw, after all. She should have even slapped him after that kiss he just placed on her lips, but the only thing she did was pout more. He was so insufferable! He wouldn't listen!! He knew that he was her weakness and he'd do everything to break her... unfair.
But she wouldn't stop backing up. It hadn't occurred to her that he might try other means of stopping her.
"I thought you wanted me to play hard to get. Make up your mind, man!"
Re: Wednesday, October 4th - Early EARLY morningcarlislerOctober 25 2007, 08:33:33 UTC
"I did. Do, even." Sure, he wanted her to play hard to get, but part of that was convincing her to snog him, too. If he had to encourage her to not play hard to get in order to get a snog...
Well, by (almost) any means necessary, he would! It wasn't helping that the pouting was ridiculously cute. It certainly wasn't helping her in the whole 'let me escape' aspect of things. He accidentally-on-purpose tripped, causing them to fall. On the upside, he was careful to make sure she wound up mostly on top of him. She wasn't really TRAPPED that way, after all.
"But, also, I like snogging," he added, with a grin.
Re: Wednesday, October 4th - Early EARLY morningmynameisanyaOctober 25 2007, 08:40:26 UTC
He was completely and utterly messing with her mind. Anya had no idea what to think. Either he wanted her to play hard to get or he didn't. He was contradicting himself all over the place! Although, she thought, it didn't matter what he wanted! The fact was, that she going to play hard to get. Not for the sake of playing hard to get to turn him on more. No. Because she just needed to do that. She couldn't give in all the time. They weren't suddenly make out buddies or anything... right?
And suddenly, somehow, she found herself on the ground. On top of him, even! Wow. Because this wouldn't solidify those rumors about her AT ALL!!
... Oh dear lord. Too close to the half nekkid sexy boy... oh, this was going to make her brain explode, kthnx.
"Um..." Anya, for some reason, puckered her lips a little but not because she was going to kiss him, because it was just something she did sometimes when she was thinking. And right now she was trying to think of something to say. "You're... evil."
Re: Wednesday, October 4th - Early EARLY morningcarlislerOctober 25 2007, 08:44:04 UTC
"I'm evil?" He repeated, with a bit of a laugh. That wasn't exactly what he'd expected her to say, but it certainly was amusing. So, as she wasn't kissing him, he leaned in to kiss her. He was simply following the logical chain of events!
"If I was evil, I'd be exploring where your ticklish spots might be at..." Oh, and apparently, he was evil as his fingers found her side to begin looking for such spots.
Re: Wednesday, October 4th - Early EARLY morningmynameisanyaOctober 25 2007, 08:47:32 UTC
There he went again. Kissing her. Only she didn't kiss back. So ha! Take that, Carlisle!!
... And if things couldn't get worse, he was suddenly tickling her. Anya? Oh yeah, Very ticklish. How'd he know?!? "No!" She practically screamed out, already laughing even just at the thought of being tickled. And oh my, he was touching her... good lord almighty, this was not on. What could she do, though? Now she was weakened by her giggling and his fingers at her sides!
He'd fallen asleep surprisingly early Tuesday night, which meant that he was having little difficulty remaining properly awake this morning.
Anyway she jogged her way down to the pitch to join him, waving in greeting and thinking how she was glad that the rain wasn't pouring down as it had the day before -- that was, after all, the reason why they had to cancel it yesterday morning.
"Hey ya!"
"You ready?" No reason to procrastinate, after all, as every minute of procrastination would be a minute longer he could have slept. Carlisle pulled off his t-shirt as he waited for a response, ultimately intending to give her a moment to enjoy the view before they began to run.
"Y--" She had been about to say yeah, of course she was ready... that was, until he TOOK OFF HIS SHIRT! What the hell?? Wasn't he aware of how COLD it was?? And... oh my... he had a nice body...
Anya snapped her eyes away, scratching her head. This was not what she needed. Not after all those rumors. The whole idea of shagging had been caught in her head, and that was NOT a good thing. "Yep. Ready. Let's go." They just needed to run already. She needed to let out some frustration, and running was a wonderful outlet for that. Yay!
Running was far more relaxing than other sport like activites. The competitive sort of sports tended to do the opposite of relax him. He would invest too much effort into the game, leading to a more stressful Carlisle post-game. Another reason (aside from his very valid fear of flying) that Carlisle had no intentions of ever playing a game of Quidditch.
She just smiled when they started to run, loving the feeling more than she could express at the moment. It was a hobby that she should have taken up years ago.
"So... how're you?" Anya wasn't sure if they were supposed to make conversation or not. All she knew was that she was not going to be glancing over at him anytime soon. Nope.
"I don't suppose you're tired of running yet?" He asked, slight smirk appearing.
Anya had worked up quite a sweat, though, so she was grateful for the end of the run. Although she wasn't prepared for him suddenly pulling her near him. "Yeah... a bit tired..." She got out through her breaths, looking up at him and smiling. She wished she could go have a quick shower and then come back and continue on with spending time with him. But whatever, he obviously wasn't completely repulsed by her.
"Oi, none of that," She lightly reprimanded as she twisted out of his arm as she had the other night, "Remember?" Yep. Anya was not going to quit.
In other news, had he known that Anya would put up such a resistance this morning, he might not have encouraged her to play hard to get. Sure, in the long run, it might be more fun. At the moment, however, he rather wanted to snog. "I can't help myself," Carlisle replied, moving closer and toying lightly with the hem of her shirt. "Really, I think you should start playing hard to get... tomorrow. Tomorrow works for me."
She literally face palmed when he spoke and came closer. She hadn't pulled away just because she was playing hard to get. Carlisle was still very much half naked, had he forgotten about that? Probably not. And Anya was beginning to realize just why he had invited her out for a run...
"It will always be tomorrow with you..." She almost whined, pouting although she didn't mean to. And she was backing up. Yep. Backing up slowly, because she did not want to be cornered by him. He was evil. Evil boy.
And, really, if she kept backing away, he might have to accidentally trip them onto the ground. Tangled up messes could be fun, after all.
But she wouldn't stop backing up. It hadn't occurred to her that he might try other means of stopping her.
"I thought you wanted me to play hard to get. Make up your mind, man!"
Well, by (almost) any means necessary, he would! It wasn't helping that the pouting was ridiculously cute. It certainly wasn't helping her in the whole 'let me escape' aspect of things. He accidentally-on-purpose tripped, causing them to fall. On the upside, he was careful to make sure she wound up mostly on top of him. She wasn't really TRAPPED that way, after all.
"But, also, I like snogging," he added, with a grin.
And suddenly, somehow, she found herself on the ground. On top of him, even! Wow. Because this wouldn't solidify those rumors about her AT ALL!!
... Oh dear lord. Too close to the half nekkid sexy boy... oh, this was going to make her brain explode, kthnx.
"Um..." Anya, for some reason, puckered her lips a little but not because she was going to kiss him, because it was just something she did sometimes when she was thinking. And right now she was trying to think of something to say. "You're... evil."
"If I was evil, I'd be exploring where your ticklish spots might be at..." Oh, and apparently, he was evil as his fingers found her side to begin looking for such spots.
... And if things couldn't get worse, he was suddenly tickling her. Anya? Oh yeah, Very ticklish. How'd he know?!? "No!" She practically screamed out, already laughing even just at the thought of being tickled. And oh my, he was touching her... good lord almighty, this was not on. What could she do, though? Now she was weakened by her giggling and his fingers at her sides!
"Carlisle, that's... not fair!!"
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