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Tuesday, September 5th, Afternoon 1; Geoffrey's office. candleschildren September 5 2007, 02:02:32 UTC
[Continued from over here. The flying instructor probably doesn't have an office, but I say he does, so he does! :D ]

As soon as the door shut behind Danny, Geoffrey fell down in his chair and grinned. "First off, I don't think you have troubles with anger management or violence - if anything, you seem the sort who's more likely to shut it all up inside rather than letting it out. This said, congratulations on growing a backbone - Remy was asking to be beaned. Shame you didn't throw a bit more to the left, though... might've knocked a bit of sense into him if you'd hit his head." He gestured to the only other chair in the room - a squashy, if slightly-dilapidated armchair - with his hand, indicating that Danny should take a seat. There was no desk in the room, just a table shoved up against the wall that was tall enough it could be used for writing if necessary. There was not, strictly speaking, a lot of paperwork involved with Geoffrey's job.

"I'm actually not mad at you at all - you're clearly the victim of an insensitive boyfriend here. I just figured it was best to separate you both before one or the other of you said something that royally screwed up your relationship. So you get to sit with me for the next hour, and you can talk, or yell, or shout, or throw things, or glare at the wall. I really don't care, though I'd prefer it if you didn't stare - best to let things out when you're feeling upset."


Re: Tuesday, September 5th, Afternoon 1; Geoffrey's office. christianish September 5 2007, 02:05:50 UTC
The office was worn and cozy, and Danny curled up in the armchair with no difficulty. Geoffrey's words, though, were throwing him for a SERIOUS loop.

"Well, I," he sputtered, eyes wide. "Of course I don't have an anger management problem!!" He wished for a comforting cup of tea. That said, he didn't really know what he was expected to talk about, either. After a moment of silence, he cleared his throat.

"Um... what am I supposed to talk about?"


Re: Tuesday, September 5th, Afternoon 1; Geoffrey's office. candleschildren September 5 2007, 02:17:31 UTC
"Whatever's on your mind, really. Remy, this new doctor of yours, your classes this year, the last book you read... Whatever you like," Geoffrey said easily. He was about to say more when his stomach made a threatening noise and he winced. Right, that was what he forgot to do earlier... Lunch. "I, in the meantime, am going to see about finding a house elf and acquiring something to eat. Have you had lunch?" From what he recalled of his own teenage years, Geoffrey remembered being hungry a large part of the time.


Re: Tuesday, September 5th, Afternoon 1; Geoffrey's office. christianish September 5 2007, 02:19:19 UTC
"Um," Danny said. "No. I didn't. I was going to, but they told me I needed to be more social, and make more of an effort, so I've been trying that, but --" here he shrugged. "It's hard. And the thought of the Great Hall made me nervous, so I figured I could skip it. Right?"


Re: Tuesday, September 5th, Afternoon 1; Geoffrey's office. candleschildren September 5 2007, 02:24:07 UTC
"Makes sense. All those kids at once? Can be a bit scary sometimes. Doesn't mean you should miss eating though," Geoffrey said. He summoned a house elf and wheedled with her until she agreed to provide them with lunch, as well as tea and coffee.

Settling back to wait for their food (it normally wouldn't take very long, but Geoffrey had convinced the house elf that they very much needed something a bit nicer than what had just been served in the Great Hall), Geoffrey studied Danny. "So, being social. Aside from leading to starvation, how is that working for you so far?"


Re: Tuesday, September 5th, Afternoon 1; Geoffrey's office. christianish September 5 2007, 02:27:28 UTC
Danny twisted the balls of his feet against the floor, knocking his feet together nervously. "... Not very well. I guess I'm just... completely inept. I never know what to say, and I always feel like someone's laughing at me as soon as I'm gone."


Re: Tuesday, September 5th, Afternoon 1; Geoffrey's office. candleschildren September 5 2007, 02:47:19 UTC
"Oh, you can't be completely inept. Completely inept is my nephew - he expresses his opinion by pushing other students off staircases, though most of the time he just ignores the fact that other people even exist. You, on the other hand, have a boyfriend of several months. Which means that you're social enough to pick through the other students at this fine institution and find one who you're compatible with most of the time," Geoffrey said easily. He didn't doubt that Danny cared about Remy - that they had stayed together for so long was a testament to that, given the nature of teenage relationships. Of course, all this didn't mean that Remy wasn't an insensitive idiot sometimes.

The house elf returned with a tray of food and drink and Geoffrey left off talking to Danny to praise her for her efforts. She blushed and curtsied in her pretty tea-towel dress before disappearing with a bang. "Coffee or tea?" he asked the redhead as he handed a passed him a plate of ravioli. "Though... it looks like she just gave us the hot water so we could choose the type, so if you want tea, you'll have to wait for it to steep."


Re: Tuesday, September 5th, Afternoon 1; Geoffrey's office. christianish September 5 2007, 21:37:54 UTC
Flushing, Danny rubbed at the back of his neck. "It'll be a year in November," he said to Geoffrey, squidging his shoe against the floor. He looked back up at Geoffrey quickly. "He's not -- we don't fight this way, not usually. He's just upset with me right now."

The house elf prompted a shy smile on Danny's face, before she was gone and the redhead was staring at dishes. Geoffrey offered coffee or tea, and he made a face. "I don't like tea," Danny said. "Just hot water and lemon. But thank you." He took the plate of ravioli and stared at it for a minute, eyes large. "It's massive," he managed to say finally. "And -- it's just cheese in, isn't it? I don't eat animals."


Re: Tuesday, September 5th, Afternoon 1; Geoffrey's office. candleschildren September 5 2007, 22:00:05 UTC
"I'm coffee man myself, so here, feel free to do whatever like with hot water and lemon," Geoffrey said with a grin, passing the smaller tray which held the teapot and other tea accoutrements to Danny. "And the filling should be cheese and spinach. Never saw the point of anything else when it came to ravioli, myself."

Having nabbed the (regrettably small) coffee pot from the tray, Geoffrey poured himself a cupful. It would be weak and slightly acidic, he knew (though they experts when it came to tea, Geoffrey had yet to find a house elf who could really manage coffee), but it was better than nothing. "He's upset with you? Because of this new doctor, or just in general?"


Re: Tuesday, September 5th, Afternoon 1; Geoffrey's office. christianish September 5 2007, 22:04:34 UTC
Danny squished cheese around in his mouth, looking very happy about it. Soon he had in hand a cup of hot water and lemon, and he was entirely set for the whole meal.

Geoffrey's question was... off-putting, however. "Um." Danny swallowed. "It's easy to be mad at me, I guess." He shrugged and began slowly repositioning the food on his plate, looking down at the ravioli. "I'm a lot of trouble. I don't mean to be, I just -- don't know how to deal with anything, really, and so I get upset, but then I guess I don't talk about it, so I just end up hurting myself, and then he doesn't like it. And he's mad at me about the therapist, yes. He's really mad about that."


Re: Tuesday, September 5th, Afternoon 1; Geoffrey's office. candleschildren September 5 2007, 22:17:56 UTC
"You feel that you can be a bit frustrating at times, then?" Geoffrey asked quietly, trying to sound things out. This wasn't something he was formally trained to do, really, but most Chandlers learned on their mum's knee how to extract information from people in a tactful manner, and that was really what this was. "Seems to me that a lot of your problems could probably be solved if you stood up for yourself a bit more," he said thoughtfully. "Just now, out in the hall, it made you very uncomfortable when Remy said negative things about me, even though they were said in jest. Why didn't you just tell him to stop? You could have and it would have been socially acceptable - if you can't reprimand your own boyfriend to be better behaved, than who can you reprimand?"

He took a long sip of his coffee, frowning slightly at the taste. Really, he had to see about making his own coffee from now on. "And I think that, if he's really mad about this new therapist, it's mostly because he's scared that you might take the therapist more seriously than you take him. No doubt he's really scared all this anti-gay stuff will lead to you wanting to break up with him. The fact that you haven't discounted everything the therapist's told you as complete shite bothers him and makes him feel uneasy and unstable. So... it's more the fault of Remy's own insecurities than any mistake on your part."


Re: Tuesday, September 5th, Afternoon 1; Geoffrey's office. christianish September 5 2007, 23:15:44 UTC
"I know I am," Danny said. "Everyone's always said it, and they can't ALL be wrong. I'm a mess, always have been." Taking a sip of water, he almost choked as Geoffrey told him that he ought to tell Remy to behave.

"I can't -- I don't have that kind of authority!" The Ravenclaw sounded shocked. "I can't tell ANYONE what to do! That's not right. It's not my place." As for all the anti-gay stuff....

Danny sighed and set his plate down entirely. "He won't listen to me. He won't take me at my word when I say we're still together. He won't let me have my space to figure things out, he won't give me any time, and he certainly won't try to understand how I feel. What do I do?"


Re: Tuesday, September 5th, Afternoon 1; Geoffrey's office. candleschildren September 6 2007, 00:00:12 UTC
"Oh, well. Everyone's frustrating sometimes. Just because people tell you you're frustrating sometimes doesn't mean you're frustrating always," Geoffrey explained as he cut up his ravioli. "And I know that I don't know you very well, but from what I've seen so far, you're a lot less frustrating than some people I know." Really, that nephew of his... In Geoffrey's opinion, Gillichu was definitely going to drive some girl mad when he got older.

"And you do have that kind of authority over Remy. Think for a moment - you allow him that kind of authority over you, don't you? That's not something that goes one way... In fact, it's pretty much required for people to let their girl- or boyfriends know when they're making social idiots of themselves. And, as a general rule, if you're feeling awkward, then he's making a social idiot of himself."

Geoffrey chewed thoughtfully as he listened to Danny explain his troubles with Remy. "Well... part of the problem there is that the two of you have very different personality types, I think," Geoffrey said finally after much thought. "You're the kind of person who takes his time and thinks over things a lot before reaching a decision, while Remy, well... I hate to admit it, but seems to me he's a lot more like me. Quick to rush into things without much thought beforehand, quick to decide things, and standing by his decision until the very end, even if he realises along the way that it wasn't the best one, or even the right one." Geoffrey grimaced as he said this. His present situation here at the school was very much the result of such behaviour on his part.


Re: Tuesday, September 5th, Afternoon 1; Geoffrey's office. christianish September 6 2007, 00:04:48 UTC
Danny chewed his ravioli. Geoffrey had a point, maybe?

Swallowing, he grimaced. "The worst of it is that he's mad because I don't want to... y'know... all the time. Well, a lot of the time. I mean, I want to, and I enjoy it, you know that --" here his face turned red. "But I need to figure things out. And I can't.. I don't want to feel like the only reason we're together is... you know."


Re: Tuesday, September 5th, Afternoon 1; Geoffrey's office. candleschildren September 6 2007, 00:30:52 UTC
Geoffrey couldn't help it - he laughed, long and hard. "Sorry, sorry," he said once he thought he had control of himself again, "I'm not laughing at you. I'm laughing at Remy. And myself, really..." He coughed a few times, trying to compose himself. "Right, well. That's definitely not your fault - he's just angry because he's a horny teenage male and he's not getting any when he feels he should be. It's probably screwing with his judgment, to say nothing of his ability to think clearly. Look, I'll tell you what to do - you need to start casting the chastity charm on him if he gets to be too much. You do know that one, right? They ran it in the paper last year some time." If Danny didn't know the charm, it wasn't a problem, of course - Geoffrey could always teach it to him.


Re: Tuesday, September 5th, Afternoon 1; Geoffrey's office. christianish September 6 2007, 01:12:46 UTC
Danny's face fell when Geoffrey started to laugh at him, and he frowned, staring down at his ravioli. "Um... I... don't really know. I can't tell him no, can I? I don't feel like I have the right."


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