WEATHERMonday, 1/22 - high 39°F/4°C, low 32°F/0°C; scattered clouds
Tuesday, 1/23 - high 37°F/3°C, low 30°F/-1°C; light snow in the afternoon
Wednesday, 1/24 - high 41°F/5°C, low 33°F/1°C; partly cloudy
Thursday, 1/25 - high 44°F/7°C, low 33°F/1°C; mostly cloudy
Friday, 1/26 - high 44°F/7°C, low 37°F/3°C; scattered rain all day
Saturday, 1/27 - high 46°F/8°C, low 39°F/4°C; early morning rain, cloudy
Sunday, 1/28 - high 51°F/10°C, low 44°F/7°C; mostly cloudy
Full Moon - 2/2
Monday, 1/22 -
An aged wizard, Patrick "Patty" Hardwick, was found dead Sunday in a rented room at Shadahan's Pub in Redditch. All initial signs point to a violent death for the man, who was found by a maid around noon yesterday. The pub owner was unable to recall exactly when Hardwick checked into his room - or whom he might have been with - only that the room was paid for in full and the body was found later. The rest of the staff and patrons were equally unable to shed light on the apaprent murder.
Patty Hardwick had worked in the Department of Magical Transportation, putting in nearly 45 years in the Ministry before being asked to step out late last year in the midst of the Ministry restructuring. He left his position just weeks before the Ministry attacks and although it has not yet been confirmed officially, rumor has it that Hardwick's name may be on a list of suspected Order members.
Hit Wizards and Aurors both are looking into the matter of Hardwick's death.
Tuesday, 1/23 - DIFFICULT PETS - How to Manage Subhuman Species
Wednesday, 1/24 -
Aurors brought Morgana Devlin of Bifford-on-Avon in early this morning for the alleged murder of an Order member found dead Sunday. The move was sudden and unexpected, causing quite a stir at the Ministry as the mother of five was placed in a holding cell.
A spokesman for the pureblood family said that the arrest was an outrage and that they fully expected Morgana's innocence to be proven in short order. The evidence against Mrs. Devlin - if there is any - has not been disclosed at this time. Aurors refused to comment on the arrest.
Hit Wizards meanwhile, confirmed this morning the rumors that Patty Hardwick was a suspected Order member and Person of Interest. His name was on a list that Magical Law Enforcement has been working through, although Hit Wizards had not yet brought him in for questioning. It is unclear if he may have been involved in the planning of the Ministry attack last year but officials are taking a close look at the man's home for any signs that may provide answers.
Thursday, 1/25 -
DEVLIN RELEASED - Locke Chastises Aurors For Being Too Hasty
All charges against Morgana Devlin were dropped yesterday - indeed, were hardly filed - and the woman was released after several hours in needless custody. The pureblood mother of five appeared pleased as she emerged from her holding cell, but was unruffled and understanding of the situation.
"It is unfortunate that the Aurors in this case let their enthusiasm get the better of them," she commented, stopping long enough on her way out to answer questions. "I have always had the utomost faith in Minister Locke and the Ministry, however. The matter was corrected and I have no hard feelings. I'm just happy to return home."
Minister Locke was not so kind with his statement as he escorted Mrs. Devlin out personally. "The Aurors acted inexcusably in this matter and sullied the good name of Mrs. Devlin and her family without just cause. This is not up to the standards which we here at the Ministry hold for Magical Law Enforcement. I will be looking into the matter personally," he assured.
Friday, 1/26 - QUILTING CIRCLE GOES AWRY - Injuries, But A Lesson Learned
Sunday, 1/28 -
The catch and release of Patty Hardwick's killer this week, indeed the marginalizing of his death entirely, was perhaps the most blatant abuse of Ministry power to date.
The claim that Mrs. Devlin was "incorrectly" imprisioned is ludicrous in the extreme. One would be hard pressed to find a MORE suspicious candidate and her release was a clear act of favoritism.
The Devlin's have long been known for shady dealings, despite their continued claims of respectability through the years. The suspect's husband, Nicholas Devlin, works in Magical Transportation and supervised Patty for several years before kicking him out last fall under the guise of a poor performance review- which we all know translates in the language of today's Ministry to disapproval over Hardwick's bloodstatus. The man, a faithful worker for nearly half a century, had the misfortune of being a halfblood and that is the only reason for which he was outed. But you won't hear the Prophet mention that.
Morgana herself has drawn plenty of attention the last few years. She was quietly institutionalized in 2005 after an incident and was subsequently released only months later when Locke came to power. Sounding familiar? A number of Devlin servants have gone "missing" since her return home and, of course, let us not forget that her name came up in these very pages just last fall when the body of an abducted first year was found in Bifford-on-Avon not far from the Devlin estates. Despite her very public decision to keep her own children at home this school year, Morgana and another relative were spotted by some on Platform 9 3/4 the day of the abductions. And this is the woman Locke claims is innocent? Again?
Shame on you, Ministry. We here at the Quibbler are gravely concerned that Mrs. Devlin was released without so much as a serious looking at in the matter at hand. A man was killed! Brutally so. But Minister Locke doesn't care about that, of course.
If even the Aurors can't stand up to Locke, who will? And who will pay the price next?
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