Jun 26, 2007 22:19


The summer months seem to be a time for players to slow down their roleplaying and just stick to who they know. Well, Once again, this summer we're going to try and change that!

Introducing Summer Frenzy Two months to get to know everyone on Now Playing and coming to Now Playing! The idea is to interact, play with and meet all the Now Playing Members (we've grown quite a bit) and get our long-time players playing with all our fantasic newbies and maybe have a few players discover the talent of other players they haven't played with before!

Contest Outline:


Goal 1 - To play a thread with one of every roleplayer's characters in Now Playing with one of your own characters. (You can play any of your characters against any of another players characters, you simply must secure one thread with every roleplayer in Now Playing)

Goal 2 - To play a thread with all other Ministry Characters of Now Playing with All your Ministry Characters (You have to thread with every Ministry Character there is in now playing with all your own ministry characters.)

Goal 3 - To play a thread with all other Order Characters of Now Playing with all your Order Characters. (you have to thread with every Order character there is in Now Playing with all your own Order characters.)

Goal 4 - To play a thread with all other Death Eater Characters of Now Playing with all your Death Eater Characters. (you have to thread with every Death Eater character there is in Now Playing with your own Death Eater Characters.)

Goal 1 offers a prize of a one year subscription to Livejournal. Once you have completed the contest and have submitted your threads and they are reviewed you will receive your prize, it is not the 'first person to finish' prize, every single player who has completed Goal 1 by September 1st shall be awarded a prize of one year subscription to LiveJournal or the equivalent in Gift Certificates (GC's) to a site of their chosing.

Goal 2, 3, and 4 offer additional prizes of Gift Certificates, or 6 months paid time depending on the wishes of the winner. These can include; renaming tokens or GC's off-site, they also have to be completed by September 1st.

Contest rules:

1) Contest runs from July 1st to September 1st.

2) You must secure one thread with any of your characters from each player in Now Playing with any of their characters.

3a) Each of the qualifying post must be at least 5 sentances. (average of 75 to 100 words per post) and each thread must run at least 5 posts for each Player (a total of 10 posts in each thread made by two players at the minimum).


3b) 4 sentances (average of 50 to 75) per post and each thread must run at least 8 posts for each Player (a total of 16 posts in each thread made by two players at the minimum)

4) In threads where there are more than two players each player must still make a minimum of 5 posts each at least 5 sentances long OR 8 posts for each player at 4 sentances long.

5) Each thread must be played to NP canon standards and follow the guidelines of each character as set down in the application.

6) Every Player must still follow the NP rules while participating in the contest.

7) Players who are on LOA are not included in this contest. If a player is on LOA you are not required to get a game from them.

8) You must submit links of all threads played by September 2nd of 2006 (September 3rd for our friends overseas) at Midnight. You may submit earlier than that if you are finished, but you have until Deadline.

9) You may go for any Goal(s) within the contest, but only Goal 1 offers a years subscription to LiveJournal.


Additional Information:

When the contests starts a post will appear on np_contest with all members of Now Playing including a list of who is on LOA/Hiatus, and allow you to post threads that you've done. Each player will have a 'comment thread' at which to deposit their threads, all we need is a name of who you played and a link to the thread. no further details required. (can even make the subject the person you played with, and the body just the link!)

If Players come back during the summer from LOA/Hiatus it is up to you to secure a game. If a player comes back with (August 21st or later) 10 or less days before September 1st, requirement to garner game from them is exempt. (AKA you don't have to chase them down)... although there may be a bonus prize if you do! All Newbies who apply and are approved upto August 21st are part of this contest, if someone is approved August 20th you must pursue a game with them to complete your goal.

The Contest will start July 1st 2007 at 12:01am EST (Britain and Ireland will be 5am, Europe mainland will be 6am and Australia will be 1pm *western* on July 2) and any thread started AFTER THAT TIME until September 1st 2007 at 11:59pm EST (5:59am, 6:59am and 12:59pm) is valid. Threads can finish AFTER the deadline by no more than 3 hours. All members of NP have until September 2nd 11:59PM EST to hand in their threads.


You can complete the contest anytime during the two months it runs from July 1st to September 1st and hand in your results at any time after the contest opens, once you have handed in your threads they will be checked, and if the threads check out you will received 1 year paid journal time to the LJ of your choosing.

This post will be placed in np_contest for further reading and on np_officials.


Now Playing Players List:

1deadheart - Judi
Adellyna - Mandi
Akavertigo - Lena
ararejul - Julia
astraevirgo - Kate
aurora_borialis - Aussie
awesomness - Becca
belle_bing - Belinda
bluejeans07 - Jean
bubblesl - Ling
butterbuns - Saskia
butterflyvision - Gabby
cacophonesque - Destiny
cherryst8tefan - Caitlyn
echochaser9 - Lina
expedishous - Raina
f4l - Mel
getaway_machine - Smash
hope99_31516 - Crystal
iheartpotatoes - Bridgid
illuxtris - Gemma
imthelobster - Amy
it_burns_us - Sara
katherynne - Kate
kellerton - Kelly
ladydemando - Ashley
lenabee - Cece
nox_lumos - Alix
ohh_clamity - Alex
orangewinters - Lacey
oravannahka - Nino
orpheous87 - Emma
owensboro_hope - Heather
perrie - Perrie
raven_annabelle - Smarch
re_white - Sammy
sarahgonecrazy - Sars
soleil_luna - Morgan
Spidez - Kristi
sweytie_piy - Taz
Theropicus - Mandy
zia_narratora - Tea

Please inform Jewel/1deadheart at once if anyone listed is no longer with NP, or I'm missing someone!

Players on LOA or Absent for less than 11 days between July 1st and September 1st, and who do not come off LOA by August 21st are not required by participants to recieve a thread from.
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