Cat update - further news

Apr 10, 2009 21:30

The vet said today that she had tested his electrolytes, and his potassium was very high. That could account for his unsteadiness yesterday. They switched the fluids he was on, and he's acting better. He ate some today. She's going to test his kidney levels tomorrow, see whether there's any change there.

It would be wonderful if his weakness and unsteadiness were just due to the potassium. It would be wonderful if he could recover to where he was two weeks ago. Back then he was still active, still hopping on my lap and on my desk, still climbing under the covers with me.

But I think I'm prepared to face it if he continues to decline. I have no regrets: I appreciated him every day I had him, and doubly so since he fell ill.

Thank you, everybody who responded to my post yesterday. I needed your comfort and advice. I will let myself be guided by the vet staff, who have cared for him wonderfully. And bless you all.


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