Doing some epic procrastination

Feb 19, 2015 19:58

The things I am procrastinating about are:
  1. Finishing some work I did today, for my job;
  2. Going out and getting a new phone and a pair of gloves. (Maybe several pair.)
It is 7:30pm, approximately, and I want to do the second but feel I need to do the first or it won't get done.  Because I will probably do something else when I get back, will probably excuse myself into an early bedtime or find some article online that I have to finish reading.

Procrastination is based on fear, though I think in my case it's based on the reasonable apprehension that doing the work will eat up all the rest of my evening and I'll be phoneless and gloveless tomorrow.  And also I'm afraid my mood will plummet.  I spent a lot of energy propping up my mood.

(I also am distracted by some new cookbooks that require things like tapioca flour and cubed jicamas, and I want to go out and buy even though I won't have time to cook until Saturday or Sunday.)

Come; let us leave these frivolities and go make bricks.
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