Cat 2, NP-Complete 15

Oct 04, 2008 19:59

I give the cat a point every time he gets away from me before he gets his full dose of fluids. Again, it's not the fluids he objects to, it's standing in one place. He purrs and licks my hand during administration, before he realizes that I'm not going to let him move around freely. Tonight, after lots of balked attempts at escape, including getting up onto his hind feet to evade my hand, he climbed up my chest to my shoulder, digging in hard into my stomach with his back feet. It still hurts, even though he only just broke the skin. (Time to renew the claw-clipping the vet clinic gave him.)

I'm still winning on points, even though he's getting increasingly bolshy, and even though his "victories" are bad for him in the long run. Still, I'm getting at least some fluid in him, and he's eating plenty. He has to be feeling good.


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