(no subject)

Nov 22, 2009 23:57

I'm at the point of binding off my practice scarf. This was to give me practice at lace knitting. The parts where I knitted normally are fine: the parts where I tried to practice Continental-style knitting are a bit ragged.

Maybe it will come out okay after blocking; maybe it won't. It was for practice, after all. If it does come out okay, I have to think of something to do with it. It was made from a stray ball of cotton yarn that I don't remember buying. The color is pretty but not one I would wear.

I do think that when I'm done with this project I will probably not pursue lace knitting very intently. I wound up making an error on about every other row and having to frog a whole row about once a rep. My mind wanders when I knit, and lace knitting requires close attention and/or the ability to memorize an arbitrary-seeming series of stitches. (The lace pattern is simple but not discernible just from the chart.)

knitting, creativity

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