(no subject)

Nov 04, 2009 19:30

I listed out stressors in my journal last night and came up with a good fifteen, ranging from the trivial to the deeply worrying.  I'm using the light box tonight and hopefully that plus some deliberate relaxation time will help me regain some kind of serenity.

I think that the most stressing things are not those you can't do anything about, but those that you feel you can and should but don't know how to handle.

It would be nice if I could have some good, deep, sleep.  I slept lightly, waking up at 2, 4, 4:30, 5, and 5:30.  I then got up, tried to write in my journal, put the kettle on, and then went back to bed, where I finally got some solid sleep.

I remembered the kettle at 9:30.

sleep disturbance, scenes from provincial life

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