Round 19 For the Finish!
Will has an open field ahead to the Slytherin goals.
Bludger2 attacks Will but he sees it in time to swerve free.
Not to be put off, Rus hits bludger1 at Will from behind, he doesn't see it and gets nailed, out three and the quaffle is dropped.
Slytherin Seeker flies in for the snitch and CATCHES IT! Game over, Slytherin wins!
Final Score: Hufflepuff 0 - Slytherin 190
As always, the game is up
here for any last threads. The final game of the season, Gryffindor vs Ravenclaw, is already up
here and will be starting soon.
Current Quidditch Cup standings:
Hufflepuff 300 final
Ravenclaw 210
Slytherin 210 final
Gryffindor 160