This Shounen Club was really good!
I think it's mostly because of all the Inoo love in the beginning and all the Kamei love! And I could see Asaka in the back~
mino_chan says I have 'Asaka vision' xDD
They had a cool pointing thing going on
They had some new clothes~ but I didn't like Yamada's mesh...Chinen just looked cute as always xP
New costumes?
Nice Kick!
Tsukada's hair~ D: but I think he changes his hair a lot, which surprises me
Kis-My-Ft2 was really cool~
And Tamamori's hair was seen in action~! Senga was cool too! I recently watched some SC performances with Kis-My-Ft2 and Senga was really cool! xD JJE introduction TT__TT
Tackey and Tsubasa!
Did Koyama style his hair? xD
Sorry Tackey... but I was looking at Asaka the whole time xD
The Johnny's boys...
...but i still like Okamoto xP
Kamei... why are you backdancing?!? D:
They were cute during this talk~
Okay, one second of Morimoto love...
INOO!!! <3~!!
Nakamaru's attempt xD
he was pretty okay
But the older one was better~! [too lazy too remember their names]
His dancing was good and quick~
Backdancers! <3
I like it when they go 'oo~h"
I would want Inoo to give me a high-five... but it doesn't seem like something that would make you go 'doki-doki', not like if he gave you his anko xD
Inoo spaz!
He was with those four people again... but at least that one guy didn't try to be 'sexy' again xD
I didn't know he was so slutty xP
hip attack!
Bleh but funny xD
I like Hikaru's skit with himself xP
It was that guy again! I still think that they should have him sing a more rough rock song~
And Goto Hiromi was there! His singing wasn't that great but... it's Goto Hiromi! Okay, I'm not a HUGE fan~
I don't really understand this performance but I still cut it out xP
Either for that rock guy or for Yodagawa <3 yay for 'Question?'!
Kitayama and Senga don't know what's going on, Nikaido's pumped up, and Tamamori just woke up xD
Kis-My-Ft2 love~ <3
Nikaido's '?' face xDD
I like Takaki's excessive licking xP and you can see his earing
Inoo playing with his hair <3
Goseki trying to be sexy/cool
Fujiie and Daiki trying to get in the shot was cute xD
And then Daiki became cool while he was trying to solve the mystery
I wanted him to pick Inoo~ Dx
Tackey's laughing was cute
Yay! Kamei! xD
Jr. ni Q!
[lame high-five]
Tamamori's new hair has made him shirtless~
Yay~ more Kamei!
but I'm also screencapping because you can see Asaka in the back xD
Chinen was so cute ~ I love how he helps to make the gyoza!
...Genki doesn't help us make gzoya T__T
I like how the conversation goes to his dad xP
for the Asaka love <3
I love this beginning Taiyo part~ it's like my favorite part of the song! xD
I love the movements xD
And the kick!
I love it when they kick~ they seem so intense! xD
I'm giving Taiyo more love than Yabu xD
But... sorry Taiyo, I couldn't resist the Shoon capping~ he's so pretty xD
Especially in the second pic xD
Wow... That was a lot of Shoon xP
I wonder how long this post would be if Inoo sang a song this long xD
But this performance had a lot of good shots for them, since they don't move as fast as Kis-My-Ft2 or ABC xD
Favorite dance part xD
but it can't beat the random air guitar moments!
LOL Yuuto sneezing was cute xD
Hey~ Goto Hiromi... You're covering Hashimoto Dx
JJExpress~ That's right!
Was Hashimoto even there throughout the whole SC?
Kamei was, like... the most noticable backdancer xP
They put someone so cool with someone so cute~ awww~ xD
Okay, that's my SC rant xD
I want to read some journal entries on my f-list but I need to do my homework. I took a nap when I went home because at night it felt like I only slept for like one hour... probably because of the cold weather. When I wake up I'm all sore too DD: I'm wearing my warmest jacket at night but I hope it's working xD