Yesterday there was a rat in our garage DDx I guess when my mom and I were leaving for church the garage door closed on it but because the black rubber thing it wasn't crushed. Then Genki(my brother) left later and opened the garage, he said he saw it but he didn't do anything and he just closed the garage again DDDx
When I came home with
chocomemi we saw it and I called the maintenence in our apartment to see what he could do. Then my friend Izumi was at the apartments, she's a really animal-friendly person so she told me to not let it die. Izumi left and then cHoCoBaBy went home, and I was waiting for maintenance to come but he was out somewhere. D: ... I got really attached to the rat though, Mikey named him Ratitue. He was struggling to fix it's leg since it was kind of broken, I think his bone popped back in though because his leg was moving later. One of his arms were dead so it was hard for him to move though. He was flat before but started to get fat later and was breathing. But he started twitching for like a couple of seconds and then he died TT__TT Sorry Izumi, I couldn't save him!!! The maintenance guy didn't even come D:
I thought he was a mouse because he was so cute~ but cHoCoBaBy said that he was a rat because he was bigger than a mouse.