Shounen Club...finally~!

Aug 11, 2007 10:09

This week was crazy~! Okay not crazy but crazier than what I usually do...
On Monday I went on a 17 mile bike ride to Huntington Beach
Tuesday I had school
Wednesday our school went to the OCSD(Orange County Sanitation District) and we learned how they clean the water before they put it into the ocean.
On Thursday I had school. But we had this poem project due and I had to work on it the whole week and last week even though we had so many field trips, so I was tired~ but now summer school is over! yay!

I didn't watch any of the new episodes from the dramas I'm watching, but I did manage to watch the new SC when it came out xD

I don't like YamaPi's new hair...

But I've started to like Ryo and Tegoshi more xP

I'm starting to not really care about Massu... It's not like I like him less or whatever I just don't really care about him xP Shige is the same but that's good because I like him too xD

He's holding up NeWs for me xD


I was so happy for Shoon and Taiyo! They seem so energetic, like this is their time to shine! Taiyo was cute when he was looking at the mic
I wanted them to MC though~

Hamada is funny when he's kind of weird because he usually looks kind of serious xD

I feel bad... I didn't notice them at all. I just remember them when they were introduced... maybe on Sunday they'll sing something. I forgot the setlist so I don't know xP

I like BOYS' beginning pose xD

Junta's weird butt shake xDD

BOYS was cool~ Hamada's voice is so good and Nakata's voice was good too~

I like this song and I liked the junior who was just skating around them xD

I like how Ryo comes out and sings with the Kansai juniors...

...and tries to take the spotlight xP



I like their picture xP

I was happy that they sang 'Sayaendo' xD
I really like this song. And I guess it REALLy has a pirate sound to it because my brother came in when I was watching this performance and he was like, 'What is this? Is it some One Piece song?' and I when I said yeah he was like,'yeah, I can totally tell'

I like the skull in the lyrics xD

cHoCoBaBy I noticed the open shirt thing xP

YamaPi's really intense xD

I don't know why I like Koyama the best but I just do~
But I want Uchi back! +Kusano~


This NeWs Abake was so funny and cute~ Ryo was in this one and he was funny xDD

I didn't like how Nakamaru said Tegoshi's name in the beginning... I kind of wish Kame was there instead so he can do his 'ore da!'

I like how they cover up as someone else or not themselves xD

YamaPi's reaction xDD

I like how both Ryo and Shige feel the same way and how Ryo covers up by saying himself too xP

Shige's face xD

Ryo's cute eye mask is even cuter with his mad face xD

And his sitting pose too xD

Tegoshi was really cute here xD

I love the cover up voice for Koyama xD

especially when he keeps saying ブルッて and it keeps getting bigger xD

YamaPi was so cute when he got all mad

Massu's bad at covering his identity, his expression is funny when Nakamaru tries to cover it up xD

But he was funny when he was imitating Shige's 'don-don-PAA~!' xD

Ryo's so full of himself xP

I like how Koyama was like 'did I just hear kansai-ben?'

I like Shige and Koyama's tiny argument. Koyama's punches are cute


Shoon and Taiyo's part was so great~ I watched them sing so many times!

He has such an innocent face~

But his dancing is so cool!
It's so Ohno!

His eyes~ they sparkle!

Taiyo's perfomance was cute/cool I thought his dancing in the beginning was cute

And I was surprised with his dancing later!

They seem so happy~ and their song together was so cute!
I think their singing has improved, even though I thought that Taiyo's song was an obvious pre-recorded one xP



I like how Chinen talks about work since he didn't do anything over the summer xP

I loved Daiki's because he was just talking about food xP
and I love his sad face in the end <3 And I love how he was clapping for himself xDD

Takaki's was cute/funny, especially when he got all sad xD


YamaPi's capris xD

Shoon and Taiyo in the back! xD

I liked it the other time he had his own medley though because there were all the other juniors, like KITTY xD. But I think Shoon and Taiyo fit 'Daite Senorita' a lot more than the chibis do xP
But I liked how the juniors sing in 'Fever to Future'

And I love this part xD


I want Kusano to sing in the beginning!
But I thought Ryo did a fairly good job

Koyama's really into it xD

Shige's unbuttoned shirt! although it looks normal in the picture xP

Oh yeah another HS7 clip xD
Them on Heyx3! yay!
I really liked Chinen he fully portrayed what I love about Ohno! but without all my fangirliness xD because if that was me then I would add how he's so emotional and how he cries

Now I need to catch up with dramas and with my f-list so sorry if my comments are a little late xP

heysay7, personal, news, johnny's junior, pictures, videos

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