Well, SHIT. I was just cleaning my contacts, and the right lens snapped in half. That's just awesome (and by awesome, I mean not).
And in case you were wondering, I don't wear normal contacts because my eyes are too dry; I wear corrective lenses at night so I can see during the day without wearing anything.
I've been looking at pictures of people's Another Alice sets lately, and... strangely, Alice is the only one I don't like that much (I do like her, just... I hate that red eyeshadow JP has been so fond of lately, especially in the corners of the eyes. it makes them look sickly/rabid). The King is very very cool and I like him, but he's not really my style. I love the Queen; her full lips are so dramatic. The Clock Rabbit is cute, but not that special imo, though I do love her bunny suit. I'm waiting for True to take pictures of the soldier Rabbit so I can decide how much I like her.
Aside from the Clock Rabbit and mayyyybe Alice, I can't imagine any of these dolls out of their stock. It'd look weird.
Frickart has new pics of Uncanricky & Coral... I'm really excited to get mine now. I've fallen in love with her deep blue eyes and whimsical eyebrows. In this instance, I'm not regretting letting my current dolls dictate future ones, lol. (Uncanricky was purchased with the intent of her being Andie's new BFF.) Her wig doesn't look THAT scary in the Frickart pics, but I might rewig her anyway- either in Andie's old wig or the Kstarr custom I have coming in (if that's the case, Andie will get Craziia's wig). I do wish she came with a better accessory than the balance ball, though. Getting Pullips to stand on their own is enough of a balancing act. XD
Coral seems... poutier than other DaLs? It's probably the fullness of her lips. I don't like her eyebrows (their ashiness is so out-of-place with the rest of her warm faceup) or her hair, but everything else about her is cute.
( EDIT@0422PM )
I was gonna hold off on watching LoveCom 21 until I got back and could watch it with La, but I got too bored. Fuck, that show is a master of making me laugh and cry at the same time.
"Maiko" was the best. Haha. ♥