Here I am! ;)

Apr 06, 2010 14:32

Hey all!

I hope you guys haven't given up on me just yet. ;) what have since I last updated???

Well, the snow is finally gone! Instead it has been replaced by lots and lots of sun and warm weather!
Right now it's 82F/28C outside and the sun is shining. I'm lovin' it!

My birthday also came and went. I'm now, in three years I will be 25.
I celebrated it at the silver diner together with lots of my friends.
From four of them I got a huge american flag, everyone that was there wrote little messages on it to me. :)

I got two giftcards for Regal Cinemas, (my friends know me well) ;)
And then I got a bunch of other stuff as well.

From my hostfamily I got flowers and also a paid skitrip that my au-pair agency organized.

In the beginning of march I went with friends and celebrated my friend Sali. We went to a Shisha Bar and smoked waterpipe.
It was pretty cool, the place could have been bigger.......

The weekend after that me and my hostfamily went on the skitrip, we went up to Roundtop the day before and we spent the night in a really nice hotel. I got to have a big queen size bed, only downside was that I had to share the room with the boys I take care off. But it wasn't that bad, it was actually kinda funny because I woke up in the middle of the night because the oldest was talking in his sleep and said: "Don't take the bananas Sam!". 
The morning after we went to the ski resort and we started our morning with snow tubing. It was SOOO much fun!!! loved it!

Later on we went skiiing, something that I'm not good at. least of all downhill. We were there almost all day before finally heading back to Virginia. We all were really tired, me and the youngest boy both fell asleep in the car on our way back. ;)

Some pics from the skitrip: funny thing that I've realised here is that there actually is some hot guys here in the city where I live, but they are not alot. ;)

Not long ago my au-pair agency had a big cultural fair. I was on face painting duty!  :P
But lucky enough we didn't have to paint the entire face. We only had to paint flags and peoples faces.
I got to meet three more swedish girls that was from other clusters. One of them had come up all the way from Richmond.
One of them lives only about 25 minutes from my house, so I will probably see her again.

But the most fun thing of all happend just recently! My family was here and visited me!
I showed them Arlington Cemetery and the weather was awesome!
We went to New York from the 27th to the 29th, we did alot of sight seeing; Top of the rock, Central Park, Times Square etc.
Only bad thing was that it rained like crazy on the 29th.

We did alot of shopping and their bags was very heavy when they went home. I finally found a super good looking bag from Forever 21 and I actually threw away a bag that I have had for such a long time.

I was very sad that they had to go home, but before I know it I will be home again. :)

Last saturday after I had dropped my family on the airport I went with my hostfamily to the circus, something that I haven't done in almost ten years. It was alot of fun and very different.

One last thing that I have to tell you guys is something that I'm incredibly excited about:
I'm going to be an aunt! :)

au-pair, life

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