Sep 10, 2009 10:07
Had several unrelated dreams of little coherence last night. Some were BSG and had the characters in the wrong places because it was supposed to be different characters in those scenes. For example, Tory when it was supposed to be Boomer. My brain's explanation for this: It's an episode where the characters are having a dream sequence.
Dreams I can remember:
*Tory/Boomer with Cavil. For some reason the Eights were with Cavil whereas the Sixes were correctly with Galactica. Something was going on about human families, including children, being processed and killed. Eights were cooing over the fact that there were children around. It was supposed to be Cavil's fleet but it was a lot like New Caprica. In appearance, it was like a hotel designed by MC Escher. Cavil studying All Along the Watchtower (except it was actually random paragraphs of words and not AATW, but I thought it was AATW and I got the tune right at least) to uncover the Final Five's master plan. Plan was put into motion. New Caprica-esque explosions.
*Draco Malfoy in Ravenclaw AU. I thought this was a fanfic I was creating, even though I was seeing it play out before me in the dream. I argued with myself about what kind of changes to canon plot development make sense. I planned to do Sirius Black in Slytherin next.
*Myself skimming through episodes of that old show Max Steel online. The dream videos, of course, bore little resemblance to the show in reality. They were very short and all the action happened either at the end or the beginning of each one. This annoyed me.
battlestar galactica,
harry potter