The Legendary Icon Meme

Jan 10, 2011 21:49

Random icon meme! Snurched from delta_mai

001. Reply to this post, and I will pick 6-8 of your icons.
002. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
003. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
004. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon squee.

 I saw this icon on my lj friend bastetseye's journal and I had to have it. Rose and the Doctor at the Connollys' door is one of the most squeeful moments in Doctor Who and perfectly representative of who these characters are. I often imagine them doing that with other characters from other fandoms watching.

 No matter how wrong and twisted it is, I really like the idea of the Leoben/Starbuck/Anders threesome. Angsty, alcoholic, screwup, top-gun, back-from-the-dead ace pilot with an attitude problem paired with the two Cylon men who love her, one being her devoted ex-sports star husband who she risked everything to rescue from a doomed planet and who only recently realized he is secretly one of the enemy, the other being a stalker who mixes lies, truth and prophecy and fell for her while she was torturing him for information in an op that got to her as much as it did to him? What's not to love?

And given that Cylons are supposedly all bisexual, and that the way Leoben acted with Anders in "The Road Less Traveled" and "Faith" wasn't much different from the way he acts with Starbuck...

 Lolcats are a universal language of "I'm laughing so hard I'm dying of asphixiation". How could I resist this feline version of Colonel Tigh from Battlestar Galactica complaining about the Cylons gouging out his eye?

 This one I mostly got for the cute pairing of the dialogue and the scene. D'Anna, Doral, Baltar, Six and Boomer with baby Hera in D'Anna's church projection is one of those Battlestar Galactica scenes you wish hadn't been cut, because it adds more moments to the characters even if it wasn't plot-essential.

 Alec McDowell, formerly X5-494, named for Smart Alec and Malcolm McDowell, is the second of Jensen Ackles' characters on Dark Angel, after his crazy twin brother Ben got euthanized by our heroine. This is a fairly cute icon that gets his smartass attitude across. A genetically-engineered supersoldier/assassin with actual cat reflexes from his actual cat DNA, Alec is one of my favorite characters and my on-screen crushes, though unlike some fangirls I don't gloss over the fact that he started out on the bad guy side, even if it was just for the first few episodes of Season 2. Jensen is so bishie in Dark Angel compared to Supernatural, especially when Alec's in glasses and a suit.

 It's a perfect icon for expressing frustration at something dumb in life, with Anders and Dee's expressions as they watch their spouses Starbuck and Apollo pound the shit out of each other in the boxing ring on the Galactica in a way that makes it clear the two combatant pilots don't have eyes for anyone else during their "I love you, I hate you, let's beat each other bloody and then collapse into the sexy hug" frenzy.

meme, battlestar galactica, doctor who, dark angel

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