Of course I am.
So updates of sorts:
Anime Boston: March 21st - 23rd was Anime Boston -- the biggest here in the northeast. And, I went for the whole convention. I'm not really a big anime fan, like many of the people I have seen during my visit. But...being at a convention is oddly fun. I was sad I didn't dress up, I should have brought my Marluxia costume with me. ): I really want to cosplay for some reason. Or at least make a costume to wear around. I have a lot in mind to try and accomplish. Maybe I will once this school year is over.
Anyways, anime boston. I was a dork and went to the AMV contest, Masquerade, Improve sketch, the Pillows concert (with Luv and Response opening act), and the cosplay Chess. It was...fun in a way. And I applaud Anime Boston for killing a few internet memes that weekend. So know this, the cake is a lie, you just lost the game. Oh, and you just got
Rick Roll'd ;D.
I bought some art work from artists. I'll take a picture and upload them laterz. :D
School: I R SCIENTIST. School is school, as usual. Classes, labs, homework, develop pictures, sleep. That's how it goes. But I'm almost done with my third year, and soon to start my fourth! Then, I shall be done with undergraduate studying. And off to graduate school. Living in an apartment! O:! I'm really excited about the apartment itself. xD
I have planned my next semester out, and its looking hectic. Four chemistry courses, and Japanese 3. Woo? So I have to take a seminar, or as I like to call it,Cheminar. Also Physical Chemistry 1 and Molecular Modeling, and a Chem internship! Sounds fun.
I have this professor who lacks professionalism. She is a recent graduate from my college, who just finished getting her masters. Not that I have anything against people who just get masters...but, this class really needs someone with a PhD. I am learning nothing! And it's not good, cause I need to learn something for my chemistry future. So I went to complain to the department chair. I may be getting an A, but I'd rather get a B and learn what I'm supposed to learn. ):!
Other than that, I'm going to New Orleans next week to present at a conference! And the school's paying...well, I'm paying first, but then I'll get reimbursed. This will be fun. I'm hoping that I can go out drinking with my professor who is going to, only cause I'd think that'd be awesome. xD I have bounded so much with my Chemistry professors. They taught me so much. ; ;
Summer: With school ending on April...29th I believe, and finals over May 7th, summer begins for me after that day. And what will I be doing? Not doing research for the American Cancer Society. D:! They put me on a waitlist. So, in other words, 10 other people were a better choice than me. D: Oh well, oh well. Thats ok. Maybe one of those better people would decline for another offer, and I'll get this internship. Otherwise, back to working in school again for another summer, and getting only 2000$. As opposed to getting 4500$ ; ;
Alright, I'm really upset. I was really looking forward to that internship.
But working at school again is ok, I guess. Free rooming. 2000 bucks. Access to a gym. I need to start up some sort of work out, I'm a little out of shape. As in, when I used to be able to make it up the four stories long stair case with ease, is now making me lose my breath a bit. So I might just do a little jogging to build up my stamina again.
So right now, my parents have no plans for their anniversary. I want to ask them if its ok if I got to Toronto prior to the long weekend and their anniversary, and be back on time for it -- especially if they don't go anywhere. I mean, at least I can do some visiting, and maybe go to the con? But the con itself is not the priority, the visiting. But the con is a little added bonus, despite its HUGE INCREASE IN PRICE. D: Good thing I still have some Canadian dollars left. :D
I might be going to Japan for a week. I'd get to practice the Japanese I learn! Woo. And, food. Yuum~
Other: Um. I dunno. Nothing really. xD;
That's it for now. I probably forgot things, but thats ok.
I'll add it when I remember.