you have five seconds to catch your breath... five, four, three, two, BRRRIINNG!! WHOOTIE WHO!!!!!!

Jul 01, 2005 19:34

[1] What brand of toothpaste? Cinnamon Rush! my fave! =D [2] What career do you want? I honestly have no clue. lol I'm pretty screwed going into college and all [3] Who's your fave F. R. I. E. N. D? Rachel! I love her!!! [4] Winter or summer? Summer B-) [5] Favourite food? um I LURRVE pizza! but I like a lot of different things [6] Forums or chat rooms? Um forums? I guess [7] Favourite ice cream flavour? almost anything from Cold Stone... but probably Mint Chocolate Chip [8] Favourite colour? Green and Purple!!! =D [9] Worst smell? eww a lot but I would have to say burning hair or crap [10] Walk backwards for 5 steps. Stop. Turn around. What time is it? Huh? 7:03 [11] What are the main things you look for in a guy? well he has to be able to make me laugh, and be able to cheer me up if I need it... he has to be attractive, and have some of the same interests as I do... I love nice eyes (sometimes I could just melt when I see some nice eyes...), and most importantly... I have to be able to spend a lot of time with someone but still want to see them even more, and when they can't see you they will call you all the time and they will miss you just as much as you do... I mean I hope that's not too picky? lol I'll just stop here though. [12] Glass is half-empty or half-full? EMPTY BECAUSE I DRANK EVERYTHING IN IT BIOTCHES! WHAT NOW?!?! lol sorry about that! I guess Half-empty [13] Bleh or blah? Blaaahhhh.... =P [14] What do you like about yourself? Honestly... nothing really lol [15] How many texts do you send a day? tooooo many... like 97675 times a thousand and that's why I'm always in trouble for the phone bill =/ [16] Do you believe in time travel? no. wtf [17] Do you talk to your pet? yeah but who doesn't? they're just sooo darn cute ;D [18] Favourite subjects? does lunch count? [19] Who was the last person to talk to you? Chris. [20] What would you like to be in 10 years' time? Married with a family and a successful career [21] What sort of pen do you use? um the pen kind of pen? I don't know whatever I can find! [22] What are your secret ambitions? *no comment* [23] What do you think of StIcKy CaPs? huh? [24] What is the most annoying thing about the Internet? EFFING ANONYMOUS COMMENTERS!!! UGH! [25] Where's your favourite place to shop? Abercrombie & Fitch and Hollister biotches!!! [26] If you could have a super-human power, what would it be? make people be nice to each other? no but that would be nice... umm probably see into the future or something like that [27] What colour would you dye your hair if you got the chance? um... highlight it my normal color, blonde, because I desperately need to =/ [28] How many teddies have you got? a bunch! and a new stuffed monkey that Chris got me =D [29] What colour nail polish/lipstick would you wear? PINK! what other color is there?!?! lol JAY KAY!!! [30] Upside-down or downside-up? what??? [31] As a kid, what was your invisible friend called? Really can't remember [32] Where was your favourite holiday to? um... Florida? I guess if that's what you mean [33] Name a hobby/collection you've grown out? Barbies =( [34] Name one thing you'd change about your room? Well def always bigger! lol and maybe a brighter color than white? [35] Would go bungee jumping for £1 million? I would go for no money because it looks like a blast but hell yeah for a million [36] If you could become a vampire, would you? hell no. [37] What time did you go to bed last night? about 1:30? [38] How many kids do you want? I don't know? prob 3 [39] Do you talk too much? well if you ask come people I do but not really. [40] What is 1+1? um... what do you think. [41] What's your favourite method of travelling? um... car? [42] Are you a farmer? no! randoms... [43] Have you ever been in a wreck? not really. [44] What's the most annoying saying? any cheesy pick up line I guess. [45] Do you go to church? no... I used to go but I really should... =( [46] How many weddings have you been to? umm... 3? yeah. [47] How many funerals have you been to? only 1 because I try to avoid them because they're sad [48] Are you afraid of the dark? not that I'm afraid but I have a night light because I don't like it pitch black [49] What colour are the majority of items in your wardrobe? blues, pinks, and greens. [50] How many pairs of Skechers do you own? one, but I've had many more in the past [51] Do people think you're crazy? Heck yes and I'm glad because I am!!! lol [52] Do you like rollercoasters? HELL YEAH! [53] Do you have big feet? No i have tiny little feet! =D [54] Have you lost all your (baby) teeth? yeah! totally. [55] If I told you to jump off a bridge, would you? um no because I would die probably [56] If you could be an animal which would you be? um probably a cat so people would wait on me and I would be treated like a queen! lol [57] What sort of bug to you hate the most? um all of them! bugs suck!!! [58] What's the worst thing about the country you live in? tooo oooooo many thing... let's just say move to Canada, eh? [59] What's your favourite site to buy on online? umm... I like Moosejaw [60] Name one thing people have got wrong about you. Only one? well people think I obsess over things which is bull shit [61] What was your worst subject at school? Science. [62] What sort of accents do you like? BRITISH! ahhh!!! hottness! or australian! [63] What sort of accents don't you like? I would say... like people from New Orleans because I can't understand what the hell they are saying [64] What's the most annoying thing in the world? gay people... not as in homosexual but retarded people [65] Do you know your parents' birthdays/ages? not the ages... but March 11 (dad's) and October 24 (mom's) [66] Do you know your siblings birthdays/ages? I am an only child ;D [67] Does your grandma tell you she is 29? haha yeah it's a good laugh [68] Sprite or 7-up? they taste the same to me [69] List 5 of your favourite singers? umm how about bands? Fall Out Boy, Lucky Boys Confusion, Hellogoodbye, Maroon 5, Green Day [70] Name a celebrity who annoys the hell out of you? hmm... I would say Demi Moore because she thinks she is cool but she's not. GOSH GET OFF ASHTON! [71] What's your favourite word? haha you don't want to know... JAY KAY! ummm probably like ointment because it sounds funny! [72] What's your favourite animal? ELEPHANTS ARE THE COOLEST! [73] Do you smoke? heck no I would die [74] Which do you prefer, tea or coffee? depends on my mood [75] Do you prefer to swim inside or out? either? but out gets you a taaaannnn B-D [76] What's your favourite phrase? umm I say "that's hot" a lot and I dunno like ur mom and ur gay are two others I guess [77] Describe the best day of your life. I don't know... I have had many [78] If a door says pull, do you automatically push? haha I'm blonde... pretty self explanatory [79] Do spiders scare you? OMGOSH LIKE NO OTHER!!!!! [80] What can you not pronounce? a lot. I suck at talking [81] Are you on fire right now? um. wouldn't I be dead. use your brain m-er f-er [82] What do you wish your name was? guh! I would a lot of things as long as it's not what I have now. [83] Do you snore? nope [84] Do you lick your envelopes or use a sponge? Lick them. [85] Are you going to name your son Elvis? hell no [86] If not, what? um probably Ethan or Hayden [87] Is your grandpa cool? I guess? lol [88] What are your Christmas traditions? Um eating a bunch and presents [89] How do you open your envelopes: tear or cut? cut with the envelope opener [90] Do you know all the words to the National Anthem? h yes. i am from the US so yeah [91] Do you like onions? ewww, no! [92] Did you ever eat crayons when you were little? nope [93] What would be the first thing you would do if you won the lottery? two words.... SOMERSET COLLECTION. [94] Pepsi or Coke? Coke. [95] Favourite Actress? either... Rachel McAdams or Lindsay Lohan... Paris Hilton is pretty awesome too though! lol I love them all =D [96] Favourite Actor? Ryan Gosling is awesome... but I like Orlando Bloom and Johnny Depp too! Oh yeah and Ashton Kutcher a course!!! [97] Cheerios or corn flakes? um I really don't eat cereal but neither becaue I eat Trix or Lucky Charms!!! hehe [98] Are your legs crossed right now? um well they're stretched out with my ankles crossed

[99] Do you like to fish? nope too boring [100] Do you chew on pens/pencils? yup... it's a bad habit. lol especially when I borrow someone's pen and then chew on it by accident. ew.
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