Aug 07, 2007 21:03
Hey guys! guess what?? summer's 2/3 over now.
you know what?
the truth sucks.
but here's one truth that doesn't suck:
I'm now a vegetarian.
Why? because i never liked eating meat in the first place. and now that i've hated my grandpa for 2 years and counting, there's no reason to continue this charade. i started "liking" meat because he loved it more than anything, and i loved him more than anything... so in my 5-year-old eyes, in order to make him like me more, i had to like meat just as much as he did. it worked for a while.
"that's my girl!" he would say every time i put pastrami or steak in my mouth. i loved hearing this, because it meant that i was just like him.
but of course, i no longer feel the need to be just like him; to shove meat and garlic down my throat, to play video games 24/7, to cheat on my significant other, to leave in the middle of the night for someone else, to abandon and pain the rest of my family, or any of the other things that he is notorious for doing.
and besides, i was never comfortable with the idea of eating dead animal carcasses.
speaking of sad things, i didn't go to canada after all because of a family emergency. my grandma was in the hospital for a while and is residing in a rehab section of a nursing home for the time being. as disappointed as i am about canada, i am more upset about my grandma. it's rather unnerving, going to visit her when she is surrounded by her "peers"; drooling seniors who (due to Alzheimer's or dementia) have the mental capability of a two year old or a rodent, whatever the case may be. i can't imagine being in her shoes... it must be utterly depressing for someone who is (mostly) mentally sound.
for the most part, my family is in good health and i have a lot to be grateful for. when people ask me if i am heartbroken about not being able to go to canada for the second time, it does make me a little disappointed... but it also makes me realize how much people take for granted in montgomery county, where it is the norm to jet off to europe during spring break without even thinking twice about the cost.
that, my friends, is not how it works in the real world, where not everyone can jet off to europe during spring break because they are dying of AIDS or are eating dirt just to soothe their hunger pangs.
with that in mind, enjoy the rest of your summer :-D