Sep 08, 2007 19:46
That's right- it finally came. I sent in the money to Celga for the shipping cost on Monday, and it's here ALREADY. @.@ In less than a week! I wasn't expecting it for another, like, week n' a half. ^ ^; OH WELL. I suppose I'll have to just bear my way through the horrifyingly early arrival of my kigurumi. ;P XP
Sooo..... besides my kigurumi getting here, I've recieved my yellow converses (to wear with it, of course), and a CD of kickboxing music (for my mom). I still have stuff on it's way from multiple different online stores so... *is excited*
I'll make sure to post pics sometime during the next couple of days... probably by Tuesday.
Until then, I'll be going to bed in it eevverryy night. XP XP *dances*
P.S. My dad saw me wearing it outside, and laughed hysterically, my mom raised her eyebrow and gave me a 'look', and my dog just wagged his tail and followed me around. XD XD <333
P.P.S. Have I told you recently how much I love EMS?... 'cuz I love them a LOT. They ship faster than AMERICAN companies. XD XD
um... bai-bai~! *scampers off to do laundry and other such chores*