*flail* AWARGGHH!!! I'm goin' to Jamaiiccaa on Friddaayyyy!! *dances* fifiiinNNnAaaLllyyYy! :DDDD
So officially, I'm going for my cousin's wedding, but that's only gonna' take two days or so. :P WE'RE STAYING FOR A WEEKK!!! (oh, and I'm bringin' Kiersten, who I love dearly... but had I known she was going to all sorts of other countries this summer, would have given my other frind, Katie, the opportunity to come. ^ ^; Oh well. XP) Erm... HEY!!
I lovelovelove goin' to Jamaica - it means I get to see much of my family that still lives there. I've already asked my mum to let me n' Kiersten spend one or two days with my grandparents (on my mum's side), so I can show Kiersten 'the Bush'. (haha. It get's little quoties because it is said with such reverence) I lo-hu-hooovveee my grandpa's land. He's a farmer, and still raises a few animals, and has accrreess of land for my cousins and me to mess around in. :P My beesstt memories of JA are of my cousins and I eating jellies, managing to best the chocolate tree for some well-deserved chocolate fruit (I hate being such a yank - none of the proper terminology ever comes ouutt. D: ), and snackin' on mangos n' fresh-cut sugarcane. yyumm... OH and the pineapple, of course.
Besides that, as horrible as it seems- I enjoy the hurricanes. I can only remember gong through a few, but the ones I remember are... awesome. Lying in the king size, bare-sheeted bed with my cousin; listening to the rain beat a rapid, but constant tempo upon the slatted glass window.... watching the the very tops of the trees swaying to and fro in the winds.... ADMITTEDLY - I've never been through a cat. 5, but... Jamaicans... we (is it okay if I say we? lol... am I a poser now?.. XD) don't freak out about them.
The last time I came down, I remember, we were driving back from Rose Hall, and there was a guy on the radio talking about how close it was to the island and so on and so forth, and there are just, like, these guys walking around.... doing whatever. Taking their sweeeeett sweet time. :) <33 cool beans...
I think it'll always be like that. I think it's a matter of normality. Hurricanes happen. We've been building houses with concrete and steel and even wood that can stand up to (most) hurricanes for..well... centuries, I'm guessing.
aaass compared to Florida - where a hurricane means PANIIICC!!!...no matter the category. -_- ... if they would just fix their building standards for houses...
WELL that's enough rambling.... I'll actuall speak about what's happened in the past..er.. couple o' weeks.
NUMERO UNO - I'm getting higher paychecks. ^ ^
NUMERO DO - I found the cutest pair of shoes evars.
NUMERO TRES - I (FINALLY. :DDD) went to open my checking account at the bank, and to get my Visa check card
NUMERO QUATRO - While there, my chosen from of I.D., mah passport, was found to be.. EXPIRED.... :o
so my mom and I went rushing around to find out how soon we can have my passport renewed. aanndd.. now my mum's out looking for some random post office where they do it... and I ned to get my picture done tomorrow.... and I CAN'T GET MY VISA CHECK CARD UNTIL I GET MY NEW PASSPPOORRTT!!! D: So.... my accound exists.. I just cant use it... darn.... and I was just going to go LJ crazy and buy a crapload of random things from shopping comm.'s.... OH WELL
SSOOOO that was my rambling post for the week..... BAI! <33 (I have work in 45 mins. ><)