(no subject)

Mar 18, 2005 22:24

before i paste the crap here...i just wanna point out: if i kicked ass today, i can kick more tomorrow!!! < --- reason why i said that: cuz someone said i looked like avril lavigne (shut the fuck up) and i flipped them off and stepped on their shoe...then i ran away!!!!! ....luckily, it was someone i know, if it were a stranger...i'd flip them off behind their backs!!!!

This was on the 21st of November 2004 and now I’m only posting it, how stupid and slow of me. Oh well, it’s supposed to be my encounter with Simple Plan on that very said day. It’s a legend ot me now!

Before SP came, we were waiting in line, (we - meaning Viv and I - I was dressed in black and Viv was dress in white - so I kept going “ We’re Micheal Jackson - Black! White!” and she went “ Child molester”)

Anyway whilst waiting, my mum bought food for me and Viv, after I told her not to…she’s so fucking great!!! I love my mum for waiting for me as I made a fool of myself but that was beneficial and Viv, thank you so fucking much for putting up with me since at level I ditched her to stare at SP and well, when I couldn’t SP to sign on my drawing the first time, she grabbed my drawing block and wanted to line up again to have the sign it for me…in the end she failed but I was so grateful for what she tried to do.

While waiting, my mum met her friend who had a daughter who’s an SP fan and well, the girl’s name was Justin and when we became friends…here’s the conversation…

Justin’s mum: Go and introduce yourself
Justin: Oh
Seph: *holds out hand* Hi, I’m Seph. This is Viv *points at Viv* she’s fat and stupid!
Viv: Oi, shut up!
Justin: *shakes hand* I’m Justin
Seph: Oh Justin! *looks surprise* Nice name!!! Viv here likes Justin Hawkins from The Darkness
Viv: Justin rocks, man!
Justin: Oh *un-amused, obviously*
Seph’s mum: *comes back after going to the shop to check the camera* Oh, Seph, introduce yourself
Seph: Okay! *holds out hand again* Hi, my name is Seph, again!
*then everyone laughed*

Here’s me being all denial and crappy about my drawing…and some random shit…

Seph: Shit, I think if they see this shit, they’ll be like “ What the hell?”
Viv: They won’t lah, it’s nice!!!
Seph: Hell no it’s not! Look! *opens drawing block* They’ll be like “Where the hell are our noses? How do we breathe?”
Viv: It’s nice, at least it’s better than that group’s poster *points at one group with a self-made poster with huge blue bolded initials of SP written on it and SP is my Life too* Theirs is like, so plain and ugly…
* in a way, Viv made me feel better that way but still, it was rude and yet, I laughed and continued mourning about drawing*

Justin: *busy reading a magazine about Simple Plan*
Seph: *whispers to Viv* Let’s disturb her, like pushing that magazine…
Viv: Okay, you do it, I’ll be an aundience
Seph: *whispers back* Nah, she’ll get mad. *goes over to Justin* Hey let’s be friends!!!
Justin: *looks freaked out by me* O-okay…

Seph’s mum: Show Justin your drawing
Seph: Trust me, it sucks. *shows drawing, I think I opened it several times*
Justin’s mum: *eyeing the drawing in amazement* Wow!
Justin: Wow, it’s really nice!!! I like it!!!
Seph’s mum: Show her what you made for them…
Seph: It’s ugly *shows necklaces* *points and names the necklaces accordingly*
Justin: It’s so cute!!!
Seph: No, they look like my bugs!
*then my mum went on complimenting about my drawing and necklaces which made me feel like a ass, holding up the stinking drawing*

*then this Tower Records worker passed and I asked if the number we held was permanently our number during the Bellefire and Simple Plan signing and also, if I could get them to sign my drawing (well, they announced that they will only allow us to let them sign one item (be it a poster or a CD - assholes!)*
Tower Records Dude: Nah, you can only let them sign one item…
Seph: But...forget it… (if you hadn’t noticed, I actually lost hope in that)
Seph’s mum: Why don’t you show him your drawing (I seriously think it was useless but oh well)
Seph: *shows dreaded picture*
Tower Records Dude: *looks amused but I could tell he was like WTF is that kiddy artwork doing here?* Hey, it’s like those anime manga styled!
Seph: yeah!
Seph’s mum: Wow, even he knows about this anime manga stuff
Seph: *thinking: well duh, everyone knows about this crappy things*

*while waiting*
Girl wearing red: *moves to the back and steps on my barnd new converse shoes (the common black converse ones)
Seph: *looks at shoe and eyes girl that steps on shoe* Sorry...
Girl: *looks at me and looks in front, without apologizing for what she did*
Seph: *turns to Viv* What the fuck did I just do? *flips the bitch off behind her back* Bitch, fuck you!
Viv: Why did you apologise, stupid?
Seph: I dunno...

Bellefire arrives and Viv and I pretend to be Bellefire fans!!!

Seph: *walks over to Bellefire and passes them the Bellefire poster to sign on* * after Cathy and Ciara are done, moves it to Kelly, the redhead*
Kelly (Bellefire): Hey, I like your hair!!! *she’s sooo sweet and really pretty and nice but, I’m straight!*
Seph: Thanks!!! I like yours better!!! *exclaims!* (I had no idea what to say so I said that)
*Kelly and the Tower Records Girl laughs*

Viv: Can I take a picture?
Tower Records Man: Oh, I’ll help you take it!
Viv: Oh, wait. Seph! Seph! (I didn’t hear her cause I was talking to Kelly and well, how did I know this, Viv told me)
*so he took a pic of Viv, Cathy and Ciara…it’s rather quaint and innocent yet nice!!!*

Seph being in denial and hopeless…again

Seph: They’re never gonna sign anything but the CDs
Viv: Shut up, they’ll sign it!!! (how supportive of you, Viv but as you can see, I was being such a drama queen)

FINALLY SP arrives!!! And the first thing I saw was Pierre climbing on the table….hello, there were like dozens of shitty people in my face, blocking my view of them so fuck them!

*goes over to the signing table ...*
Seph: *passes album cover to Seb to sign*
Seb: *signs and passes it to David ß but I didn’t notice that so I was like looking around for my cover and I think they either found it very entertaining or maybe I was just some psychopath* *at the same time passes present to Seb*
Seph: Where is it? *still looking around and finally finds it next to David.
Seb: Thanks yeah, let’s keep the line going (in my heart, I was like “ Fuck you Seb, shut up and don’t be a dick” - but I got over that after…wait, we’ll get to that part later*
David: *looks…- looks arrogant!!!!* *emotionless*
Seph: *gives David his present*
David: *takes it and well, still looks arrogant*
Seph: *my mind was like : whatever, his lip ring looks real…but whatever* *passes Pierre CD cover and present*
Pierre: Thank you *gives his goofy smile - not that I’m complaining but it’s funnily cute!*
Seph: *grins and nods and moves to Jeff* *you know what? I was so stupid…Pierre was like signing and he never said anything to the first few fans but he thanked me (I sound like a show-off bitch now so please forgive me but it was my fucking bitchy experience) and I could’ve said something to him like maybe a ‘you’re welcome’ but I said nothing, nothing at all…and I felt bitchy about it…after I realised that*
Jeff: *looks like he’s waiting for me to give him his present after he saw me struggling to find Pierre’s present*
Seph: Here *passes it to Jeff*
Jeff: *takes it and well, I didn’t look at his face cuz I went to Chuck*
Seph: *passes Chuck the CD cover*
Chuck: *signs*
Seph: Here, this is for you *gives present*
Chuck: Thank you!!!
Seph: *very nervous* Umm, where’s Patrick? I’ve got something for him…
Chuck: Oh he’s somewhere at the back…
Seph: *still fucking nervous* Can you help me to pass this to him? *passes Pat’s present to Chuck*
Chuck: Sure *takes and smiles*
Seph: *walks over to the exit …thinks…then rushes back to Chuck* *fucking nervous like shit* Wait, I wanna show you something. *shows Chuck the dreaded drawing*
Chuck: *looks* Hey that’s fucking awesome! *he said that casually - according to Viv who saw everything*
Seph: *puts hand on mouth and points at Chuck - only cuz I never expected a comment with ‘fucking’ in it*
Chuck” It’s awesome!!! Good job *holds out hand*
Seph: *shakes hand but still speechless* *then finally goes out of the line* *suddenly spots Pat, smiling at his camera* That’s Pat!!!
Viv: Who? That one? *takes a pic, simply*

Viv: Wow, that Chuck guy is very friendly!
Seph: *star struck, obviously* OMG…
Viv: *sarcasm* Seph, too happy is it???
Seph: OMG, I never expecting him to be like…”That’s fucking awesome” OMG…
*then I crapped about how great Chuck was *

*standing behind SP*
Viv: Why’re we standing here?”
Seph: To see them
Viv: You can’t see their face
Seph: Fine, stare at their asses then!!!
Viv: Okay…who’s the first guy on the left… *obviously she had stared at their asses*
Seph: Seb…
Viv Okay…his underwear is blue
Seph: *looks at Viv, speechless and raised eyebrow* You stared at his boxers?
Viv: Hey, it’s damn obvious, you see!
Seph: *looks over* You’re right…but when I said ‘stare at their asses’ I didn’t mean it!
*about the ass staring crap…there’s more but it was only me who saw it and I called Viv a perv for noticing Seb’s boxers first…then she called me a perv after I saw Pierre’s, Chuck’s, Seb’s (she saw it first tho), David’s and surprisingly Pat’s…but it’s not my fault…I’ll get to that later…*

*standing on the right side*
Seph: *sad* Damn, I only showed Chuck my drawing …I wish they signed it…
Viv: Come, let me try
Seph: But it’s hard and the line…you see…
Viv: Just try!!!!
Seph: *hands over the block*
Viv: I’ll see if I can go again. *runs away*
Seph: *after minutes of standing and hearing two girls call each other ‘dude’ and another two, I think they same girls, saying that they took a pic of Chuck’s ass* *also, watches Chuck sign, then turn to the crowd I’m with and wave …and the crowd goes wild - I was like, what the fuck? They’re woo-ing for nothing*
Viv: *returns* Seph, we can’t go…there’s too many people….
Seph: It’s okay…thanks okay?
(I have no idea what happened to Viv after this but I knew I was standing by myself with the noisy crowd so the stupidest thing I did was…hold up my fucking drawing like an asshole - now that I think back about it, I wished I never held it up but if I didn’t, Pat wouldn’t have noticed it)
[drum rolls]
Pat: *passes by with his camera, still smiling at the crowd, obviously happy with what he saw…* *suddenly he spots me holding up my drawing, smiles, and films my freaking drawing with his freaking camera…I think I was going to fucking die!!!* *gives a thumbs up*
Seph: *nods head* *mouthing a ‘thank you’*
Pat: *gestures his hand for me to come closer*
Seph: *obeys - that’s so stupid but he called me…it’d be worst if he didn’t call me and I went over right?*
Pat: That’s really awesome!!!
Seph: Thank you!! *blush and well, nervous- like duh!*
Pat: Do you want them to sign it?
Seph: Sure…but I don’t think they can… (that was the dumbest thing to say…it sounds like I think they’re retarded and handless)
Pat: It’s all right *shrugs his head and somehow, I have no idea how he made he hand over my drawing to him*
(So, I’m just watching Pat walk over to the right side, stands beside Seb and shows my drawing to Jamie…she looks excited but why? Then he passes it to Seb, then David, then Pierre (when I checked over my drawing after I got it back…I couldn’t believe Pierre signed on himself inside of the space given above) then Jeff and finally Chuck…then he stands behind Jeff and Chuck, flipping through more pages of my drawing block but he found nothing else but the SP drawing and one pencilled Busted drawing)
Pat: *looks disappointed and returns to the crowd I’m standing at* *returns my drawing* Hey, we think it’s really awesome and if you can, can you scan it and email it to us?
Seph: Sure *nervous* Can you sign it?
Pat: Huh?
Seph: Can you sign it? *shows drawing*
Pat: *nods* *goes over to Chuck and takes one of his sharpies to sign below the drum drawing* *returns and returns the drawing*
Seph: *smiles, nervously mad and well, stupid* Thank you!!! You rock, Pat!!! *remembers something* Wait, I made something for you and I gave it to Chuck…it’s something like a …*holds onto wrist trying to prove something, nervously and Pat obviously spotted my bloody nervousness*
Pat: Oh…it’s all there…we put everything in there
Seph: Oh, okay…

(Then I ran off to find Viv and my mum)
(shows mum I got my drawing sighed and how great Pat was and also Chuck’s ‘fucking awesome’ comment!)
(then my mum wanted to bring me and Viv to eat but I insisted on staying until they left and well, Viv followed when I went to the other side)

*standing on the left side*
(ps: this is where I could see Seb’s and David’s boxers)
Seph: *once again, holds up fucking ugly drawing and well, I hated it sooo much!!!!*
*funny thing was, I spotted this white piece of paper that had some words on it but I didn’t give much thought about it since I thought it said ‘ don’t step on the stage’*
Pat: *appears once more…looks at me…then goes over to pick up the white paper which I thought said ‘ don’t step on the stage’ and when he bent over to pick up the paper…yes, you guessed it, I saw his boxers…it’s like…OMG!!! And writes more stuff on the paper*
Pat: *walks over to me and passes me the piece of paper* Here, can you scan it and email it to us? (I think he said that before if I’m not mistaken…and what was written on the white paper…the exact same request)
Seph: Okay…I will!!!
Pat: *goes film stuff*
(this may sound stupid but…I think when I was at the right side, he wanted to give me the paper but I blew the scene, so he thought I left…I think, and went into Tower Records and when I came out, I went to the left side and he saw…so that’s my bitchy theory….)

Some funny things I saw, sympathy for Pat though….

A girl in the crowd behind SP: *calls Pat and he goes over* *passes him something*
Pat: *misheard wrongly and was about to sign the stuff* …
Girl: NO, not you!!! Them!!! (she wanted SP to sign it, not Pat….poor guy)
Pat: *obviously told her he couldn’t do so…so he went over and sat behind the board where the fan gifts bags were and the cute thing was, he sat there like a loner and played with the sharpie he almost used to sign on the bitch’s crap…poor dude….honestly, if anyone saw that, you’d feel like hugging him!!!*

Random girl in the left crowd I was standing in: Hey, what’s that? *points at Pat’s letter*
Seph: Oh…this…*shows*
Viv: *whispers* She’s jealous…
Seph: *whispers back* Nah…(what surprised me was that she had the balls to ask a stranger like me to show her a message given to me by the holy Patrick!)

Here’s the sweet Jamie encounter…

*still standing on the left side*
*complaining in the mind on how much my ass hurts and my arms and legs…*
Jamie: *spots me and my bloody drawing* Hey, that’s nice… *taps Seb and points to the direction of my drawing*
Seb: *looks* Hey that’s really awesome!!!
Seph: *mouths thank you*
Seb: *looks at Jamie* It’s really cool …. (but somehow, I think he’s lying…)
Jamie: *comes cover…* Can I think a picture of your drawing?
Seph: Sure *holds drawing up, so that it’s covering my face*
Jamie: No, can I have you in it?
Seph: *shocked* What? But… * gives in and lets her take the picture she wants*
Jamie: Do you want me to help you take any pictures of them…
Seph: Eh, no thanks….(hell yeah!!! Like duh but the camera was full so I said no)
*sometimes later, I see Jamie fanning a rather perspiring Seb with her clipboard or something like a clipboard* (it was very sweet of her and cute to see them together…they were meant to be! I swear on it!)
Jamie: *comes up to me* Hey, they really like your drawing and they would like to have it….*she said that very sweetly, for your info*
Seph: *looks at Jamie, confused…then looks at drawing and shrugs* I would love to give it to you….but… *nervous attack* …they’ve already signed it….*
Viv: Seph, draw another one…draw now, draw now lah!
Seph: *looks at Viv* I can’t… *brightens up* But I have sample (it was the SP dolls sample…with all 5 of them as dolls, sitting on the huge letters S.I.M.P.L.E and a PLAN below it…) *searches bag for the sample**found it* Here, it’s a sample….do you need to write something on it?
Jamie: Yeah…
Seph: *hands Jamie my drawing block and feels guilty for making her carry my stuff* *looks at Jamie* Sorry…
Jamie: It’s all right…what’s your name?
Seph: …It’s Seph…
Jamie: Oh Seph!!!!
Seph: *finish writing crap on the smaple* * takes things back from Jamies* Thank you…sorry
Jamie: *smiles and gives it to Pat, I think* *returns* You’ll be receiving something from Pat in the mail
Seph: O-okay (but I was enthusiastic about it, though)

Just as they announced that SP had to leave for their showcase at ZOUK,KL… they said the badn would be facing the crowd to let the fans, who didn’t manage to get pictures, take pictures of them…and too bad, I my camera ran out of film…so the band turned to each side to let the fans get a glimpse of their faces….and I still had my drawing up….and well, David spotted it and smiled…he looked creepy, trust me, arrogance and smiles don’t match on David’s face ….and Jeff, he smiled when he saw my drawing and gave me a thumbs up so I mouthed a thank you to him…I did the same to David,…I think…

And with that, I loved my encounter with SP…I’m a happy girl…so…yeah, it may sound like some asshole bitch’s fantasy but it’s true, say what you want about it, don’t believe it if you hate it, but honestly I had the best day of my fucking life and I have prove for my story up there… (the prove was, Pat’s message, the pen that fell when I was writing the stuff for Jamie and well, their signatures on my drawing -like duh!!!! I sound so teenie bitch so, I apologise and I sound like a huge crapper who boasts about their experience but if had experienced the same thing, I’m so fucking sure you’ll tell the whole fucking nation about it!!!!

I LOVE 21st of NOMVEMBER 2004…. My first encounter withh a band, that I so happened to love, and I managed to score their signatures and have a nice yet nerve wrecking conversation with Pat, Chuck and Jamie….They rock and seriously, if you never liked Chuck and you met him for the first time, you’re so gonna wanna watch out for him the entire time!!!! This is called “ FUCKING AWESOME EXPERIENCE!!!!!”

x Seph x (the fool, you’re gonna start hating starting…NOW!!!!)

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