Pumpkins and Prescriptions

Sep 20, 2011 18:35

The grocery store had pumpkins for sale yesterday! Autumin is (finally) coming!

Tried to pick up two prescriptions yesterday, but failed spectacularly. I forgot the card for the foundation that is covering the cost of my Sensipar that they just recently put me on, and I simply don't have $250 for a 30 day of phosphorous binders. (Damn Medicare donut hole. Thankfully Obama Care will close that up soon) Phoaphorus Binders are pretty much a requirement for Kidney Failure, since there's only so much one can limit through diet alone. I can't take the cheaper ones, cince those are calcium based, and that raises my calcium up too high and causes calcium deposits. So it's time to find another way to get the cost covered.

Anyone who doesn't believe in health care reform isn't living in the real world. The recent Health Care reform Act helped, but it jusr did not go far enough. We need more reform, not less, and SOON.

dialysis, politics, medicine

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