Apr 05, 2011 01:25
Over the past several months I've been referred to as /compliant' by several of my health care provicers. (Both my endocrinologist and my dialysis nurse) This always baffles me, as I don't particularly feel like I'm being compliant. It came up again today at dialysis, and this time I asked. I was told that it's because I try to be. I laughed and said 'you don't see me at home'. I do try in some areas, but in others I don't try at all. For instance - in the phosphorous category I do avoid beans and legumes a lot, but I still enjoy my oatmeal and diet coke. I haven't even tried to minimize my consumption there. I still eat out several times a week, and don't really try to go for the low sodium options. I do still indulge in sweets, and don't even get me started on cheese. I love the stuff. Yet my lab work is freqient;y within the guidelines.
My hemoglobin A1C is always slightly higher than it should be, but when I grumble about it, my endocrinologist always tells me of other patients who are way worse, and seems ok with it.
So why is it I just can't believe them when hey say it? My lab work says I am, so why can I not accept it? Is it that I was conditioned at a young age to only believe the bad, the places I fall down? Or is it my perfectionism again telline me I could do better?
Either way, it makes for an uncomfortable moment when someone says it.