Apr 27, 2007 22:12
Well, as far as days go, this has to have been the worst one I've had in a while. I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but my ankle's been bothering me for like the past week, think I injured it running sometime last week. If the PRT wasn't coming up next week, I probably wouldn't have done anything about it, and it's a good thing I did, as it turns out I twisted it, and my foot was swollen. I didn't even notice to be honest, then again I don't look at my feet much, I mean why would I?
So, after an immensely long wait, I finally get my meds, and it's one of those ones with all these side effects to it, upset stomach and all that, the kind I would normally not take, but I really don't have a choice in this, so I take em. Oh, and I get an ACE wrap for my foot, so it feels a little beter now at least.
Then, I go do my weigh in for the PRT, and I'm over the weight limit, so I have to be on the FEP Program (read:organized exercise), the kind I'd always hoped after 'A' School I'd never have to do again. If I gained any weight at all, it has to be muscle, I don't look like I did the last time I was 200 pounds. I look pretty good I think, no ego there, I'm just saying I don't think I'm some CHUD or something like that.
Damn, my ankle still hurts. Anyway, this just sucks, it helps to rant about this stuff a little. I miss my wife, I'm hoping I can get a hold of someone at Navy Relief on Monday and they can get me like a loan or something so she can move out here finally. I'd try calling her right now, but it's a little late over there, hate this time difference.
Also just got back from seeing that'Zodiac' movie, was pretty good, a little on the long side, they probably could have cut some of that stuff out, but I recognize the reason for it bieng so long though, as it was a movie about the guy's obsession with the case, so we as the audience have to see that progression. A lot better than Fincher's last movie, 'Panic Room'. Well, anyways, enough of my ramblings and rantings, I'm going to go play some God Of War 2 or something.