Nov 23, 2005 19:15
so, after hearing Caitlin (aka Moogy Bear) tell us that she was finally leaving this hell hole that is Justin's Land of Pac Sun, i asked Nicole what she aspired to be when she grew up. after looking at me funny she finaly told me that she was going to school to work towards being the co-ordinator of a major concert venue, and she hoped someday to have a bar/concert venue of her own.
being myself, naturally i ran with the idea. this is what i came up with. everyone who is working at pac sun now (with the exception of the people we don't really know as well, etc) will live on the second floor of this venue. it will probably be called McNamaras, or something of the sort. Nicole will be the manager, and co-ordinator of everything. Kyle, not being happy with only being a bouncer, wants to own it and be a bar tender. that's fine with me, as long as he threatens the trouble makers while he's at it. nicole will just get drunk at night, which was fine with her, and then do paper work the next morning (more like evening when hang overs are factored in). Brianna Moon will be the shot girl. Darcie, Caitlin, me, Mikeday, Darrell, Ray, and Ishmeal will be the bar tenders. there's so many because we don't all need to work every night (we know Darrell wont). and some of us can fill in for the shot girl, etc. Ed will make sure our place passes inspection for fire code. Dan can do the web site and advertisements. and Caitlin, Meg, and i will provide the entertainment when there aren't bands playing (which there usually will be). plus Dan and Mikeday can fill in as bouncers too. i suggested Rickey too, but Nicole pointed out that he wasn't threatening, and Kyle pointed out that he;s a pussy. so it was agreed that Rickey can control the music (the hi-tech cd player). and i have just decided that Mikeday can pick the sound system and wire the whole place, because out of all of us i think he's the most capable.
but the fin is that we will all live together above the venue, and have a crazy ol' time. we can do whatever we want durning the day, i.e. make mixes to play between bands, etc. and we will decorate the place with things that mean a lot to us. i.e. mine and Caitlin's rollarderby name tags (Octopushy and Belladonna), Nicole's valore Tommy Hilfigure track suite (framed), pictures of Mana Ray Charles and Piggeh, etc.
i think as long as we form day jobs (for Dan that means playing on his lap top in photoshop all day) we will be fine! and it's not like we don't enjoy working with eachother, we just hate where we work. so take the team, just move the environment to something we'd all enjoy, and we can't go wrong. that is, if we ignore all the many things that could easily go wrong. but whatever.