Aug 12, 2005 23:58
i walk into doors a lot.
no, i litterally walk into doors a lot.
i think what it is
is that i spend a lot of time
at places that dont involve door knobs.
and even places that do
like at work, our door to the back room
we tape down the thingy so we dont have to turn the handle
when we're going into the back room.
also, my bathroom, and Anthony's bathroom,
the door knobs are broken,
so we just push and pull the door,
no need to turn the handle.
i've gotten so used to not having to turn knobs,
that when i do have to, i forget.
thus causing me to walk into a lot of doors.
i thought i broke my nose today.
i might have black eye tomorrow.
a door met my face.
it wasn't too pleasant.
on another note,
Q still has my camera.