004 -- [Action/Very Accidental Voice]

Apr 25, 2010 18:37

[It'd be hard to ignore the results of the ongoing experiment when they're so obvious. But he doesn't really use his journal that often, so it didn't seem like it would be a problem. Just in case, he stuffed it in a bag he made for picking food up from the grocery store.

[Naturally, this means that his journal has fallen out of said bag and is  ( Read more... )

might hide forever, almost made him think in emoticons, he hates this so much, !event

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[Action] markofthebrave April 26 2010, 01:40:34 UTC
[Have a castmate walking by, noticing the thought bubble above your head. She has seen plenty of these around, but just... can't... help herself. She stops and catches Longshot's eye. Then points above his head.]


[Action] nowordsrequired April 26 2010, 01:50:58 UTC
[Oh hey, Katara-]

[...Looking up now. And staring. He takes off his hat and tries to hit the thought bubble with it, but it just goes right through.]

((I hope this doesn't last long.))


[Action] markofthebrave April 26 2010, 01:53:55 UTC
Sorry. It seems to go back and forth with me. [She crosses her arms.] Makes for some awkward conversations, let me tell ya.


[Action] nowordsrequired April 26 2010, 02:07:01 UTC
[He didn't even know it had started for him until now. Which really makes him hope it wasn't doing that earlier - Longshot's not fond of the idea of people seeing his thoughts while he was walking through town.]

[He puts his hat back on his head, shifting the brim a little lower out of mild embarrassment. Yeah, he bets.]


[Action] markofthebrave April 26 2010, 02:10:20 UTC
So... [And she debates opening this topic with him, but then decides to go for it.] You know that Azula's here.


[Action] nowordsrequired April 26 2010, 02:12:08 UTC
[There's a moment's hesitation, but then he nods.]


[Action] markofthebrave April 26 2010, 02:33:55 UTC
((A quick flash of Azula bending blue fire appears over Katara's head for a moment.))

...She's not caused any problems, has she?


[Action] nowordsrequired April 26 2010, 02:47:52 UTC
[Have a very displeased and somewhat miserable look. It's more frustrated than angry, as it would be if anything had actually happened. But that would be a yes.]


[Action] markofthebrave April 26 2010, 02:51:52 UTC
[Oh no.]

What happened?


[Action] nowordsrequired April 26 2010, 02:55:41 UTC
[He wasn't really sure if he wanted to answer that or not. The thought bubbles don't really give him the option though.]

((She met Jet.))


[Action] markofthebrave April 26 2010, 03:18:11 UTC
((The word 'Jet' sets off a brief montage - and the images flicker like lightning. The way he held her as they went up to the Freedom Fighter's hideout, the look on his face when he said that he would destroy the town, him iced to the tree, how sincere he was when he tried to get her to believe him in Ba Sing Se, that one look when he said he'd be fine and finally the disastrous end of their first conversation in Luceti, and the mental image of him frozen to a wall lingers longest, to be replaced by the horrible image of him in pain, burning... and the bubble flickers out.))

[Katara crosses her arms and looks down. She's not sure she wants to hear anymore, and not sure what she wants to have happened. He was such a jerk, but... no one deserves that.] ...is he OK?


[Action] nowordsrequired April 26 2010, 03:23:45 UTC
[...It's kind of interesting seeing these things from the other end. More interesting to see someone else's view of his leader.]

[That last one didn't happen though.] He's fine.


[Action] markofthebrave April 26 2010, 03:34:44 UTC
Good. [Talking about Jet makes her feel a little sick. Which is sad because... because she'd hoped to be strong enough to get over some of those things by now.]

Be careful. She's very good.


[Action] nowordsrequired April 26 2010, 03:36:46 UTC
[Nod. He's heard. Just more reason to keep an eye on Jet.]


[Action] markofthebrave April 26 2010, 03:45:13 UTC
[She's about ready to go now, when she pauses.] Did you guys find a place to live yet?


[Action] nowordsrequired April 26 2010, 03:49:09 UTC
[Sort of a smirk - he shakes his head. They've decided not to stick to one place. Nomadic life style for them.]


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