Title: Forbidden Fruit
Pairing/Characters: Dean/Castiel, Anna
Rating: PG13
Summary: The day Castiel is ordered to kill Sam Winchester is the day he starts to fall.
Spoilers: It would help to know who Castiel is
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Notes: First SPN fic. I don't think I've got Castiel's voice quite right
The day Castiel is ordered to kill Sam Winchester is the day he starts to fall. )
Comments 7
Oh, poor Castiel! His pain is truly palpable; very intense.
The last line was a really lovely way to end it: it holds this hope that things are and will be okay. Dean and Castiel both deserve that. ^_^
I wanted to leave it very vague at the end because, at least in my mind, I enjoyed wondering about what their future would be like :D
Absolutely beautiful and so so touching♥
"Castiel cannot explain why, but he wants to hold Dean. He loves Dean far more than he should."
- THIS *heart melts*
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