Dec 04, 2007 20:54
Florida was a lot of fun. I swam well, but not as well as I wanted to swim. Still, I have no complaints, just a feeling of being unsatisfied. I am really happy with the chemistry of the group though. Everyone gets along really well (for the most part, there's a few minor exceptions) and I really liked getting to know the National Development kids (the younger group that's like the prequel to National Focus Group, my group. Mid Bott and Keegan are my favorites).
And now I'm peeved because Robbie just came in and was like, "Maddie get off the computer now, I need to get on," because he has a project that he's known about forever but as usual he put it off until the last minute. And also, he listens to music really loud when he does it, so he can't be focusing fully on his project if he's jamming out to rap, ergo it takes him longer. Rawr.
So I have to wrap this up really quickly, because Robbie gave me a 4 minute notice (who knows, maybe I'll do my precal homework.... not likely). I'll just end this on how I went to Mitchell's choir concert. I asked my mom to help me with something and she said, "I'm about to go to Mitchell's choir concert," and Mitchell said, "Maddie, you should come!" So I did. Robbie went too (Andrew took him from wrestling practice-Andrew's little brother and sister are also in choir) and my dad showed up, so once again, all the Tarantolo's were out supporting one of their own (last week was Robbie's wrestling match). It was cute, and at the end Mrs. Erk (hill music teacher) said, "Okay, we'd now like to invite any former Hill Dillos to come up here and join the choir for this last song!" So Robbie and I went up there along with some other siblings and joined in. It was silly and I cracked up, and Andrew was a buttface and wouldn't join his brothers and sister on stage! Oh well.