Friday night a couple of Ann's friends came over and we made 4 pies. Chris made 2 himself: vegan apple and pumpkin. I tried to learn while he was doing it, but I would definitely need it all written down to do it myself. The other Chris and I made all the crusts (except a graham cracker one I'd bought), which turned out OK but not great by any means. They were sort of chewy/gummy when they shouldn't have been and it was hard to know how long to cook them for. We think the oven reads higher than its real temperature too, because most of the pies took a lot longer to cook than they should have. Ann and Chris made the blueberry custard pie w/o meringue topping and I took parts/ideas from several recipes and made brandied gingersnap pumpkin pie using the storebought graham cracker crust. I've been eating it with homemade whipped cream (/butter - I just have a handmixer thingy that makes it very thick and not very fluffy) and chopped crystallized ginger. I still have ingredients for SEVERAL more pies, so people should come bake with me.
Saturday night we went to see BB King at Heinz, but I was sleep deprived and kept dozing off. Plus it was really long. I didn't know most of the songs, but it was cool when they did "When Love Comes to Town" and he talked about Bono and U2. He kept talking about how old he was, and talked a lot in general. He also put his hands over his heart a lot, a gesture that lost its impact for me the more he did it. Exhausted though I was, after the concert I started watching James' dvds of Highlander's Season 2 <3 <3 <3.
Sunday I meant to go to the 108 sun salutations class and stay for a video on the internal experience of yoga but didn't. I wound up going to MoJoe's with Marieke and working on books and my purse and staying through my first Brad Yoder show, which was very good. I thought a lot of the songs sounded very similar, but I really liked at least 2 of them and it made for a nice, cozy atmosphere (aided by the fact that the heat was working again).
Monday the news showed
this video that my mom emailed me of a crazy Christmas lights display. Check it out!
Tuesday I decided not to wait toil I quit my job here and move home to start doing worthwhile things with my time and my life. I'm going to enroll (if they accept me) in Yoga on Centre's teacher training program starting in January. I will gladly accept donations or gifts to help cover that cost =). I also found
this cool site with tons of volunteer opportunities. Since my preschool families keep not calling me for babysitting or to hang out (to my bitter sorrow) I am hoping to find a way to volunteer with small children. I miss them and their learning explosion and their openness and curiosity and playing and vulnerability and trustingness and smallness, and the emotions and feelings about myself that come from interacting with all those qualities. I haven't found such a thing yet, but I've responded to a couple opportunities, one with Brad Yoder's tutoring program and another to teach life skills to women. There's apparently tons of ways to volunteer and do things that resemble social work, which I have been potentially interested in as a job and all kinds of other socially or humanitarianly valuable. Not that I have time to do more on top of work, yoga, and crafting, and keeping my life, belongings, and responsibilities in order.. but I do watch more TV now than I think I ever have in my life..