Alright. So here's a real update.
- Today is May 1st, which means. That theres 26 days left until schools over. 20 actual school days.
- I'm thinking about getting rid of all of my friends. Yes I know SHOCKING. But I think its time for a change. Especially because I have seem to been dropping "friends" like people should be dropping bad habbits.
- I am going to be home schooled for 10th grade. So I was be taking my classes online at FLVS.COM.
- I
know I know. "You'll be lacking social skills, and communication."
"You'll become a lazy fatass that sits on the computer all day."
SADLY: It is for me to admit I DONT HAVE TRUE FRIENDS ANYMORE. So me going to school now, I'm not communicating with anything. Nor am I complaining about it because I really! dont! give a flying fuck!
Anyways: I THINK I
might be a lesbian. This could be good and bad? I dont really know yet,
or for sure think/agree/are sure about. SOOOOO WHAT-THE FUCK-EVER.
Gonna go take a shower good night everyone.