Mar 29, 2006 08:27
So...Devins mom woke me up at 5 this morning to ask me if i would take the dead/decaying fox to the dumpster for her, because no one else (there are to males that live here mind you.)would.SO IT WAS POURING DOWN RAIN, AND I DID IT.Eat ur heart out macho men!im sure my day will end like all my other days, play videogames until i can do it no more and go to sleep at 8:30. I feel like an old woman. Dont get me wrong i love Devin but some changes are going to ahve to be made....i think starting today.
love always,
ps my dream was weird!
I was at a picnic/scavanger hunt with friends from church at this camping /ancien ruins thing and we had to shoot animals to win and i was like "no way im not down with that" so i went into this abandoned cave with lots of flowers and crap inside and when i came out i was kidnapped by this pod of whales and this portly girl who wanted to be a whale (they were performing a ritual to become a whale on her) but she created a distraction so i swam but all of a sudden i noticed that i was minnie mouse... then devins mom came in.